From now on, she ordered, the branches of the bank will be open as usual.

Although Kang Yingmao hesitated, he continued to explain.

"Brother Yingmao, you have a phone call with Yuan fan and say that the headquarters will send a batch of funds to them in the afternoon."

Kang Yingmao wanted to persuade him. The situation in Guangyuan is much worse than that in Kaitai.

Kang Qinxin smiled and said confidently, "after a while, we will have no use for any more money in the bank." She looked at the secretary next to her, "secretary Zhu, is the reporter outside still there?"

Secretary Zhu replied sadly, "miss two, the reporters have never left, one after another."

"Go and invite the reporters to the lounge and send them some water and food. It's tired enough to squat outside our Guangyuan bank. It's not good for them to suffer from hunger and thirst again. "

Secretary Zhu nodded.

"Is there anyone in room 706 of the new liger hotel?" Kang asked

Kang Yingmao nodded. "Sure someone. We searched for the garbage that Miss Lily brought out of the hotel. There must be someone else living in it."

"That's good." After thinking about it for a while, kangqinxin said: "I'd like to ask you to go and stare in person. Don't let the people go. Such a mysterious person dare not even reveal his face, even if it is not strict and clear, it is also shameful. "

"Did the second Miss decide to enter the hotel and catch people?"

Kangqin shakes his head. "It's a British Hotel. How can I get in there and catch people, and why?"

"Is that what the lady wants?" Kang Yingmao didn't understand that the situation in the bank was just a little better. In this way, many people gathered outside. At this critical juncture, he was also asked to personally follow the hotel room where he didn't know who was inside?

He is not at ease to leave.

Kangqinxin looked at him and said: "I can't go in and catch people, but someone can. Brother Ying Mao, you can go first. The bank will be back to normal later. I'll ask secretary Zhu if there's anything I can do. Just watch people for me. Even if there is no one in it, Lily certainly knows a lot of information. "

"Lily has always been accompanied by a companion."

Kang Qin nodded, "go first."

After the meeting, secretary Zhu came back, Kang Qinxin told her to prepare tea, and told the staff in the bank to pick up their images.

Secretary Zhu, an assistant to Kang Yingmao, was puzzled. "Miss two, is manager Kang out?"

"Well, I have something else to do with him." Kang Qinxin takes her to check the number of points in the warehouse, takes two steps, turns around and asks, "by the way, what about your secretary general?"

"Since the president's accident, Secretary General Yang hasn't come to work for many days. It seems that he has delivered his resignation letter to the manager." Secretary Zhu has a lighter voice.

Kang Qin's heart sneered, "hum," in the critical period of the bank, he ran fast

Secretary Zhu didn't make a sound.

"Is there anyone else who has resigned besides him?"

"Every day, not to mention other departments, just the Secretary Department, except for me, there are only two or three people left. There are several domestic and overseas directors who have run away. "

Kang Qin stood on his feet and asked calmly, "what about those resignation letters?"

"The manager is angry and hasn't approved yet."

"I'll go to the money bank and have a look. You can bring all the resignation letters and your manager's seal by the way. He doesn't approve, I approve. "

Although Kang Qinxin does not have a clear position in the bank, the identity of Kang's daughter is here. Since Kang Shuhong's accident, it was her and Kang Yingmao who were dealing with it. If chairman Kang didn't show up, it was obvious that he acquiesced to his daughter as the person in charge. Secretary Zhu didn't hesitate at all, so he went to the manager's office.

She came over with a stroking resignation letter, Kang Qinxin signed the wall of the warehouse, and asked secretary Zhu to seal one by one, "let them come to the bank to take it back. In addition, you should tell the Secretariat to post the recruitment inspiration. "

Because secretary Zhu followed Kang Yingmao and used to work for Kang Qinxin, he was unavoidably familiar with him, so he said, "now the bank is like this, can you recruit people?"

"There is still a ups and downs in the business of other enterprises. However, the bank is in a little trouble and will soon pass." Kang Qinxin closed the pen and added: "yesterday I just came to the people who were taking money from outside. I neglected the bank staff. Now people are distracted. It's really not easy for you to stick to your post. Tell me to go on. From this month on, I will double everyone's salary and do it well. "

Seeing her confident appearance, secretary Zhu could not restrain his happiness even if he had more doubts in his heart. "Second miss, you are welcome. If the bank is difficult, of course we can't leave."

Kangqin appreciated her a few words.

When an assistant came, "second miss, the phone number of the manor lady."

"You tell my wife that I'm busy. I'll go back for dinner at night. I don't have to wait for me at noon."

I don't need to know what my mother will ask. It's nothing more than reading about Kang Shuhong. Kangqinxin raises his hand and looks at his watch. Time is coming.

Before the sparrow boat arrived, Wei Xinrong and Dong Shiyuan came one after another. They all heard that Guangyuan had difficulty in transferring funds to deposit for bank emergency.

In fact, Kang Qinxin doesn't like to bother her relatives and friends. Even if they are like Ye Xiu, they are rejected by her. She doesn't like to involve the family business in the interpersonal relationship, otherwise both the Ye family and the Wei family can completely help the Kang family through this difficulty, she just doesn't want to find relatives for help.

But in such a situation of Kang family, it's really rare for them to send money.

Wei Xinrong put away his usual appearance of hanging his son's pawn, and said seriously: "cousin, you can tell me if there is a lack of working capital in the bank. I don't know how much we have in Ye's family, but there is still cash to support your bank for ten and a half days. I heard from my aunt that you didn't go back to the manor last night, so you stopped here? "

He looked around, and his eyes were aching. "How can this be a place for girls to rest? Must be tired? Now that you have money, don't be busy, just let Yingmao watch. You can go home and take a bath and have a good sleep. "

"Thank you for your kindness. It's not as hard as you said. I didn't stay up all night here. Moreover, the situation in the bank has been solved, which is not a big deal, so there is no trouble for you, cousin. "

Kang Qinxin's tone was relaxed, and he looked at Dong Shiyuan. "So are you, Shiyuan. The company has just opened and is sure to be busy with many things. How can you come back?"

"Qin Xin, you didn't tell me that you were dealing with the business in the bank during the ribbon cutting ceremony yesterday. I'm sorry to let you take the time to go." Dong Shiyuan held her hand. "Has the bank really solved it now?"

"Well, it's settled."

Kang Qin's heart reassured the two of them. As soon as they left, there was the sound of cars and walking.

Secretary Zhu rushed in. "Miss two, the second son of the Secretary's family is here."

"I'll go now, and you'll call for someone to entertain my cousin and friends."

Wei Xinrong stood up, his face surprised: "the second son of the Secretary's family? That's your brother's Sparrow boat. What does he do? No, I have to see. "

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