Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2022 family helps each other

The crisis in the bank was alleviated. Si quefang also caught Lily and Yan soming's men. Kang Qinxin was in a bit of a funk. He went back to his room to take a bath and prepared for a rest.

A LAN sent her a radio in, Kang Qinxin asked: "did little grandma call back yesterday?"

"How do you know? Yes, I have. I come to see you. " A LAN scratched his head and said with embarrassment, "just now you are talking with your wife and master Biao. I forgot to tell you for a while."

"Did you say anything?"

"No, but the little grandma's voice is hoarse. She should have cried. I asked if I wanted to call my wife or the eldest lady to answer the phone. The younger grandmother said no. "

Kangqin's heart frequency modulation action stops slightly. "OK, I see. You go out first."

After listening to the broadcast, Kang Qinxin thought that there would be reports about Guangyuan bank, but after listening for a moment, it was all the social news. He thought that maybe the reporters had closed before they had finished writing the reports.

She called Mr. Wenger first.

Kangqinxin wanted to meet his father and talk about specific cooperation with him. Fortunately, Mr. Arsene Wenger apologized with her, saying that he would like to go back to Switzerland for a job, and invite her to have a meal and talk about cooperation after returning to the city. Kangqinxin was happy to come.

Call the orphanage again, ask sister a for Mrs. Jiang's ward number, then call Pei's Hospital, and then you will hear that Jiang Yulan answers the phone with a crying voice: "it's the second sister, have you gone home, has the trouble in the bank been solved?"

"Yes, sister-in-law, I'm home. Listen to Alan, you asked me yesterday. What's the matter?" "My mother is afraid that she will not be able when the hospital issues a critical notice..." Jiang Yulan shed tears and covered her mouth to suppress, "what are you going to do with my second sister? Shuhong is not here. My two brothers are useless. When I meet something, my daughter-in-law will only cry.

my mother has not passed through yet."

Kang Qinxin naturally understood that Jiang Yulan's two brothers didn't work. When Jiang's family had an accident, she would only find her own sister to raise money to solve the problem.

Kang Qin asked, "Uncle Jiang still doesn't agree with the operation?"

"The doctor said that surgery is the only hope. If we don't do it again, it will be really hopeless. My father can't help but agree." "Isn't that a good thing? If you can do the operation, you need to do it quickly. If you do it, there is still hope. Now the medical skills are developed. The oncology department of Pei's hospital is headed by Pei and his wife. Aunt Jiang is lucky and will be fine. " When Kang Qin was comforted and listened to the

he stopped talking and thought, "sister-in-law, are you looking for me for the operation fee?" "Second sister," said Jiang Yulan, biting her lips and really embarrassed, "I know I shouldn't talk to you, but I don't want to disturb my parents any more. You know that I've been at home all these years, and I don't have any good friends outside, so I'll give you the money back later. "

"It's all a family. What do you say and do? Anyway, I'm at home. It doesn't matter. Tell me how much you need. I'll send it to you. "

Kang Qinxin asked about the amount of money. Naturally, the cash in the room was not enough. He asked Uncle Wang to send him to the bank.

Guangyuan has returned to normal outside. It's all the citizens who are doing business. It looks orderly.

Kang Yingmao didn't understand how she came back. Yu Lu was concerned: "why don't you have a rest at home, miss two? The bank is already busy. You can see that all the customers gathered earlier are gone." "Isn't that too fast?" Kangqin was surprised with a smile and looked around. "Those big customers didn't call again to urge them to withdraw money, did they? Many of them are old friends of my father. I used to call Shibo and uncle, but when I met with money,

it was the first one who urged me to get money, and even called to the manor. "

"I didn't call. I can't answer the phone in the bank these two days. I have to pull another line. Now there is a real noon report from the newspaper office. As soon as you and the second secretary left, they went back to press and publish. "

Kang Qin nodded and handed him his deposit slip. "Take ten thousand yuan for me."

"What's the matter, miss, in such a hurry?"

"My sister-in-law's mother is going to have an operation in the hospital." Kang Yingmao nodded clearly, summoned secretary Zhu to come in and arrange to get money, and asked Kang Qinxin to drink water, sighed: "you are the most concerned about little grandma in the mansion, and you will complain for her. No wonder little grandma will come to you when something happens. Madame and the eldest lady are close to her, but they are not as easy to talk as you are. "

"You said that. My mother also loves my sister-in-law. The sister-in-law was mainly afraid that Kang Shuhong knew about it, and complained that she had asked her mother-in-law for help from her mother's family, so she became more restrained and strange in front of her mother.

I'm her sister-in-law. I can help her if I can. It's not easy for her to live at home. What's more, she can't count on her two brothers.

If the two brothers of the yuan family had the ability, they would have made an early start for her, but usually they only knew to ingratiate themselves with Kang Shuhong. "

It was inconvenient for Kang Yingmao to interfere in these matters, so he opened the topic, "then miss Pei's hospital?"

"Yes, Jiang's family is my sister-in-law's family. I have to go and have a look at it because it's so serious now. My mother's mind is still on Kang Shuhong all day. I don't want her to worry any more. "

Kang Yingmao said: "previously, Mr. Shen called from the hospital and asked for your daughter."

"Shen Junlan?" Kang Yingmao nodded: "I said that I wanted to thank the rescuer. When I said that you were not in the bank, I wanted to ask the phone number of the government. But I didn't say that I was afraid of being presumptuous, so I just didn't understand. I pushed and hung up. Second miss, since you are going to the hospital,

would you like to see him? "

Kang Qin frowned and thought, "well, it's more appropriate for him to let his uncle come to the bank to help us so much

Secretary Zhu took the money back, kangqinxin put it in the bag, stood up and said, "I'll go there first. Don't take too much rest."

Visiting Mrs. Jiang and Shen Junlan is different from her aunt. Kang Qinxin first went to the department store to buy some gifts and supplements.

When we got to the hospital, Uncle Wang helped us up the stairs.

The corridor of oncology department is quiet. Kang Qinxin can easily find the ward. Seeing that there are only uncle Jiang and Jiang Yulan in the ward, he knocks on the door and goes in and says some greetings. Jiang Yulan follows her out.

After receiving the money, Jiang Yulan was very grateful and lowered his head and choked: "Qin Xin, thank you so much. I don't know if the operation will succeed, but I think you're right. There's no hope if you don't try. "

"It will be OK." Kangqinxin holds her hand.

Jiang Yulan suddenly looked up: "by the way, does Mom blame me? I didn't go back last night and I couldn't arrange breakfast for her today.

My father is old and my brothers and sisters are busy. I have to stay in the hospital. I may not be able to go back these two days. I don't know what happened to Shuhong. I really...... "

She said and cried again.

Kang Qinxin hurriedly comforted her: "how can mother blame you? She loves you too much. Don't worry about Kang Shuhong. Just take care of your aunt in the hospital.

Since I'm going to stay in the hospital for a few days, I'll ask Alan to send you something after I go back. Next to this is Linfu hotel. Open a room and you'll go to have a rest. You can't stay by the bed all the time. " Just as she spoke, a surprise "cousin Kang" came from behind.

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