Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2023 avoidance

Kang Qinxin turns around. It's Pei Yanqing.

Pei Yanqing was very happy to see her. She stepped forward and said, "it's really you. I look at the back and think it's very similar. I think I'm mistaken."

"Miss Pei," Kang said

"Cousin Kang doesn't have to be so polite. Just call me Yanqing."

Pei Yanqing looked at Jiang Yulan and looked at the eye ward again. "Is it your relatives and friends?"

"My sister-in-law, her mother is ill and needs an operation," said Kang

"Hello, Miss Pei."

Jiang Yulan said hello, uncertain and asked "you are president Pei's", "I am his daughter."

Pei Yanqing did not cover up, but also looked at the room number of eye diseases with great concern, and said with them, "this is my father's patient, my father's medical skill is amazing, and he has never failed in the operation, rest assured."

Jiang Yulan said, "please take care of Miss Pei."

Pei Yanqing said politely, "you are welcome."

"Look at Kang Qinxin again," cousin Kang, Yuexi's mother is also in the inpatient department. Are you going to have a look

Kangqin's heart suddenly said, "you have an appointment with Yuexi?"

"Yes, I have an appointment with her. I came early and went to the office to see my mother."

With such enthusiasm, Kangqin could not refuse, "I'll go with you."

Then he turned around and said to Uncle Wang in the back, "wait for me in the private ward first."

Pei Yanqing asked as she walked, "why, does cousin Kang want to visit other people?"

"A friend was injured and was recuperating in your hospital."

Pei Yanqing narrowed her eyes and said with a smile, "is it the master of the Shen family?

I've heard that you saved people in the back alley of our hospital yesterday, and also alerted the Security Department of the security department. Even reporters came. If our security guard didn't stop you, the hospital would be in a mess. "

Although she said this, she didn't mean to blame. Her tone was casual, just like a talker.

"Kang Qin is sorry," to the hospital to add trouble

"It's OK."

Wei Yuexi happens to be standing outside the ward. She and Pei Yanqing have made an appointment to go to the clothing exhibition. It's a big surprise to see Kang Qinxin coming, "cousin, how are you with Yanqing?"

Then he turned to the ward and said, "Mom, here comes the second cousin. I'll go first."

Pei Yanqing is also surprised how she is so worried, puzzled, "I haven't said hello to my aunt yet."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was pulled away by his friend.

Kangqinxin knocks on the door and goes in, "aunt."

"Qin Xin."

Kang Nuan was a little embarrassed. "Look at a man as big as ash. He's still so unstable. He said she ran away after a few words."

"What is my aunt saying to my cousin?

I watched her at the door waiting to run. "

She took the water from the nanny and sat down beside the bed.

"What can I say?

I just thought about the things in the beauty salon and wanted Ashi to look after them for me. As a result, she was better. I was afraid that she would not be able to hide when she touched them. If she didn't want to, I just advised her to leave them alone. "

Kang said and shook his head.

Kangqin comforts her "cousin's natural freedom. She can't stand sitting in the beauty salon every day.

There are managers in the shop, and aunts don't have to worry. "

Kang Nuan nodded and asked, "are you visiting your sister-in-law's mother when you come to the hospital?"

"My aunt heard that?"

She picked up the fruit knife beside and peeled an apple for Kang Nuan.

Kang Nuan nodded, "it's really not peaceful to say that the Jiang family. In the early years, the business failed and went bankrupt. Now Mrs. Jiang has such a problem again."

Kangqin sighed, "now it's time for surgery. I hope we can get out of danger successfully.

Just now, I talked with my cousin's friend. She said her father is good at tumor surgery. "

"Dean Pei is skilled."

Kang Nuan asked the bank again, "this morning a Rong went to Guangyuan. I heard that you didn't go back last night. Did you see him?"

"I see. Did you ask your cousin to send the money?"

Kangqin feels grateful.

Kang Nuan said with a smile, "I won't say. Ah Rong is ready to go, too."

"The bank is over. Don't worry, aunt.

Do you know that my cousin told me that my uncle asked him to investigate the shooting at Tsing harbour? "

Kang Nuan shook his head. "Did your uncle ask ah Rong to check?"

"Yes, but I think it's too dangerous. I've dealt with those people, not simply.

What's more, the ability to buy a new Soviet pistol from Yan's family is not just a small gang organization.

My cousin has a strong disposition and is easy to belittle the enemy. My aunt advises me more. "

"I really don't know about it. I owe it to you to tell me.

It's just that Arong is just like your uncle. I'm afraid he won't check it in front of me. He will check it in private. "

When you think about it, Kang Nuan is worried.

Kangqinxin persuaded her again.

Kang Nuan also knows that she is busy, and takes the initiative to say, "if you have something to do, go first."

Kangqinxin just got up and left. She went to find Shen Junlan instead.

Shen Junlan's ward is guarded. She and Uncle Wang are interrogated before they get close.

Kang Qinxin reports to his family, "I'm Kang Qinxin. Your young master called me earlier."

"It was Miss Kang. Please wait a moment."

He went in and asked for instructions. After a meeting, he came out. "Miss Kang, please come in."

Shen Junlan's ward was deliberately arranged. Compared with other wards, it is more natural to stay at home. There are two private nurses in the room.

Shen Junlan woke up and saw Kangqin saying, "Miss Kang, thank you so much yesterday."

And he ordered her to carry chairs and pour water.

Kang Qinxin received the gift from Uncle Wang, and motioned him to go downstairs and wait. "You're welcome, master Shen. I just happened to meet you. Someone else will help you.

It's your help this morning. Qin Xin is very grateful. "

"It's nothing. Sit down."

"How is your injury?

Yesterday I saw you covered in blood, which is very serious. "

Shen Junlan's face is still pale. He looks at the infusion bottle when he hears the words. "Fortunately, the place where the bullet was shot is not the key. It's much better after he took it out."

Kang Qinxin wondered why he was hunted down. He asked in doubt.

Shen Junlan shook her head. "Miss Kang, to tell you the truth, don't say that the outside world doesn't understand. I don't know why I was hunted.

I didn't run transportation before. This is the second time. Who knows that so many killers will be attracted. As soon as the ship comes ashore, it will attack me. "

Kang Qin's heart is even worse. "Would it be a contradiction in business? Did you offend your peers?"

"How could it be?

Once upon a time, my uncle was doing business. To be honest, even if there was resentment from colleagues, it was also my uncle who hated me. It really didn't make sense to start against a person who just took over the transportation. "

Shen Junlan frowned as soon as he finished, thinking that he was too excited to affect the wound.

"The guards are already investigating, and you don't have to worry too much."

Kang Qin continued quietly, "by the way, since master Shen was able to come to the hospital yesterday, why didn't he return to the Shen family contact?"

When Shen Junlan thought of it, he was not angry. "It's hard to say.

At that time, I wanted to go back to shenzhai after I jumped into the sea and escaped from Qinggang. As a result, several intersections near my home were guarded.

I can't help but think of a way to come to the hospital first. Who knows that it's the same when I run several hospitals.

I'm not afraid of Miss Kang's jokes. When you see me, I've been hiding for a long time, but I'm afraid I won't come out because I'm afraid of being caught. "


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