Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2016 scholar meets soldier

"Miss Kang" came from the other side of the phone. Kang Qin, with a slight eyebrow, adjusted the gesture of holding the phone and said with a smile, "it's the second junior of the company. Are you finished?"

"What can I do for you?" the sparrow boat asked without expression

Kangqin thought to herself and replied, "I don't have anything important to do. Would you like to take a half day off for the Deputy song?"

"Oh?" "Miss Kang is going to invite him to have coffee?" asked song Hezhen, who stood upright beside her

"Yes, it's good to see a movie after drinking coffee. Otherwise, what's your advice?" Her tone was too relaxed, but she didn't have the sense of urgency that she was so busy with her family affairs. She was so indifferent that she didn't believe it. "I don't know when you two got to know each other like this. Miss Kang is really extraordinary. Now I have time to invite my younger subordinates to have coffee and watch movies."

Song Hezhen was even more restless and frightened. Every time he called himself "Ben Shao", he began to put on airs. Kang Qinxin was also happy to carry him, and said: "with the blessing of two young people, a muddleheaded account in Guangyuan bank is waiting for the aftermath. I'm just a weak woman. If I don't think I can help you, I'll have to spend my leisure time."

"Miss Kang is modest." Listen to her words and blame, sparrow Fang smiled as she wished. "I read today's newspaper. Miss Kang is so intelligent that she can take advantage of Swiss bank to solve the crisis. Now, she is in the mood to drink coffee and watch movies.

again? Kang Qin's heart is a straightforward person. This way of Taiji communication is really not suitable for her. After all, she can't help saying: "it's not caused by the news you let the major media release? Although I have some psychological preparation, I can't bear the fact that you have charged Kang Shuhong with such a crime. The president of Kang's Bank is responsible for the felony of buying and selling morphine. What do you think of Kang's family and how do you trust Kang's family again? Naturally, I will not rest assured that the money will continue to exist in our bank, do you think so? "

"I underestimated the media's response to this matter. Please forgive the inconvenience to your bank."

He said it up and down, and the words of apology are easy to pinch. But Kangqin's heart is to ask questions. How could he be so kind?

She thought about the wording and said, "since it's a mistake, I don't know if I would like to clarify this misunderstanding for our bank to the public?"

The sparrow boat didn't make a sound for a long time.

Kang Qin felt a little uneasy and said gently, "you and I are all Chinese compatriots. Even if we are in a foreign country, we can't talk about cooperation and support, but it's not good to suppress each other, right?"

"What does Miss Kang mean by that?" "It's not easy for everyone to earn the present situation in Singapore. My father also worked hard for many years to make Guangyuan and Kaitai have the present situation. But now the citizens have taken money from our bank in succession, and they haven't considered how they will settle the money after they take the cash? It's bound to flow to international banks. " Kang Qin stressed his interests in his heart. "I think that when the Allied forces of the eight powers invaded China, even if things were over, it was a national shame after all. Second, as soldiers, they must have a stronger sense of honor and humiliation for their country. Would they like to watch our money flow into their pockets and promote their economic development? Two young people said to me that they would be aggrieved by Kang's family. For the sake of the prosperity and peace of the Chinese community, Kang's family would also be happy to sacrifice. We don't mention Kang's injury and reputation. We just say that the interests of Kang's Bank are damaged too deeply, and can't be recovered in the future. It's not only Kang's family, but also the whole Chinese community that is aggrieved. After all, as far as Singapore is concerned, there is no second Chinese bank as perfect as Kangshi. Second, it's better for the citizens to continue to trust Kangshi than other banks? At least

Kangjia's banks are connected with domestic enterprises and banks, all of which cooperate with domestic interests. Even if the funds are transferred out and flowing, they also promote the domestic economy. "

"Miss Kang, you are very persuasive." Enjoy the language of sparrow boat.

His tone was loose. Kangqin was very happy and tried to control his excitement. He said calmly, "that's why you are so sensible. If you change a soldier who can't speak, you may not be able to listen to me."

"When a scholar meets a soldier, does Miss Kang call herself a scholar?"

"Kang Qin heart to say:" two less literate and martial arts, is not only understand the Mangfu The pleasant words are very useful. The sparrow boat is in a good mood and asks her, "what do you want me to do to clarify the misunderstanding of the citizens? Now the morphine case has not progressed. It is impossible to release your brother or clarify his charges. " "It's natural. I'm not going to make it difficult." "Kang Shuhong has resigned from the post of bank president, and I will ask my father to issue a solemn statement through the media as the bank president," Kang said. I'm now in the headquarters of Guangyuan bank. If I'm free, I can come and sit down. "

"By the way, I'll save some money for your bank to promote the economy of Kangjia, right?" "When the citizens see that our Secretary can put their money in, they will naturally rest assured that they will keep it, won't they?"

"Two less wise." Kang Qinxin continued: "by the way, the morphine thing is not helpless. Last time, I mentioned the woman in Xiangshan apartment with ER Shao. Do you remember?"

"Do you have any clue?" asked sparrow Fang

"Let's talk about it later."

Sparrow Fang asked with a smile, "since you have a clue in your hand, you can come here to exchange my support for your bank. Why didn't you say it in the morning?"

After a pause, Kangqin said with a smile, "I think Er Shao is a reasonable person. The benefits of supporting Kangshi bank outweigh the disadvantages. You will be willing to give your support, but I don't want to define your righteousness in the form of transaction."

"I'll see you in half an hour," she said

"Waiting for you."

Things went well. Kang Qinxin was very happy. After drinking a glass of water, he called his father to explain the current situation of the bank. He asked him to issue a statement with seal.

Kang Yu asked about her situation, and Kang Qinxin also answered truthfully, "now that the difficulties in the bank have passed, Dad, you can rest assured."

"You can think of looking for the Swiss bank for emergency response, and you can also know the importance of the government's statement. It's very good to do things calmly and comprehensively. Qin Xin, it seems that you have learned something from your little uncle before. "

"Thank you for your praise. In fact, it's mainly because the secretary is willing to cooperate. At least they believe that Kang Shuhong is innocent. Otherwise, the daughter will not give face even if she breaks the sky."

"It's very useful what you said to the second generation of the Secretary's family. It's useless to negotiate with the Secretary's family only on the basis of human feelings. They will help voluntarily on the basis of national justice. " When he got the praise, Kangqin was in a good mood. When he went to find kangyingmao, he was still smiling.

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