Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2032 no statement

Kang Shuhong was so angry that he didn't even think about Lily's harm to him. He just wanted to contradict Kang Qin's heart. He didn't care about his wife's mood and thoughts. He said he wanted to take people back to the manor.

Leaf is charming for a long time.

Kang Shuhong looked at Jiang Yulan, and Jiang Yulan went to Kang Qinxin and said, "sister-in-law, I know you are holding grievances for me, but it's already like this. You can't let people wander outside, and it's not good for our reputation.

I haven't been married for many years. It's a good thing that she can help Kang's family. Even if she did something wrong before, she will be happy when she gives birth to a child.

Besides, after all, your brother likes it. If she enters the door, Shuhong will be home after... " The lighter she said it, with bitterness.

"It's easy to change, but hard to change. Don't be naive, sister-in-law."

Kang Qin was angry and didn't want to talk about her. She turned to her mother and said, "Mom, say something."

Leaf Charm cold face does not open a mouth.

"Do you still want to allow her in?"

Kangqin thought about her mother's idea.

Leaf charm still does not answer.

Kang Shuhong said: "you don't want to make a fuss. You want to see our husband and wife quarrel and let mom teach me a lesson?

Don't waste your time. This matter has nothing to do with you. No matter how long your hands are, they shouldn't reach into my house. "

"Well, since it has nothing to do with me, you should go to the aftercare by yourself."

Kangqin is full of disappointment and walks towards the stairway.

"You wait!"

Kang Shuhong called her, "you have to help me get Lily out."

"Are you really funny?

Just said it's nothing to do with me, how can I turn around and ask me to help you save people? "

Kang Shuhong ran up to him and said, "you have a good relationship with Si Er Shao. Since you can take Lily away from him, you can let her go. Just now I heard you and Kang Yingmao saying that they can pick up people."

"It's because of the need of the case that she was arrested by the second secretary. How can I intervene in this kind of thing?

You say that it's your woman and child. What are you doing to help yourself? "

Kangqin chuckles at her heart, but her eyes show her dissatisfaction.

Kang Shuhong went to call ye Wu: "Ma, you see her like this, how can she have a little bit of aunt's virtue?"

Kang Qinxin just stepped up the stairs and was hearing this. She turned to remind her, "don't put your hat on my head. We are just a little grandmother. When did I become someone else's sister-in-law?

Lily has tricked you into the morphine case. You don't mind, Master Kang, but I don't think the loss in the bank is so generous.

I'm sure I won't recognize this kind of daughter-in-law after Dad comes back to see the accounts. "

Ye Wu looked at the children quietly, saw that her son still had to stick to this matter, and said for a long time: "Shuhong, what your sister said is also reasonable. Do you really want to take such a woman into the house?

In my opinion, let her give birth to the baby and give her another sum of money to send her away. "

Kang Shuhong did not want to ask, "how can a child leave his mother?"

"Yulan is virtuous. She will treat her children as if they were her own.

Your reputation has been damaged only a few days ago. Even if it is clarified now, you should be more careful in your words and deeds after that, and you should not leave any criticism. "

Ye Wu felt sorry for his injury and said again in a relaxed voice: "even if you want to be an aunt, you should be a girl with a good family.

I heard from your second sister that Lily was born in a tavern. She was also involved with the mastermind of the morphine case. Forget it. "

"Mom, you know that she can't see me when she hears her second sister's slander."

Kang Shuhong was excited by his words.

Jiang Yulan went to help him and was pushed away directly.

"I can't see you, but I can't see where you are."

Kangqinxin left and went upstairs.

Kang Shuhong sat down to drink a glass of water and threw the glass away. He was so angry.

The water mark twisted the whole tea table and splashed on him.

Jiang Yulan bent over to wipe with a handkerchief. Kang Shuhong waved away her sign language. "You go away, what are you doing in this way?"

Jiang Yulan's movements are stiff and her face is embarrassed.

Leaf Charm sees him so, deep voice trains a way: "Book Hong, how can be so to your daughter-in-law?"

"Mom, what do you say I do to her?

She is at home in front of her little grandma. She is in no hurry when something happens to me. She will know about her mother's family when she is away from home for a few days! It's all the married daughters. Your two brothers have to deal with the affairs of the Jiang family. What do you want your daughter to do there? It's your husband's life and death that you're worried about. "

"Shuhong, I'm not worried about you..." Jiang Yulan is eager to explain.

Kang Shuhong didn't want to listen. He opened his mouth and asked, "did you pay for your mother's hospitalization this time?

It's so difficult in the bank. I don't expect you to help me, but I still get money from home. I'm really competent. "

Jiang Yulan bit her lips and bowed her head.

Ye Wu: "what kind of anger do you have to your daughter-in-law when you feel uncomfortable?

Magnolia takes care of you with great care, but your affairs are handled with care.

Her mother's life and death are naturally in the hospital.

Magnolia, don't take it to heart, Shuhong is just like that. "

She said and looked at Kang Shuhong. She pointed out: "don't make trouble with your heart all day. After you are arrested, she will make a fuss for you. Be polite in everything."

"Mom, I'm not guilty at all. She deliberately sent me in to be a bait for the sake of pleasing the second junior secretary of the company, which made me suffer so much for no reason."

"Don't speak up in front of me. If you are really innocent and innocent, you can be wronged by someone else?

I have a headache because of the noise. You can make it up to me. I don't care. "

Leaf Charm caresses forehead to stand up.

Jiang Yulan goes to help her. "Mom, I'll accompany you back to your room."

Ye Wugang nods, the gate is open, Kang Huarou comes in from outside.

"Mom, Shuhong and Yulan, why are you all in the hall?"

Kang Huarou's expression was surprised. He stood still and looked around. "What's the matter?"

Ye Wu is not happy: "why do you come back so late?

I just forgot to ask, aren't you and Xin'er going out to see a movie, how can they still be separated? "

Kang Huarou walked into the room and explained, "Mom, it's like this. I met my friend on the street and talked, so I separated from her second sister."

She didn't want to talk about Xue Yao.

When ye Wuzheng was about to ask, Kang Shuhong said, "Mom, you don't remember who the second sister said to see before?"?

Eight must be that she left her eldest sister to have a tryst alone. "

Leaf is enchanting this just to release doubt, shake head while holding by Jiang Yulan to return to the room, murmur: "come back good, your affair I am more and more cannot manage."

Kang Huarou was puzzled. He looked at Kang Shuhong along the way. "Who did the second sister meet? How could you talk like this?"

Kang Shuhong said in a disdainful tone, "you don't know, elder sister. This second young lady of our family has great ability."

He said that he stood up and took her to sit down. He confessed Lily's story and asked her to come out and persuade her.

Kang Huarou naturally won't embarrass Kang Qin. He stood up and said, "Shu Hong, you have to bow to her heart. You know her temper. She is hard spoken and soft hearted. You can say that she won't care."

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