Seeing his fierce appearance, Kangqin said in a bad voice, "what are you shouting at?

I think you've drunk too much. You shout here in the evening. You're not afraid to make a noise. "

"You are afraid of your mother, don't you?

Lily is pregnant with my child. Why do you keep it from me and ask the manager to take her away? Why are you so vicious?

Isn't Lily's baby your nephew? "

Kang Shuhong is unreasonable, and Kang Qin's heart is also weak.

Seeing that he still wanted to rush forward, she stood up and said, "I really want to thank you for adding such a nephew outside?

If it wasn't for your romantic debt, would the bank be where it is today?

Do you forget the pain when you are well scarred? Why don't you still want to take someone back to be your aunt? "

"What happened to me?

This is a matter in my room. You usually manage the house and the bank. Do you even have to manage the women and children in my room? "

Kang Shuhong was furious. Seeing this, Kang Yingmao hurriedly pulled up and said, "young master, the second miss is for your sake. Don't misunderstand her kindness..." "Get out of here! What kind of thing are you, but you're a servant raised at home. Dare you teach me a lesson?

Don't think you can replace me as the master of Kangshi bank if you are the vice president.

You and your father's surname are given by my family. Do you know your identity, domestic slave! Do you understand, I'm a young master and you're a servant? Don't think you'll take yourself as a rich young master if you put on a suit and shirt. How dare you play with me? "

Kang Shuhong pushes Kang Yingmao away, and talks to each other.

Kang Yingmao's face was white, and he barely stood up. He couldn't come forward again.

Kang Qin could not hear this. He grabbed Kang Shuhong's arm and said angrily, "what are you talking about?

Yingmao has been running for your business day after day. He cleans up the basket for you in the bank all night. Aren't you grateful for saying that, is that right? "

"How funny! Don't we care for him?

It's his duty to serve our family. Why should I thank a slave? "

He struggled to get rid of Kangqin's heart, but he was hurt all over, so he didn't help himself. "Kangqin's heart, I'm your brother, but you don't speak to me in favor of an outsider.

Are you really going to invite him to be my son-in-law to fight for my family property


Kangqin's heart reaches out and throws it out, stares at him and says, "you're good enough to talk nonsense. How can you insult people like this?

Kang Shuhong, speak carefully! "

Kang Shuhong was stupefied. He licked the blood in his mouth and wiped the corners of his lips. He said recklessly, "OK, I'm going to fight my brother.

Is there any rule of seniority or inferiority? It's really powerful! You are looking at the two young people who have hooked up with the Secretary's family. I have to see your eyes, don't I? "

"Keep your mouth clean. Did I hurt you today?

It's not your fault! "

Kang Qinxin goes to Kang Yingmao and politely says, "brother Yingmao, I'm glad to see you. Go back first."

Kang Yingmao nodded with a good temper and didn't care about Kang Shuhong.

"Go what?

Let's make it clear.

Kang Yingmao, I usually ask you to do something. With all your procrastinating opinions, how can the second lady tell you that you are just as obedient as a dog? "

Kang Qin was angry to scold her again when he saw that he was aggressive. Suddenly, Jiang Yulan helped Ye Wu out of the gate, and she called "mother".

Ye Wu frowned and asked, "what are you doing in the garden, quarreling?"

Then he looked at his son and said, "Shuhong, how can you talk to Yingmao like this?"

Kang Qinxin goes over: "Mom, I'm sorry to disturb you."

Leaf charm is holding her hand, concern way: "just come back?

Why don't you go in? "

"I met brother Yingmao in the garden and discussed with him. Fortunately, he came out. When I caught him, I felt like everyone owed him."

Kang Qin squints at Kang Shuhong.

Next to Jiang Yulan, her face was embarrassed. She was about to say a few words to reconcile her. Kang Shuhong ran up to Ye Wu and the villain first complained: "Mom, if your son has something to decide, please."

Ye Wu: "what are you doing standing outside? Go in and say."

Aunt Zhu took tea and looked anxiously at Kang Yingmao, but dared not interrupt.

Kang Qinxin and Kang Shuhong both stood and said in a soft voice: "aunt Zhu, brother Yingmao, it's not early, you go back to the small building to have a rest."

Aunt Zhu looks at Ye Wu, who nods.

When they leave, the hall is quiet, and ye Wujiu can't wait for the situation. He looks at Kang Shuhong and says, "what's the matter? It's worth your brother and sister to make trouble again. How can you start to fight against your brother?"

"You don't know what he did or what he just said. I slapped him lightly."

Kangqin's tone is not good.

Kang Shuhong was also angry. "Mom, listen to me. In front of you, she has a little attitude towards me as a brother?

No matter what you do, she will turn over the world any day. "

Kangqin replied, "I can't turn the sky. It's true that you should be careful not to defeat our family."

Ye Wu holds her forehead and shakes: "I really don't understand how a good brother and sister can become like this, and what are you fighting for?"

Kang Qin's heart twisted over his body, unable to speak.

Kang Shuhong speculated that his mother wanted to hold his grandson's mentality and explained the matter in a light way.

Jiang Yulan's face was pale. She stood there shaking, and looked at her husband's face quietly.

Ye Wu's expression is serious: "you usually spend a lot of money and drink outside. It's Yulan who has a good temper and doesn't care about you. Now she raises women openly, even children?

What is it called! "

She apologized and looked at her daughter-in-law.

"Mom, my son is working outside. There are inevitably social activities at the table.

My son knows it's not a good thing, but it's done. It's your grandson. Can you bear to ignore it?

The second younger sister knew that Lily was pregnant and asked the Secretary's family to take her away. She was not satisfied to see that I had been in prison. She wanted my unborn child to be folded in it! "

Kang Shuhong believes that Kang Qinxin is deliberately trying to harm his father and son.

Kang Qinxin didn't want to explain this, but said to his mother, "Mom, lily is the one who gets in touch with morphine. How can this kind of person fit into our Kang family?

Not to mention that she has already violated the law, even if not, what kind of good woman can a woman seduce a husband?

How can I get her? "

Ye Wu was silent and did not speak. After a while, she looked at Jiang Yulan and said seriously, "what do you think of this matter, daughter-in-law?"

Jiang Yulan hesitated: "my daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law think that after all, they are the blood of the Kang family, and they can't live outside.

If mother and Shuhong agree, their daughter-in-law may as well take them back. "

"What are you going to do?

Don't be so kind-hearted, sister-in-law. That kind of woman won't remember that you are virtuous and magnanimous. She will only feel that you are bullied. If she comes in, she will only ask for more.

What's more, he didn't make any fame in his young career. Instead, he learned from those old social customs. It became a joke when he came to our Kang family! "

Kangqin has a clear attitude.

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