Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2018 nicknames

Wei Xinrong quarrels to see Si quefang, and Kang Qinxin is embarrassed to leave Dong Shiyuan alone in the lounge. As a result, they all go together.

The identity of Si quefang came to the bank to save money by himself, obviously with deep meaning. The media and passers-by could not help but sigh.

He was also happy to cooperate. After shaking hands with Kang Qinxin, he said a few words of admiration and trust to Kang, and ordered the adjutant to direct his subordinates to send the money to the bank vault.

He seemed to be completing the task, with a serious attitude and a straight posture, and he was allowed to look at all the way.

The family's soldiers are stationed inside and outside the bank. With them, the bank is in good order. The lobby manager who told us earlier personally asked the citizens to get money in line. No one dared to shout again.

Si quefang followed Kang Qinxin all the way to the president's office, sat down and said: "there are many customers here, Miss Kang. I want to come to Guangyuan bank with good business and contacts."

He looked to Wei Xinrong and Dong Shiyuan.

Kang Qinxin made an introduction.

Dong Shiyuan was alive. Knowing the position of the Secretary's family in Singapore, she hurriedly came forward and said with a smile, "I've heard the reputation of the two young people for a long time, and I'm glad to meet you."

Sparrow Fang did not take her handshake, but said to Kangqin, "your friend is a bit like you."

What do you mean by this?

congrats to him as much as you do?

Kang Qinxin recalls the scene when he first met him. At that time, he was full of anger because he was dissatisfied with what the Secretary family did to Ye's gambling house. The atmosphere was even more tense, and even moved his hand. It's different from Shiyuan now.

His tone of yin and Yang is really not easy to respond, so he laughs awkwardly

Dong Shiyuan silently takes back her hand and stands there, not knowing how to deal with herself. Obviously, Si quefang doesn't want to communicate with her. She looks to her friends.

Kang Qinxin's eyes have fallen on Wei Xinrong with Si quefang. She secretly tells them what happened to the two men. One is too enthusiastic and the other is motionless. She must be waiting for the other party's response. She thinks that this is Si quefang's help to Kang, so she urges her cousin.

Wei Xinrong seems to have just regained his mind, looking at her and deliberately saying: "be careful, what can I do for my cousin?"

Kang Qin's heart sinks down. The name "Xiao, Xin, er"

Kang Qin's heart stares at Wei Xinrong and keeps winking.

Wei Xinrong still didn't want to understand. He asked her grandly what happened to her eyes.

Kang Qin is puzzled. The Wei family and the Si family have made friends with the government. It was not uncommon in the past.

Cousin, don't wait for you to say hello. "

"Oh, oh."

Wei Xinrong then looked at Si quefang and said, "Er Shao, I heard that you have arrested Kang Shuhong. Now how is your interrogation?

since you can come to Kang's, I think it's not serious. Please let it go early after the trial. My aunt is waiting for him to go home."

"If the case is clear, there will be a conclusion."

Sparrow boat ambiguous answer, said: "Prince Wei is very concerned about the Kang family."

"It's natural.

Kang Shuhong has left the bank mess to my cousin. He doesn't care. I do. "

Wei Xinrong's words also made eyes and brows at Kang Qin's heart.

Kangqin doesn't understand what happened to him today.

At this time, Si quefang suddenly said: "Miss Kang, didn't you say you wanted to invite me to have coffee?"

I don't see any problems in the bank, your troubles should be solved. "

Kang Qin subconsciously looked at Song Hezhen beside him.

Song Hezhen hurriedly avoided the sight.

When she turned around, Dong Shiyuan said, "Qin Xin, I have something else to do, so I'll go first.

If there's one in the bank that doesn't work, please call me. "

Kang chin nodded in his heart, "be careful on the way."

And called secretary Zhu to take her out.

"Well, I'll go first if I don't talk too much."

Wei Xinrong shook his head and patted Kang Qinxin on the shoulder again when he approached her. "I went here specially, remember to invite me to dinner."

"I see."

Seeing that they were all gone, the sparrow boat said seriously, "can miss Kang talk to me about the progress now"

"then please move less, please. Let's change places."

Seeing that he was still looking at himself, Kang Qinxin smiled again: "there is an Italian Cafe on Xinli Avenue, and I would like to have a try at least."

Si quefang thought of the reporters at the door of the bank just now, squinted and said: "I'd love to come."

Since he came to help Kang to deal with the pressure of public opinion, he did his best. When he got out of the bank, he personally sent Kang Qinxin to get on the car. Then he made a detour to the other side, deliberately telling reporters and onlookers: "go to the cafe on Xinli Avenue."

The motorcade left in a mighty way.

Kangqin thought to look back, and was reminded by the sparrow boat beside him, "don't look, pat it."

Kang Qin sat up straight and said, "thank you today."

"But I'm not sure what kind of news you and I will get."

Looking at her from the side of the sparrow boat, she was very interested: "it's hard to pick the news with me."

"Even if you don't make a statement for the government, the citizens will feel more at ease. It can break the rumour that Kangxi bank will go bankrupt and close down, and ease their fear and worry. This method is the most effective at present, isn't it?"

Kangqin Xin doesn't want to talk with him about the rumors of private news“ You and my cousin have met before "

" several times in government activities. "

She asked again, "there is a festival"

"it's not a festival, he hates that I attracted his dance partner that day without a sound."

No wonder Wei Xinrong doesn't give a good face. It turns out that's still the case.

Kangqin is curious: "silent"


"I don't even know that woman," said sparrow Fang, smiling. "I left your cousin to come to me, and I didn't take care of her. I was remembered and hated for nothing. How innocent she was

your cousin is also unreasonable. She can't control her own woman, but she remembers to hate others for their excellence."

It's a tone that needs beating.

Kangqinxin doesn't want to talk.

"I heard that you also saved the young master of Shen family"

"please do me a favor."

"No wonder the Shen family sent so much money to your bank. Miss Kang is very good at it.

According to your face, he Chou has no money to deal with emergency. How to call me again and again "

" that's different. It's an accident to save Shen Junlan.

What's more, no matter the Shen family or the Wei family, no amount of money can be sent here without you. The image of the government and the military that you bring with you is the best medicine for people's stability.

What's more, it's a whole thing for you. Isn't it more appropriate to ask you to come here "

" be reasonable. "

Although the sparrow boat said this, but the crooked lips exposed a good mood, it was obvious that the words were very pleasant to listen to.

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