Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2024 charming bamboos and horses

Kang Qinxin didn't ask Shen Junlan for any useful information. He secretly asked Wei Xinrong to investigate by himself.

As the other side said, he began to follow the transportation. How could he offend people and kill them?

There were many doubts about this matter, but it was Shen's private affair after all. In her capacity, she didn't have a position to ask carefully, so she politely prepared to leave.

She just got up to leave. The door of the ward opened from outside. "Young master, Miss Lin Yan is here."

As soon as the voice fell, a girl in a lake blue dress rushed in, squeezed Kang Qin's heart out, and went to the bedside to hold Shen Junlan's hand.

Her voice was urgent and tense: "brother Junlan, how are you? I heard that you were shot. I flew back from America immediately. "

Shen Junlan was affected by her wound. She frowned and looked painful. She smiled and said softly, "it's OK. It's not serious."

I was very embarrassed to look at Kang Qinxin. "Miss Kang, this is my sister Ayan."

Then introduce Kang Qinxin's identity to Lin Yan.

Kang chin nodded a little and called out to her crouching back, "Miss Lin."

Why hasn't she heard that Shen Junlan has a younger sister? Is she a cousin?

But from the outside, the subordinates of Shen family don't have the same attitude towards Miss Lin as they do towards the daughter of their relatives and friends. Instead, they should be more respectful.

"Oh, are you the second miss of the Kang family? The one who says to give me brother Junlan? " Lin Yan stands up and turns her head to look at her. Her words are full of hostility and provocation.

Shen Junlan's face was chatting up, and she shouted "Ayan" to remind her.

Lin Yan turns a deaf ear, but takes two steps to Kang Qin's heart, looks up and down and says: "it's fundamentally different from what my uncle said. Dingdian's appearance of a famous lady is not like a thousand gold.".

Don't think that you can marry my brother Junlan if you save him. My adoptive father has already given you money for your family's health. Don't try to extort favor from you. "

"Ah Yan, what's the matter with you! Miss Kang is my friend. How can you say that to her? " Shen Junlan sat up straight and frowned and said, "if you are angry with me, you can leave."

Lin Yan immediately turns around and sits back at the edge of the bed. "I'm not worried about you. How can you teach me this for an outsider?

I just don't understand. How can you meet a killer, and it's Miss Kang who saved you so skillfully? "

"No more." Shen Junlan frowned deeply, and then apologized with Kang Qinxin: "shemei is not sensible. Don't be surprised."

"You will say that I just got off the plane and ran to the hospital to find you. I didn't even see my adoptive father. I'm so nervous. Don't I care about your injury! " Lin Yan complains.

Kang Qin smiled, and Lin Yan said slowly: "Miss Lin is not used to seeing me, but is afraid that I will take advantage of the Shen family.

But as a human being, we should first of all have our own quality. You don't care what I wear, but you want to ask Miss Lin, what kind of upbringing makes you so hospitable?

Moreover, master Shen Er has gone to the bank to deposit money. Our bank records interest at a rate. The Shen family will not withdraw the money in the future. What's the meaning of giving Kang family money? "

"Anyway, I don't care. Whoever knows what you are comfortable with, you are not allowed to approach my brother Junlan!" Lin Yan is so angry that she looks at Kang Qin's heart with a red face. She is afraid that Shen Junlan's presence has been restrained.

When Shen Junlan saw that she did not listen to her advice, she called for someone to take her out.

Lin Yan is even angrier, shouting to scold Kang Qinxin.

When the door of the ward closed, the atmosphere was more awkward than before.

Shen Junlan explained: "Ayan is the daughter of my uncle's good friend. The Lin family died many years ago. When my uncle saw her lonely and helpless, he took her back to the Shen family to take care of her. I took her as my sister.

She is young, and my uncle sympathizes with her loss of her parents, and some of them are spoiled by arrogance. Don't mind miss Kang. "

Kang Qin's heart went straight to the white and said, "I won't care about it with a little girl. It can be seen that Miss Lin likes you, so she is extremely hostile to me. "

“……” Shen Junlan bowed his head awkwardly and whispered, "it's not what you think."

"Young master Shen doesn't have to say much. The matter of blind date is just proposed by the elders. You and I don't need to care about it or explain it to me. Meeting each other is also a friend. If you are involved in other things, you will be hurt. "

Her meaning, Shen Junlan understood, and suddenly lifted her eyes with relief: "Miss Kang said exactly what I wanted to say. I will never forget your kindness to save me. Later, I will be friends. You can come to Shen's house to find me if you have anything. You are welcome."

Kang Qinxin smiled, "OK, then you take good care of your injuries. I'll go first."

"Take a walk, Miss Kang."

Kangqin heart out of the ward, see Lin Yan is standing in the corridor kicking the corner of the wall, muttering estimate is to say angry words.

As she passed, she stopped. "Miss Lin, you can go in."

Lin Yan turns around. Under the net hat, her eyes are alert and defensive. After a while, Kang Qin's heart is still speechless. She goes to the door in three or two steps and pushes away.

Kang Qin shakes her head. She is a willful lady indeed.

However, people like Shen Yinghao can raise such a simple and irascible girl? It's a little unexpected.

In the evening, Kang Huarou goes home and is held by Ye Wu in the living room for a good sermon.

Kang Huarou rarely disobeyed her mother and was unwilling to give up her job at the orphanage. She was determined and the two didn't have a good conversation.

After supper, kangqinxin lets aunt Zhu off the bowl of noodles, and she carries it upstairs.

Leaf Charm sat on sofa to see, original is to want to open mouth, but after all still love eldest daughter, put a hand to let her go.

Kang Huarou looks tired, sitting in the room some lost.

"Sister, have something to eat."

Kanghuarou shook his head. "I'm not hungry."

Kang Qin said with a smile, "how can I not be hungry? I must be tired and hungry after a busy day in the orphanage."

Kang Huarou, who was always gentle, didn't want to worry about her, and finally moved her chopsticks.

Kang Qinxin was beside her. Seeing that she was almost used, Fang asked, "sister, you are always good-natured. You seldom collide with your mother. How can you quarrel with her.

Is something else wrong? Before you go out to work, mom also let go. She's not rebellious. "

"It's not my mother, it's me." Kang Huarou looked at her and said, "I don't want to see Mr. Zhao San."

Kang Qin was surprised and puzzled: "didn't you agree to mom for a long time? Besides, mom and grandpa have called. I think they have made an appointment with Zhao's family. It's not appropriate for you to say you can't go at this time? "

"I know I shouldn't, but I really can't get over this obstacle in my heart. I've been thinking about how to talk to my mother these two days. Just now she advised me to quit my job in the orphanage and go to the bank to help. I couldn't help but say it. My mother was angry. " Kang Hua said softly, and told her with a solemn face: "my heart, Xue Yao is coming to Singapore."

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