Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2033 the avoidance of suspicion

Kang Huarou went back to the room to take a bath and went to find Kang Qinxin.

Kang Qin couldn't understand what she said about lily. "Sister, do you think that because she is pregnant, we can ignore what she did before? I can't think how my sister-in-law can say what he's going to say to get people back to the house. "

"Where does Magnolia think? She said it for Shuhong. " Kang Huarou sat beside her bed and sighed, "I'm not here to advise you. I don't know what the woman did.

You always have an idea and a sense of propriety. Since you don't think it's appropriate, it must be true that you shouldn't take it back. What do I advise you to do? "

Kang Qin's heart felt a little Ji. "Then sister, why are you here?"

Kang Huarou looks down slightly.

"What did Xue Yao say to you?"

Kang Qin's face was heavy, and he asked tentatively, "what's the matter? How do you let me guess?"

"Xue Yao asked me if I could go back to Qingming this year." Kang Huarou's words are hard to understand. He holds his sister's hand and says frankly, "heart, I want to go back and put incense on ah Xu."

"Sister a, you went back to Shanghai the year before last and Qingming last year. What did the Xue family do to you? Either humiliation or sarcasm. Mrs. Xue is even more unreasonable. What are you going back to do this year? "

Kang Qin's heart pulls out his hand, and his tone is direct: "how can you have a new life if you read the past so much? It's not that I can't see the Xue family, but Xue Yao knows this situation and asks if you can go back. I don't think she has a good intention. "

"Ah Yao and his brother and sister have a good relationship, but they asked me when they were chatting. I think she naturally wants me to go back and ah Xu wants to see me. " Kang Hua's eyes are soft and soft, gradually losing focus.

Kang Qinxin wakes her up. If she wanted to stop it, she would say, "anyway, I can't persuade you. Elder sister can go if she wants to. If you do what you want, you'll be happy."

Kang Huarou hesitated again. "Mom must not be allowed to know."

"It's really a difficult thing, and now it's settled in China that dad is going to take us back to our hometown to worship our ancestors in such a big matter as Qingming." "Can't you say you can't go back?" Kang Qin thought

"After all, I'm a married daughter. If I don't go..." Kang Huarou can't speak for herself.

Kang chin was reluctant to talk about these unhappy things, and casually asked about tonight's situation, "by the way, does cousin Xinrong take Ashi with him?"

"Yes, Xinrong said that she was afraid that ah Yao would be upset when she went alone. She thought that since she was going to the school, she called her cousin to go with her. Ah Xi also took ah Yao to the school for a stroll. They were in a good place."

Hearing this, Kang Qin couldn't help laughing and joking: "it's really interesting that a playboy like him knows how to avoid suspicion."

"Don't say Xinrong like this. I see that he is just like this. He likes to make people happy."

"I know my cousin is not mean, that is to say, joking."

Kang Huarou nodded and stood up and said, "I'm coming home to see you. Take a rest. The matter of Shu Hong and Lily, you decide according to your idea."

"Thank you, sister." Kang Qinxin takes her out.

For the next two days, Kang Qin pretended to forget nothing about lily. Kang Shuhong met her more and more at home, but he didn't even talk about her face.

Later, he called Jiang Yulan to be a lobbyist.

Kang Qinxin, on the other hand, said Jiang Yulan's advice to her not to be too virtuous, otherwise Kang Shuhong would only make progress in the future.

Now take an aunt back, there will be two aunts and three aunts in the future.

Jiang Yulan left her room in a dilemma.

After another two days, Kang Shuhong finally couldn't help inviting his mother.

Ye Wu also comes to test Kang Qinxin's voice. Kang Qinxin asks, "isn't he not letting me ask about his affairs? Why are you here now? " "My heart, it's a family. You can't go out with your brother like this. That woman is pregnant with your brother's child, can he not worry? You also know his ability. If there is a way to save people, you can entrust your sister-in-law and me to invite you. "

Kang Qin was not interested in it. He asked, "how is he going?"

"I have agreed with Shuhong that we should set up a place outside for her to produce. After giving birth to a child, we should bring the child back to Yulan for support. That woman will never enter the mansion."

Then we give her a sum of money and send her away? Will she be willing then? "

"No, No. Your brother wants to understand that she used to be the woman who instigated him to make friends with Jiang Yongwang and Yan soming. She caused Shuhong to fall so far, and Shuhong was also angry.

But now it's for the sake of children that she can't be ignored. When the children are born, they will be shot and separated. Shuhong doesn't want her. Can she still depend on our Kang family? " Leaf Charm cold way.

"Mom, you can talk to Kang Shuhong. I think it's OK for me to pick her up, but you can't let him see her until you send her away."

Kang Qin said with Ye Wu, "Mom, do you have to consider your sister-in-law's mood?"? No matter how virtuous my sister-in-law is, she can't be completely indifferent to these things.

It's very difficult for her to raise the children of other women. Is it really necessary for Kang Shuhong to set up a new home outside? "

"What you said is reasonable. It's true that Yulan has been wronged."

"Isn't it? His mother had an operation in the hospital. He didn't see his son-in-law to visit him. He was concerned about a woman who nearly killed him. Can we not be upset?

My sister-in-law was so patient with your father's kindness to the yuan family. Otherwise, how could a miss Qianjin bear Kang Shuhong's temper? " Kangqin really can't see their husband and wife's way.

"But these things can't be managed by the mother-in-law. Every time I persuade Shuhong, he agrees well, but turns around and relapses. "

Kang chin hung his mother's arm in his heart: "don't sigh. Don't spoil Kang Shuhong too much. He's only a son like you and his father who has no fear."

"Well, not your brother." Ye Wu patted her and said, "well, when are you going to pick up your mother and your sister-in-law?"

Kangqin thought to herself and said, "I'll call siser Shao later." Ye Wu: "my heart, have you been close to the second childe of Si family recently? In the past, my wife and I had the love of teachers and students, but the two families didn't move frequently, and you seldom followed me to the Secretary's house. How could he sell your face? "

"Where is selling me face? Did you go to the Secretary's house to find the Secretary's wife last time? Although madam Si said that she didn't agree with you on the face, she always mentioned it with the second secretary in private.

Otherwise, he would not let people go easily. That day, I met with the second junior secretary. He also said that Lily's baby is your grandson and can't make you sad. " "Ye Wu is in a good mood," he said? It's a mistake for him. He turned out to be a child of great affection. I have to go to the door myself and thank the teacher. "

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