Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2027 help out

Kang Qinxin thought that after leaving Ye's house, he would look for a chance to tell his mother that he would not go home for a while if he had something to do, and he would not have to see Kang Shuhong's face. But when ye Xiu came back, they had a conversation and didn't know what was going on outside? She was too embarrassed to speak.

Ye Wu was sitting in the carriage. She was probably depressed in her heart when she didn't speak, so she couldn't help saying directly: "my heart, mom always thinks you are a worry free child. Mom didn't care about your business outside, but it doesn't mean you can act recklessly.

I ask you, what's the matter with you and master Si? I have been paying attention to your brother and ah Rou before. I neglected to discipline you, but I didn't expect you to make such a big deal. "

That's it again?

Kang Qinxin was tired of explaining these two days: "what's wrong? I don't know which newspaper took a picture of drinking coffee and reported it like this. How can you believe it?"

"I don't want to believe it, but others do."

Kang Qin was surprised and asked, "who are others?"

Ye Wu looks at her disappointed, sighs and doesn't want to talk.

Kang Huarou said: "just when you and your uncle were in the study, the Shen family called and cancelled the blind date arrangement with your grandfather on the grounds that the Shen family's young master was ill."

Kangqin's face was very happy

Bumping into her mother's eyes, she said: "it's the Shen family is not peaceful. It's not normal for the young master Shen to have such a big thing to mend his wounds. How can he spare time to meet each other and cancel it?"

"Isn't it the news out there? The Shen family must think that you and the master are not clear, so they call to cancel.

What are you doing? Add to the trouble without cause. "

The blind date of Zhao Xingzhi was not smooth just now. Ye Wu was in a bad mood. Now the Shen family has cancelled meeting again, which is more depressing.

She thought of her earlier story and was full of puzzlement: "didn't you save the Shen family? The Shen family also came to help our bank. I thought there would be no problem. As a result, such news broke out. No wonder the Shen family should mind."

"Mom, that's not what you said at all." Kang Qin was helpless and said, "I went to the hospital to see Shen Junlan a few days ago. Is it OK if someone has a childhood sweetheart. Originally, this blind date was proposed by grandpa and master Shen. Young master Shen is not willing to accept the family's arrangement for the rest of his life. What does that have to do with me? I want to say, no matter elder sister or me, don't worry about your mother. "

"What childhood sweetheart?" Ye Wu is surprised.

"Shen Er has an adopted daughter under his knee. She is eighteen or nine years old and looks very beautiful. She has been taking care of Shen Junlan in the hospital these days. The two of them have no idea, of course, they don't care about others, so what does this have to do with my news? "

Ye Wu: "is this true?"

"I saw it with my own eyes in the hospital."

"How could this happen? But isn't the adopted daughter of Shen er the cousin of Shen? My heart, have you misunderstood? Maybe it's just brother and sister. "

"What brother and sister? The adopted daughter of Shen er's master is Lin Yan. She is also a young lady with a family background, but she hasn't changed her family name. How come she is a brother and sister?

I think that girl is very concerned about Shen Junlan. Seeing that I go to the hospital to visit is like guarding against the enemy. I'd better not involve myself in his family's affairs.

Besides, Shen Junlan also made it clear to me in the hospital that I was regarded as a life-saving benefactor and friend, but I never wanted to have a blind date, so I should do it. "

After hearing Kang Qinxin's explanation, ye Wu was disappointed, but in the end, she turned to her daughter. "Since the Shen family young master has a sweetheart, it's really wrong for you to arrange another meeting.

Our Kang's daughter doesn't know how to be measured. There's no need to hurry up. Let's forget about it. Ah Rou, you... "

She hopes to persuade Kang Huarou.

Kang Qinxin points to the outside of the car with Kang Huarou's arm on purpose: "sister, you see a new movie coming out today, you can accompany me to see it."

Then he ordered Uncle Wang to stop.

Kanghuarou is a natural response.

Ye Wu: "you two don't follow me home?"

"No, I haven't been shopping with sister for a long time. Mom, please go back first."

Ye Wu had to tell them to go home early.

When he saw off his mother, Kanghua said gratefully, "my heart, thank you very much. Otherwise, my mother must persuade me to accept Mr. Zhao."

"Mom is looking at everyone now. Don't worry too much, sister." Kang Qinxin looked around and saw that there was a rickshaw parked on the opposite road. He waved and said, "sister, go to find Xue Yao."

Kang Hua, with a soft face and a moving face, held her hand and said happily, "you said you want to see a movie with me, do you know that I want to see a Yao?"

"If you didn't pick up the plane in person today, you must be upset and read about Xue Yao." Kangqin's heart is clear.

"And you?"

Kangqin said to her heart, "I'm walking around to find Shiyuan. She had previously sent me shares of the company and sent me money in the bank. She was too busy to invite her to dinner these days. Now it's just time to be free. "

Kang Huarou knows Dong Shiyuan. She left at ease when she saw that she really had arrangements.

Kang Qinxin called Dong Shiyuan's company in the newspaper booth next to her. As a result, the secretary told her that her boss had gone out to talk about business. Unfortunately, she hung up the phone and walked along the street.

At this time, it's nearly five o'clock. It's cool and the evening wind is warm.

Things in the bank have come to an end. Although Kang Shuhong's case has not yet been closed, all the Kang family can do is to manage the family and the government. She should look for her own position when she's free.

Kang Qin was hesitant. Her brother-in-law supported her to do business, but she didn't think about what to do.

Shiyuan put her in the position of deputy manager in the company, but Kang Qin refused, but she was full of embarrassment and seemed to be enjoying her success. Her father and she called again to ask if she would like to go to the bank. Even though Kang Shuhong's accusation was cleared, Kang Yu seemed to really intend to remove his post as bank president. The earlier statement of removal was not withdrawn, nor was it meant to restore his post.

Kang Qinxin let his father have the ability to live in it. Although it's a family business, Kang Shuhong's inability doesn't mean that he can't replace others.

Now many enterprises will introduce talents, which can also be seen in the bank. Kang Yu said he would consider and hung up the phone.

Kang Qinxin doesn't want others to think that she really robbed Kang Shuhong of her benefits. In that way, it will only be her parents who will be sad in the end.

She walked and suddenly turned around, at this time, many enterprises and units of staff have been off work, the road is full of people.

Kang Qin looked at the crowd and felt something was wrong.

Is it because I'm worried? He was amused by his suspicions, but a familiar call came from behind.

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