Xue Yao is Xue Jiaxu's younger sister, Kang Huarou's former sister-in-law.

Xue's family is still in Shanghai. Originally, because of the deterioration of the relationship between the two families, they have gradually broken off. Who knows that Xue Yao will come suddenly.

"She came here to study?" Kang asked

"Yes, she is different from the rest of the Xue family. She is also a sister-in-law of ah Xu. She has called my sister-in-law for so many years. I can't ignore her coming here."

It's hard for Kang to paint a soft face.

"Sister, you still mind that the Xue family knows about your blind date.

But when did they care about your face when they drove you out of the house? Now you want to take care of their family?

What age has it been? Why can't you remarry? Elder sister, you are still so young. Do you want to live like this all your life? "

Kang Qinxin was excited when he said this. He got up from the sofa and wondered, "sister, how can you still contact Xue's family?

Mrs. Xue's never been nice to you. She told you not to worry about that. "

"I didn't get in touch with her very much, but sometimes she would call me. This time, she also called to let me know.

You know, when I was at Xue's house, a Yao was very dependent on me.

I think she's my sister, too. "

Kang Hua said in a melancholy voice, "in fact, if it wasn't for my mother, I wouldn't have wanted to meet Mr. Zhao."

"I know you and your brother-in-law love each other, but it's all over.

Sister, I love you,.

You can't live your whole life for him. "

Kangqin sits down again.

Kang Huarou then looked at her and said, "my heart, you haven't met that person, you haven't loved him.

The Xue family didn't agree with the marriage at the beginning, but ah Xu fought for me. You don't understand. "

Thinking of her dead husband, her eyes are a little lax and full of memories.

Kang Qin shakes her and reminds her cruelly, "sister, he is no longer good anymore. You have to face the reality."

Kang Huarou smiled bitterly and said in an instant: "in fact, I didn't think about it. You just said that I mind Xue's knowing about my blind date. I don't deny it.

They are all the relatives of ah Xu. Even if it's not good for me, it's also a fact. If I knew that I was determined to marry ah Xu, now I'm running to meet someone else, it would be worthless for ah Xu. I can't let ah Xu even protect his dignity under the spring. "

"If my brother-in-law has knowledge under the spring, he will surely hope that you will find another happiness."

He was serious.

Kang Huarou looks up at the fringe on the curtain.

Knowing that she could not communicate with her deeply, Kangqin picked up the tray and prepared to leave with the chopsticks.

When she came to the door, she asked, "sister, when does Xue Yao arrive?

In which school? "

"Three days later, at piranli University, my cousin Yuexi's school."

Kangqin frowned: "three days later, it was just the day when he said he would go to the foreign office."

Kang Huarou's "hum" sound is really a dilemma.

"I'll let cousin Xinrong go.

About the Zhao family, elder sister, if you don't want that to be the same as the previous appointment, dad will be angry if he knows that we are dishonest.

You still have to go to yezhai with your mother that day. You have to deal with the Zhao family first. If there's another time, I'll turn down your mother's arrangement for you. "

Kang Hua Rou also knows that the most important thing in the family rules is the commitment. Only when she is dissatisfied can she say no.

In fact, she was never willful, so she nodded down the steps, but was a little uncertain: "my aunt's leg is injured, will Xinrong have time?

Will it be too troublesome for Yingmao to meet you at the airport? "

"I can't go to the bank every day. I can't live without him now.

It's cousin. He has a mission recently. He's been running all over the city. "

Kang Qin said and thought for a while, then added: "Miss Xue was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child. I'm afraid she can't get used to the dormitory. I'll find someone else to arrange the apartment. Elder sister, you don't have to worry about it."

Kang Huarou stood up with a happy face and said, "my heart, although you don't agree with me, you are still soft hearted."

"I'm not kind to Xue's family, just don't want to see you too hard."

Kangqin is not willing to admit it.

"Anyway, I still want to thank you.

By the way, I heard that you met Magnolia in the hospital today? "

Kangqin heart lifted the bowl tray in his hand and joked: "sister a wants me to talk to you like this?

My sister-in-law's side, I sent the operation fee.

Let's wait for the news from the hospital.

I have some Swiss information to check. I have to go back to my room first. I'll talk to you later. "

In this way, Kang Huarou did not leave her.

Everything went well for the next few days, and the bank gradually got back on track.

Kang Shuhong was released.

The government also issued a commendation statement praising the dedication and cooperation of the young master Kang and clarifying the earlier misunderstanding.

Mrs. Jiang's operation was successful; elder sister also went to Ye's house with Ye Wu and met the third son of Zhao's family.

Kang Qin's heart is gone. Zhao Xingzhi is so gentle and pure that he looks like a scholar rather than a young master of the head of the Transportation Bureau.

She noticed that elder sister a lost her mind for a moment and her eyes were slightly empty.

This gentle and elegant temperament of Zhao Xingzhi is really similar to that of Xue Jiaxu.

There was some unease in her heart.

As expected, just after leaving yezhai, kanghuarou holds kangqinxin's hand and asks, "xiner, do you think he looks like a person?"

Kang Qinxin looked at her anxiously, but before he could reply, Kang Huarou asked herself, "I know he's not a Xu, but it's very similar, isn't it?"

"Sister, you can do what you want. I hope you can get out of the past as soon as possible, but it's not in this way."

She said and took a note out of her bag. "This is an apartment near the University of birenli. It's Xue Yao's residence. I think elder sister you will definitely find her."

Kang Huarou turned around and looked at his mother who was still standing in front of the gate saying goodbye: "don't you go home?"

"Some people at home are afraid that they don't want to see me. It's even worse for him to go back so early. He'd better walk outside."

Kangqinxin pretends to be joking, and his tone is bitter.

Kang Huarou comforted: "Shuhong has suffered a lot this time. You didn't tell him before reaching a consensus with the Secretary's family. It's hard to avoid angering you. Don't take it to heart."

"How can I remember it?"

Kang Qin's heart was involved in the corners of his lips and smiled back: "if I was serious with him in everything, I would have been pissed off by him.

Besides, if such a thing doesn't fall on others, it's just him. Can he not count it in his own mind?

Said that I sold him, then now the outside world to him this Kang family big young master's praise falls from the sky?

In a word, I am a good man in vain. "

Kang Hua's eyes and eyes are sad. Just as he climbs up his arm, he hears the sound of flute outside the gate. It's Ye Xiu's car coming back.

Kang Qinxin went over and opened the car door for the driver. He was familiar with the tone: "why is my uncle back now?

It's all over. "

Ye Xiu narrowed her eyes and smiled, "who said I came back to join the fun?

Let's go to my study. I have something good for you. "

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