Kang Qin hung up the phone angrily. He was stunned and hesitated to replay it.

It's not that I'm afraid of offending sparrow boat, but Guangyuan's current situation really requires the power of politicians to break the speech, otherwise the citizens will take the money away, what kind of bank can it be?

Kang Yingmao knocked on the door and came in with toiletries and breakfast. "Second miss, please have something first."

Kang chin looked up. "Are there any citizens outside?"

"It's a little bit, but it's much better than it was yesterday."

"Brother young, please bring me a copy of today's newspaper."

Kang Yingmao hesitated to answer: "Miss wait a moment, I will get it."

"Thank you."

She took towels and other things to wash in the bathroom. When she came back, the newspaper was already on the desk. She picked it up and looked at it. As expected, there was news that the Bank of Guangyuan received the cash truck at night and adjusted the interest rate. This report describes the good situation of Kang's family at present, which is generally positive and optimistic. However, Kang's director does not return for a long time, and the fact that Kang's daughter has been dormant for many years to replace his elder brother in charge of the bank has been rendered vividly.

Kang Qin smiled bitterly, which made her a man with deep intention.

Sitting there eating breakfast and looking at other pages at will, the news of Dong's enterprise's opening accounts for most of the time. There are also pictures of Dong Shiyuan's mature and experienced, which is called the most beautiful entrepreneur in Singapore. In addition, the successor of the Shen family of the ship finally has a trace since the Qinggang incident, and the other secret that was seriously injured in the hospital has been written into suspense by the editor of the newspaper office.

Before he finished eating, Kang Yingmao suddenly rushed in, "second miss, Miss Lily, who I sent someone to stare at earlier, is moving."

"What's going on?" Kangqin stood up and looked excited.

"After the closure of Jiangtai restaurant, she was looking for a business in a bar on West Street. It was nothing unusual, but people watching her found that she frequently went to room 706 of the new liger hotel.

At first, there was no problem for the wine lady to go to the hotel, but the people in room 706 had never been exposed. Besides, Miss Lily went several times a day, with food. The cleaner in the hotel said that the room would never have any room service. "

Kangqin frowned. "The new liger hotel is opened by the British. It's not convenient."

"Yes, that's what makes it difficult."

Kang chin looked at him and said, "I'll see her."

Kang Yingmao said "wait a minute", then looked into the corridor and closed the door.

"Why is it so mysterious?" Kangqin doesn't understand.

"Second miss, I have something to tell you. My people came to the news that Miss Lily had recently visited the clinic on the West Street frequently and found out that she was pregnant. "

"When you are pregnant, you will have..." Kang Qin's heart froze, and asked unbelievably, "what do you say, she is pregnant?"

Kang Yingmao nodded solemnly.

Her voice quivered. "Whose is it?"

Kang Yingmao replied, "it should be the master's. Since she was sent to the young master by Jiang Yongwang, although she still went to Jiangtai restaurant, she never received any other guests. I asked the former staff of Jiangtai restaurant. Besides, she came to the bank to look for the young master a few days ago. She was very worried. "

Kang Qin walked around in his heart and said: "what can Kang Shuhong do now! If the child is really his, how can his sister-in-law bear the stimulation? According to mother's nature, we must take the child home. "

"Second miss, don't worry. She hasn't found the mansion yet?"

"Sooner or later! I saw that woman two days ago. She looked angry when she stepped on the high and looked down. If she really had Kang Shuhong's children, she would not miss this opportunity. "

Kang Qin thought more and more firmly, "this woman is used by Yan soming and Jiang Yongwang to confuse Kang Shuhong. What kind of good person can she be? How can she fit into our Kang family! By the way, what did you say she was looking for a clinic to do? "

"It seems that I'm asking about baby insurance. I heard that the baby's heart rate is unstable." Kang Yingmao said, "if you go to see her, you may be asked by her to raise the issue of children."

"Ask me?" Kang Qinxin then pushed the newspaper in front of him, "I don't agree with Kang Shuhong. It's better to find anyone in the Kang family than me. However, this matter really can't stir the house. Let me think about it carefully. "

Outside the door came the Secretary's call: "miss two, manager Kang."

"Come in." "What's the matter?" Kangqin asked, looking at people

Secretary face dew surprise, "two Miss, sea Shen family came, said to save money."

Kang Qin heart does not understand: "save money?"

Kang Yingmao was also surprised and couldn't believe it. "Did you hear me right? Now someone else would like to come to our bank to deposit money? "

"I'm sure I heard it right. I came here claiming to be the second master of the Shen family. I saw his picture in the newspaper. It's him. The Shen family carried many boxes. Each box was heavy. I don't know whether it was money or gold. It was a big customer, manager Kang. " The secretary was excited.

Kang Yingmao and Kang Qinxin said: "the Shen family used to have deposits in our bank, but they were more willing to go to international banks in the past, such as Britain, France and the United States. They had no special relationship with Guangyuan."

"It's Shen Junlan who wakes up."

Kangqin was clear-minded and said with the secret book, "take me to see the second master of Shen family." Then she turned around and explained with Kang Yingmao.

Kang Yingmao used to pick up the phone and dial an internal line.

Shen Yinghao, the second master of the Shen family, and his elder brother are very different in age. They are only forty. They are rigid and serious. I heard that they are tough on the following personality, but they love Shen Junlan, the only nephew.

When he saw Kang Qinxin, he looked at him, as if he was evaluating something, and he didn't wait for Kang Qinxin to say hello. He said: "it turns out that the rumors outside are true. After Kang's son was in trouble, the bank was presided over by Miss Kang er. Miss Kang is worthy of being the granddaughter of governor Ye. She has such ability at a young age. No wonder she can save Junlan outside the hospital

This is a boast, but with his eyes, how can Kang Qinxin hear it. Her face was still, and she said, "I've seen Lord Shen er. I'm sorry for your praise. My father hasn't returned. I just came to the bank to help him. "

"Miss Kang doesn't have to be modest. The last thing our Shen family wants is to owe people. Since you have saved Junlan, the 500000 cash and gold bars will be deposited in your bank, hoping to solve the urgent need of the Kang family." His face was serious and his eyes were sharp and precise, as if he wanted to see people's hearts.

Kangqinxin beckons, arranges people and Shen's family to hand over the money into the storehouse, and replies with Shen Yinghao, "thank you very much for Shen er's help."

She took over such a large amount of money so quickly, which surprised Shen Yinghao. She squinted and said, "Miss Kang is such a pleasant person."

"The second master Shen escorts it personally. How can Qin Xin betray your kindness? If you refuse, will you not give the Shen family face. Besides, it's money saving. Naturally, there are rules and regulations. Why should I push customers out of the door? Other banks will give Shen family some profit. We will give it to Kang family. " Kangqin looks at the past with a smile.

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