Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2030 careless leakage

After a while, the sparrow boat suddenly asked, "don't worry about being photographed and reported when I go back in my car so late?"

His tone

When she looked back at him, she saw that she was looking at Fang Zheng's eyes. She said with a big smile, "I'm not borrowing your car for the first time."

He muttered "um".

Kang Qin heart rolled down the window, the evening wind is still very warm, it seems a lot more comfortable.

There was a long silence in the car. She thought for a moment and asked casually, "how is the morphine case? Is there any news about Yan Suoming?"

"Not yet."

"What didn't the man in the new liger say?"

Sparrow boat shakes her head again.

Kang Qin was surprised and said, "how can you let people go?"

"It's useless to keep Kang Shuhong. It's useless to lead the snake out of the hole. He can only cause trouble to your Kang's bank when he is in prison, but it's useless to me.

Kang's Bank is in trouble. I don't know if some people will ask me to be responsible. It's better to let it go as soon as possible. "

Although he didn't give his name, what he said was Kang Qinxin?

Kang Qin's heart was muffled and said, "thank you very much for that time

"Can you only say that?"

Kang Qin's heart unconsciously "ah" the sound, the eyes are confused.

"I'm asking you, can you just say thank you in this way?"

He inquired, Kang Qin's heart was fixed and he asked, "what do you think of those two little ones?"

Sparrow boat: "I should ask Miss Kang how to thank me, right? Beautiful words are always said on the lips. Few people can really say what they want to do. "

Kang Qin's heart is to be strong. Where can he stand this kind of exciting words, he immediately said: "if you think my thanks are just my mouth, it's wrong.

It's a fact that you helped our Kang family. I really owe you the favor. What can I do for you? I won't refuse to do it. "

"Miss Kang said it herself? It's not that I forced you. " Sparrow boat's eyes brightened at her.

Kangqin raised his right palm in a refreshing way, "naturally! 2. Make it clear that there are few orders. "

The sparrow boat didn't make a sound, only raised her hand slowly and clapped with her.

On the night of March, the palms of men are hot.

Kang Qin's heart touched and divided, and he was stared at unnaturally, so he deliberately looked out of the window.

He didn't follow, and she was a little restless. Turning her head, she asked, "what do you want me to do?"

"Not yet."

She began to realize that she had just begun to speak hastily and tentatively: "two little, you don't want to take an unconditional request from me, as it is written in the playbook?"

Did not think that the sparrow boat smiled, looked at her and said: "if I say so?"

Seeing her quick eyes, he continued: "Miss Kang has made a heavy commitment. Since she has already made a commitment, even if I asked you something that was too difficult for you, you should not refuse, right?"

Kangqin's heart was choking, and he looked at him in silence.

"Don't explore my ideas. I won't be polite when it's time for you to fulfill your promise." Sparrow boat is in a good mood, with a pleasant tone.

Kang Qinxin has nothing to say, but he can't.

She was so shaken that she didn't even respond when the car arrived outside the Kang's manor. She was still reminded by the sparrow boat, "Miss Kang, you are here."

Kangqin's heart is back to his mind. He picks up the bag next to him and gets ready to get off the bus. "Please."

Song Hezhen went out from the driver's seat and opened the door for her. "Miss Kang, please."

"Thank you."

Kangqin heart walked two steps, and was called by the sparrow boat.

"What else can I do for you?"

"When you have a decision, please call me and let me know what to do with the woman," she reminded

"Well, I remember."

Kang Qin's heart waved away those confused thoughts, and no longer studied the idea of sparrow boat. He felt heavy when he thought about lily. Wait until the fountain pool, looking at the brightly lit villa do not want to go in.

After two rounds of walking back and forth, she sat down beside the pool.

"Second miss."

Kang Qin's heart lifted her eyes. It was Kang Yingmao. She smiled and said, "brother Yingmao, you are rarely at home at this time."

Kang Yingmao sat down next to her and said, "I was not busy in the bank today, so I came back earlier."

"It's right. Aunt Zhu is sure to be sleepless when she sees you come back in the middle of the night every day. She will be relieved when you come back earlier. Although you are the vice president now, you don't have to do everything yourself. It's too hard. "

Kang Yingmao shook his head and said, "miss two is very serious. Yingmao doesn't dare to be you. It's my honor to trust me when the master appoints me as vice president. How can I say it's hard? "

"Dad always appreciates you. In fact, you don't have to be so polite. When you and I grow up together, just call my name."

"How can I do that? Miss is always miss." Kang Yingmao stressed.

The other side is stubborn, and Kang Qinxin doesn't force him to change his name.

Kang Yingmao's face showed concern. "How come the second Miss doesn't come in, but she's upset?"

"It's about Miss Lily. She's pregnant..." She sighed and said in a melancholy voice, "my sister-in-law is more comfortable. If I know this, I will be sad again."

"Miss, have you seen the second secretary Kang Yingmao was surprised.

Kangqin nodded, "well."

"Did he send you back?"

Kangqin nodded again.

Kang Yingmao looked away and said steadily for a long time: "the second secretary has helped us a lot this time, and let the young master come back. The second miss should thank him."

"It's not that I went to see him thank you, but I met Yan Qing in the center of the city, and it happened to be the same way."

Seeing this, Kang Qinxin explained, "Yanqing is a friend of Ashi, the eldest lady of Pei's hospital."

Kang Yingmao suddenly said, "it is so."

"What is the second miss going to do about Miss Lily?"

"I think about it and think about it again and again. My mother hopes that my grandson and sister-in-law will be virtuous and generous. These years, I'm very sorry for not being able to add a child to my family, so that they know it's not easy to do.

Lily, regardless of her origin, said that her relationship with Yan soming and Jiang Yongwang, which implicated Kang's family and ye's family in morphine, was not a good person. "

After thinking about it, Kangqin said decisively, "brother Yingmao, I'm going to find someone to pick her up, put her in an apartment to raise her baby, and then send her away after giving birth. Do you think it's ok?"

Kang Yingmao asked uncertainly, "do you want to take the child back?"

Before kangqinxin could answer, there was an angry scolding voice behind him: "kangqinxin, why do my kangshuhong's women and children make up your mind?

You hurt me so much. I don't want to touch Lily now. I tell you there is no door! " Turning around, Kang Shuhong, who was full of wine, stared at her.

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