Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2020 what else to wait for

Back at the manor, Wei Xinrong was also found by accident.

Kangqin was surprised and said, "don't you have to go to the company now? My uncle connived you to be lazy?"

Wei Xinrong is talking with Ye Wu. Hearing this, he lengthens his voice and asks, "why did you come back so soon? He fought so many battles and went to the bank to pick you up. I thought you would not come back until it was dark."

"When it's over, it's over. How can I not understand what you said?"

Kang Qin's heart turned to look at Ye Wu and said softly, "Mom, did sister go to the orphanage?"

"Yes, I went out early in the morning.

You said that something so big happened at home. You were so busy that you didn't go home last night. How could she have the heart to help your aunt? "

Leaf Charm rare words took blame, stood up to her, eyes concern, "mind, haven't you had lunch yet?

I asked aunt Zhu to heat up the food for you. "

"No, I'm not hungry."

Kang Qin comforted her. "Sister works in aunt's office and signs a work contract, which is different from the nature of helping when she was free in the past. Can't she stop if there's something at home?"?

Sister a is not such a character. "

Hearing her speaking for her eldest daughter, ye Wu still didn't agree with her, "there are so many people in your aunt's orphanage, and your sister is not missing.

Besides, your father is not here, and Yulan is in the hospital again. Last night, you didn't even come back. Mom was worried about staying at home alone. How good would ah Rou stay at home with me?

Alas, I don't expect how she is outside. I agree that she will go to work in the orphanage for fear that she will always think about the past people and things at home. As a result, I am so happy that I don't care about my family.

If she has this heart and goes to the bank to help you, mom will be happy to see you. "

Kangqin's heart laughs, holding her and then sits down and says, "sister a is not familiar with the bank. Don't embarrass her."

"How can I embarrass her?

Don't you also learn slowly? I always feel that the orphanage is located in the suburb, which is too remote. It's so frustrating to go back and forth every day?

She really does not want to stay at home every day, and let Yingmao arrange a secretary 's job for her in the bank, so that she can easily stay close to home, OK? "

Kang Qin smiled bitterly. "Sister has her own ideas. Mom, you want her to be happy."

Wei Xinrong also said, "yes, aunts, cousins and cousins have ideas, so don't worry about it, just be happy."

"What do I still enjoy in this situation?

Shuhong is locked. Ah Rou's business has no score. Alas. "

Ye Wu sighed, and then asked again, "my heart, I heard Xinrong say that there are several groups of people going to the bank to deposit today, is it true?"

She got close to her eyes and brightened up. Hopefully, Tian said, "I heard that the Secretary's family has gone to other people, too?"

Kang Qin nodded, "it's the second youngest in the Department."

"In person?"

Leaf charm is a joy again.

Kang Qinxin nods again, and Wei Xinrong interjects in the strange tone of yin and Yang: "well, the second young master of the Secretary's family took a small group of soldiers to the bank to save money in person, and he also acted as a flower escort to take our cousin to the car and go out for coffee and play together."

Ye Wu was confused and looked at Wei Xinrong.

Kang Qinxin also looked at him and said, "didn't you leave then?"

"I didn't go. I followed the crowd."

Wei Xinrong looked at her eyes and asked, "where have you been?"

Kang Qinxin didn't care much about his gossip, but explained to his mother that "something happened in the bank. Recently, many citizens have to withdraw money, which is not good for our bank's future operation in the long run.

In the opinion of the Secretary, those foreign banks that have ruined our Chinese banks and made them cheaper will do more harm than good. So he came and offered his support. In a word, the crisis in the bank is over. Don't worry, mom. "

"What about your brother?

Is Sika willing to help the bank believe that Shuhong is innocent

Ye Wu holds her hand.

Kang Qinxin knew that he could not give her too much hope to avoid losing, so he pushed and said, "these are government affairs. How can you tell me about them?

But I think he still read about our Kangshi bank. There should be room for kangshuhong's business to turn around. Don't think about it any more.

By the way, hasn't sister-in-law come back yet? How is Mrs. Jiang? "

"Yulan said that the doctor told them that the tumor in Mrs. Jiang's stomach had been deteriorating in recent years, and now it's very bad. Even if it's an operation, it may not be able to..." Ye Wu looks sad and shakes her head. "I've left her in the hospital to take care of her mother."

"What are you waiting for?

Do the operation quickly. "

Ye Wu sighed again, "master Jiang doesn't agree, and Mrs. Jiang doesn't want to."

"There's always a chance that you'll survive if you're operated on. There's no hope that you won't get hurt if you don't do it."

Kang Qinxin really doesn't understand Jiang's family's idea. When she found out the tumor several years ago, she asked Jiang Yulan to go back to her mother's house to advise her. If she had an operation at that time, she would not suffer much from these years, not to mention now.

"That's the choice of others. Even magnolia is not easy to decide."

When ye Wu thought of her son-in-law, she couldn't help sighing, "isn't that how your brother-in-law went?

Because ah Rou signed, the Xue family still thinks that she killed your brother-in-law. "

"It was a medical accident. If the intern had not made a mistake, the operation would have been successful.

Xue's family really can't blame my elder sister for that. 90% of them can succeed. Why can't elder sister sign? "

Kang Qin's heart was angry when he mentioned this. Xue Jiaxu was not in good health, but she said it was ajiekefu.

Just because the doctor holding the knife at that time was a friend of sister a, he charged her with conspiring with an outsider to murder her husband. It would be unfair if she wanted to come.

"Well, it's been so long. Don't mention it again."

Ye Wu looks at Wei Xinrong and says with a smile, "Xinrong, it's hard for you to come to see me, but your mother is still in the hospital. Your father has to look after your mother and manage the work of the unit and the company. You'd better go back to help him quickly."

Wei Xinrong peeled the orange on the table and ate himself. "You're welcome, aunt. There's Ashi and the nanny in the hospital. My father asked me to check the shooting at Qinggang port."

Kang Qin was puzzled. "Isn't this the matter of the escort department?

How can I ask you to check? "

Wei Xinrong frowned and said, "originally the government issued the gun regulations, ordinary people dare not take them out even if they have private possession.".

Qinggang mental arithmetic is a big Haikou. Although it's Shen family's territory, it's also under the government's jurisdiction. In such a big case, the first thing to be responsible for is the Department of armaments. My father works in it, and Yu Gong cooperates with the Department of security to investigate the case. In private, they solve their grievances and hurt my mother, which is not so easy to solve. "


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