"Miss Kang."

Kang Qin turns around and sees song Hezhen in plain clothes.

Seeing him, she subconsciously looked around the street and did not find the sparrow boat. Although it was strange, she still smiled and said: "Song adjutant, are you on vacation today?

Come here for a movie or dinner? "

Song Hezhen hurriedly shook his head: "Miss Kang is joking. I'll give you a message for ER Shao. Please come in and sit down."

He pointed to a French restaurant nearby, polite and polite.

Kangqin's heart looked at it. He didn't see the figure through the glass window. Instead, the customers in the shop were very happy. The waiter was busy shuttling and serving.

There was no private soldier in charge of the family at the door. She was surprised, so low-key?

As if knowing the purpose of Kang Qin's heart, song he Zhen kindly reminded: "Miss Kang, two little are upstairs."

Kang Qin takes back her eyes, but she doesn't look up to find it again. She hesitates a little.

Little uncle and mother's inquiry is still in the ear, and the news about himself and sparrow boat flying all over the sky can not be ignored, do you want to go in?

Kang Shuhong has been released, and the bank's business has been solved. Well What else can I talk about between her and sparrow boat?

The answer is obvious, No.

Therefore, Kang Qin said gently: "Song adjutant, there must be some guests here. Is it inconvenient for me to go upstairs to disturb?"

Song Hezhen looked at her with a look of "you think more." don't get me wrong, Miss Kang. It's Miss Yanqing who invited you upstairs.

You don't have to worry about it. Today is not a formal occasion. It's just that you take Miss Biao out for dinner with no one else. "

Kang Qin's heart said "Oh". He stepped in and complained to himself that he didn't say it early.

Jiang Yulan's mother's operation went well, thanks to Pei Yanqing's father. That day, she took the initiative in the hospital to ask her father to take care of her. She should thank her face to face.

This is an open-ended restaurant, with simple decoration and no private rooms. Only some bonsai hanging baskets are placed among the fences, which is unique and simple.

It's true that there are only sparrow Fang and Pei Yanqing.

Seeing song Hezhen bring her here, Si quefang didn't even put down his knife and fork, but raised his eyelids slightly.

On the contrary, Pei Yanqing looked excited and even stood up: "cousin Kang, I see you again. How can I be alone near here?"

"Kang Qin heart said:" the original is out with my sister, she had something to go first

Pei Yanqing asked her to sit by her side and showed her the menu. She said enthusiastically, "what does sister Kang eat?"

She put forward a few suggestions, Kang Qin heart nodded, sat down to the waiter for a glass of water.

Pei Yanqing wants someone to pour her red wine. Kang Qin shakes her head slightly. "Miss Pei, I won't drink it today."

"We've seen many times before and after. I called you sister Sheng with Ashi, so I didn't treat you as an outsider. Does sister Kang still want miss Pei to call me like this?"

Kang Qin's heart saw that she was so sincere, and he called out, "I forgot, Yanqing."

Pei Yanqing smiled and went to see the sparrow boat that he ate for himself. He coughed twice on purpose.

The other side didn't respond, so he kicked him under the table.

The sparrow boat slowly swallowed the food, looked at Pei Yanqing and said, "if you don't eat, you don't sleep. Have you forgotten all your rules?"

Pei Yanqing groaned and complained in a low voice: "it's not the new year's meal. My uncle and aunt are not here. You are poor and pay attention to rules! It's nice to say that I came out with you. It's still like me watching movies and eating alone. You're not as interesting as song's adjutant. "

Song Hezhen, standing next to him, was flattered and surprised. He looked at Pei Yanqing with a face full of "don't dare to be" and then went to observe the face of the sparrow boat.

Pei Yanqing complains so much that the sparrow boat doesn't respond. She says to herself, "Miss Kang is an old acquaintance. There's no need to say hello."

Pei Yanqing narrowed her eyes and said with a smile, "are all the reports outside true?

Cousin, that's not what you said last time. "

"What was reported?

What did I say? "

His innocent tone made Pei Yanqing want to continue to ask questions. Knowing that siquefang was only in a mood to ignore questions and answers, he went to see Kang Qinxin.

But after all, she is not familiar with each other. She is still polite: "Miss Kang went to have coffee with my cousin the other day, wasn't she?"

"Do you mean the cafe on Xinli Avenue?"

"Yeah, it's all in the paper."

Pei Yanqing came closer to her.

Kang Qin's heart nodded and looked at the sparrow boat and said sincerely, "thanks a lot for that time."

"What does Miss Kang say?

It's just a matter of mutual benefit and cooperation. I'll break the crisis rumors for the bank. You've caught the important prisoners for me. They don't owe each other

Said the sparrow boat without expression.

Pei Yanqing does not understand: "cousin, what's the matter with you?"

Kang Qinxin also felt puzzled. He seemed to be in a bad mood when he left, but he didn't remember when he offended him, so he looked at the past in confusion.

"Miss Kang has had a good time these days, but what has she forgotten?" she asked

When the waiter served the meal, Kang Qinxin leaned back to avoid giving way, but didn't quite understand, "I don't know what the two little points to?"

"Don't you forget there's someone else on my side?"

The tone of sparrow boat is not good.


Kang Qinxin repeated that he didn't understand. Instead, he went to see song Hezhen.

Song Hezhen was frightened and hurriedly looked at the sparrow boat.

"My adjutant is restless all the year round. Miss luokang is really thinking about it."

Song Hezhen stands uneasy.

"No, it's not about the song adjutant's vacation."

Ms. Kang was also embarrassed. Knowing that the phone call had been listened to by the people in front of her, she explained, "I didn't understand what Er Shao said, so I wanted the Deputy song to give me a hint."

The sparrow boat took off his mouth and said, "that woman, she is pregnant."

He's talking about lily.

Hearing this, Kang Qin's heart and face were serious. "That's one of the sinners Yan soming arranged for Kang Shuhong. What's to do with me?"

"Is it really none of your business that she has your blood in her stomach?"

In the words of the sparrow boat, she said angrily, "send a woman with a child to me for questioning. Miss Kang, do you really want to kill your relatives regardless of your nephew's life, or do you want to take my hand to kill that child?"

"I will do what I need to do as soon as I can. I don't need to take care of the Kang family."

"Is this the decision of Miss Kang or the decision of the Kang family?" she asked

Kang Qin raised her eyes with a funny heart and asked instead, "what's the difference?

Why didn't they ask me if I could represent Kang family when they took Kang Shuhong as bait?

Now you have to face a woman, but you have a lot to think about. "

"I'm afraid that the child will be gone and hurt your mother's heart."

Sparrow Fang said seriously, with a slightly slower tone. "Mrs. Kang often comes to our house. My mother has a good relationship with her. I can't get her grandson without a word, can I?"

It surprised Kang Qinxin and apologized for his previous attitude that he could take into account the relationship between his wife and his mother.

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