Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2021 just shows

"Is there any clue?" Kang asked

The local gun manufacturing is authorized by the government. She is afraid that her uncle will get into trouble.

Wei Xinrong knew her worries and did not hide them from her. He said, "I found a gun at the port. It's ks783. It's a new product of the Soviet Union. The government hasn't introduced it yet. There are not many guns in the world. It should come from the black market."

"So you're going to Yan's?"

"In addition to the Ye family, the Wei family is the most qualified one in Singapore's gun business.

It's not a local gun. It's useless to find Ye's family. You can only ask when Yan's family got it in and who they reselled it to. If you find out his customer information, you can naturally find out who led the Qinggang incident. "

"What you said is reasonable, but when the Yan family does the black market business, the news will not be leaked. They can tell you who they sold it to honestly?"

Wei Xinrong's tone was determined, "it's up to him to do his own thing.

Anyway, I hurt my mother. If the Yan family doesn't cover up, they will take this account to them. "

The two families of Wei and Yan have always been at loggerheads because of business affairs. Now Kang and warm are hurt, and naturally they will not let go of Yan's family.

Hearing this, ye Wu frowned frequently and said, "Xinrong, although the Yan family is a gang family, they have a very good relationship with the Si family. They also worked hard in the Anti Japanese war a few years ago. They have a government background. Don't offend others rashly.

Besides, what does your mother's injury have to do with Yan Jianeng? It's just a miscarriage of justice. "

"Auntie, I'll tell you that if the Yan family is willing to cooperate, I won't make trouble."

Wei Xinrong realized that he shouldn't say these things in front of her and said with a smile, "when my cousin asked me, I said that I didn't need to go to the company in fact, I was just lazy.

Besides, the main culprit of the qinggangkou case is going to jail. We are all civilized people. Of course, we will not fight and kill. "

Ye Wu nodded. "You can understand."

Kangqinxin doesn't believe him. My aunt is injured. If I find out the main culprit, I can send him to prison for several years?

It's impossible.

"Cousin, the business of Qinggang is actually directed at the Shen family. Later, someone will be sent to pursue the young master of the Shen family. I think you should go to investigate the Yan family first and find out what enemies there are."

Kangqin knows that Yan's family is not easy to negotiate, and asks him to start from Shen's family. "The young master of Shen's family is also in Pei's hospital now. You can find him."

"That Shen Junlan you saved?"

Wei Xinrong thought, "it's not bad. You saved him. He asked his uncle to send money to the bank. It's a gratitude map.

Then I'll go to him and ask him what kind of murders are caused by people who are offended. They are enemies in common. They should speak better than the Yan family. "

Kangqin's heart nodded.

Wei Xinrong said that he would immediately get up and want to go. Ye Wu stood up and said, "Xinrong, are you going now?

Isn't that to stay for dinner? "

"My aunt and cousin are back. I will not accompany you. I will come to see you some other day."

As soon as he went out, Kang Yingmao came, stood at the door and knocked, politely saying, "madam, second miss."

Ye Wu saw him and said with a smile, "it's Yingmao. Come in."

"Thank you, madam."

Ye Wu is grateful for his efforts in the bank, but also for his "it's really hard for you. Everything in the bank needs your work. Last night your mother stood in the garden waiting for you in the middle of the night.

Since I'm back, I'll have a rest for half a day. "

"Madam, you're welcome. The master taught me to study and do things for me. I can't stand by when the bank is in trouble.

My mother is thinking about me. In fact, I called Xiaolou last night and said that she would not come back. "

Kang Yingmao smiled innocently and comforted each other.

"It's all Shuhong's misfortunes. Now you and xiner are going to deal with them."

Seeing her remorse, Kangqin said, "Mom, don't sigh. Brother Yingmao won't be polite to us."

"Yes, ma'am. You say that. Young Mao can't afford it."

Kang Yingmao actually came to find Kang Qinxin.

Then he looked over to ask for instructions and said, "second miss, secretary Zhu called to confirm. Did you send the half a million yuan that Shen's family had saved to Kaitai headquarters according to your previous instructions?"

Since he came here specifically to ask, he had other ideas. Kangqin didn't answer the question, "do you think it's inappropriate?"

"I didn't think it was wrong. The bank poured in so many funds today. There is spare time to help Kaitai.

But I thought, when you asked the money bank to count the money, the money of the Secretary's family had not been put into storage, so it's better to send the banknotes with the seal of the Secretary's family to the people of Kaitai to know the current situation of Guangyuan. Otherwise, they would always take money, and Kaitai would not be able to afford it. "

"The money from the Secretary's family is a special edition?"

Kang Qinxin marveled that earlier years ago, the government, in order to thank his family for years of helping to regulate the Chinese community and maintain the stability of Singapore, issued a version of customized banknotes under his seal.

At that time, the division chief thought it was too high-profile, so people took back the division chief. Therefore, this version was rarely used in the market. However, the whole Singaporean knew the honor of division chief represented by this kind of banknote. Unexpectedly, what the division chief saved was this money?

Kang Yingmao nodded, "yes, 400000 of them are special editions."

Kangqinxin stood up and thought, "send me ten thousand to show you, don't give it out."

Kang Yingmao didn't quite understand.

"Si shizuo is a low-key person. Since he took all the money back, he was unwilling to circulate it in the market.

Although the sparrow boat has come here, I can't help but go against his father's original intention. "

Although Kang Qinxin is very grateful for the intention of sparrow boat, he still doesn't want to bother sparrow boat too much. After the bank's situation is really stable, the money can be retrieved by sparrow boat at any time.

So, she said again, "brother Yingmao, there is no lack of money in the bank now. For the time being, don't touch the money sent by the Secretary's family.

Kaitai side, or according to the pen I said earlier to send the Shen family, you also call Yuan fan, and the ten thousand display of the Si family is for display, no move. "

Kang Yingmao nodded, "OK, I'll take it down.

By the way, Mr. Arsene Wenger of UBS has called to see you at the bank. "

"It should be about cooperation. I'll call him back from home later."

"That's nothing else. I'll go to the bank first."

Kang Yingmao is in a hurry to leave.

"Don't you stay at home with aunt Zhu?" Kangqin said?

Uncle Kang went to Lishan island with my father. He's not there either. "

"Miss two, there are not enough people at the bank. If it's not busy, I'll come back to accompany my mother for dinner."

Kang Yingmao looked down at Ye Wu again. "Madam, I'll go first."

"Be careful on the way."

When he left, ye Wu said with emotion, "Yingmao is a good boy. If Shuhong could learn something from him, he would not be today."

Kang Qinxin says that Kang Shuhong has a high morale. When can he look up to Kang Yingmao, let alone learn from him? He always thinks that other people are the son of the housekeeper, who has always been regarded as servants, but now he is asked to help clean up the trouble.


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