Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2015 find another way

Kang asked Shen Yinghao to go to the office to talk about the contract.

As soon as Fu sat down, Shen Yinghao said in a deep voice: "Miss Kang Er, you know that our Shen family's business life is always changing on the sea. Sometimes it's hard to avoid the need for capital emergency. It's impossible to save such a large amount of money on a regular basis. To say the wrong thing, Guangyuan bank has not yet achieved the goal of being an international bank, and its partners are all domestic brands. Although the scale is not small, our partners in maritime transportation are all over the world, so it is inconvenient to put money in your bank. If it's not for Mr. Lan's request, I can think of other ways to thank Ms. Kang, so please draw up a new contract. "

"Master Shen means that although the money has been deposited today, it is uncertain which day it will be used for emergency, so it should be flexible, right?" Kang Qin's heart is light and direct.

Shen Yinghao nodded, "we can help Miss Kang. I think Miss Kang won't embarrass the Shen family, right?"

"It's natural." Kang Qin, with a good heart, turned to Kang Yingmao and told him to "change the current contract and give it to the Shen family at the regular interest rate for half a year."

Kang Yingmao nodded his head and didn't go out. Shen Yinghao said, "Miss Kang, what do you mean if you don't take it in half a year?"

"Don't worry, master Shen." Kang Qin smiled and said politely: "I've heard about the sea transportation business. It's a bit uncertain. But now you can send this fund to the bank, and you must have left enough working capital. The regulations I added for not taking money in half a year are only for the current situation of Kangshi bank. After all, the bank is now in turmoil. Your money is like a long dry rain. I will not hide it from you. Your money is put into storage today, which means that it will be taken away tomorrow. If Lord Shen says to take money in an emergency, what should we do? "

It's not that I don't trust the Shen family, but after a long time with Ye Xiu, Kangqin's heart inevitably has more eyes. Otherwise, when it comes to that time, people will not talk about your friendship. Shen Yinghao looked at her and suddenly smiled, saying meaningfully: "Miss Kang is so farsighted that even the Shen family has enough money left in a short time. It's natural that Shen is here to help your bank. Then, according to miss Kang's idea, she won't do it for half a year."

"Thank you, master Shen for understanding." Kangqin felt grateful and asked, "I don't know whether master Shen is OK?"

"Junlan is awake. I'm sorry to hear that the guard department asked you about it at the Kang's house."

Shen Yinghao said at the end of the speech: "Miss Kang and our family's Royal Orchid have a lot of predestination. It's time to get to know her well when she's well."

Kangqin is not sure.

After seeing Shen Yinghao off, Kang Yingmao couldn't help saying: "are you too thoughtful, miss two? The Shen family is so sincere to help. If they will make malicious access, they won't come here at all." Kang Qinxin sat there and drank water. "You take me as a villain's heart. I always feel that this Shen Er master is not simple, and his actions and words are too profound. You can see that he came to thank me for saving his nephew, but at the beginning of the conversation, he asked Shen Junlan for nothing but a few words, and there was also a sense of dissatisfaction about putting money into Guangyuan. I was very sad to hear that. "

"But with this money, at least other families can be reassured. Anyway, the Shen family did the bank a big favor. By the way, miss, when did you meet Master Shen? "

"When I visited my aunt, I met Shen Junlan outside the hospital. You don't have to be a liar. I can stand Shen family's affection. Five hundred thousand yuan is put into the bank. Shen Junlan is worth this price. "

"Is the photo just arranged to be taken still useful?" Kang Yingmao hesitated.

Kang Qin thought to himself and said, "send it to the newspaper. With the great benefits of Shen family, there is no harm in propaganda. The Shen family pays attention to the public image and will be happy to see it. " "So good, Shen family is famous for their shrewdness. If it wasn't for miss you to save master Shen's family, I would be very worried if such a large sum of money was suddenly sent to me for fear of fraud. Now we have reported the voluntary support of the Shen family, not to mention that we can let others see Kang's contacts and prevent the Shen family from turning against us. "

"Well, you can calculate the interest according to the other banks they just said." Although Kang Qinxin said this, he was grateful for Shen Junlan's kindness in the end. "With the two funds of Switzerland and Shen family, the bank situation should be OK. After things settle down a little, Yingmao brother will buy something for me and send it to Pei's hospital

to visit Shen Junlan."

Kang Yingmao asked, "the Shen family is such a big spender. Miss Shen doesn't go to see Master Shen in person?"

"I don't want to go. If mom knows it and wants to talk more, it's better for you to go for me." Kang Qinxin continued, "go ahead and get busy. I'll call again. You can also ask yuan fan about the situation in Kaitai."

Kang Yingmao answered and quit the office.

Kang Qinxin continues to call Si quefang. Song Hezhen's tone is helpless. Before he hung up, she said, "I don't want to find you. I want to find you."

Song he really did not understand, "what can I do for you, Miss Kang?"

The sparrow boat at the desk looked at him.

"Ask if you have arranged for a vacation and come out to have coffee. Do you think the song adjutant will be rewarded?"

Song he Zhen carefully looked at Si quefang's face. "Miss Kang, you are in trouble. I can't help missing you." Kangqinxin explained seriously, "I'm not trying to embarrass you, I'm really looking for you to drink coffee. Last time you had coffee with me for half a day in Yonghua lane, because you were ordered to stand for so long, I was very upset. If it's a fine day today,

it's a friend invitation. "

Song Hezhen was very embarrassed. "Last time, Miss Kang didn't have to worry about anything. I have something else to do, and I don't have time to have coffee with you. Please ask Miss Kang to ask someone else."

"Adjutant song, are you refusing me?"

Song Hezhen only felt that the eyes of his eyes were on his back, and he lowered his head and said, "I don't have time."

Kangqin is very persistent. "How can we not have time? I don't think you have any job, just let the secretary who is the second youngest in your family do the work of answering the phone. You say that you are good at all things, and how much talent you need to be an operator. "

Song he Zhen congealed and choked. Knowing that he could not speak of her, he had to say, "two little secretaries are not needed."

Kang Qin doesn't care much about it.

"There's nothing else for Miss Kang. I'll go first." Song Hezhen feels that this phone call is inexplicable, which makes him uncomfortable.

"No." Kang Qinxin then asked, "when are you free, song adjutant? Doesn't Si que Fang give you a holiday? Isn't it better to be skinny than those private-sector capitalists, and even the soldiers have to rest. " Song Hezhen didn't know where to look. He begged his aunt to stop talking and hang up. As a result, there was no call, but Sparrow Fang finally reached out and asked him for the microphone.

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