Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2034 invitation in the middle of the night

That night, Kang Qinxin called Si quefang and was surprised to find that he picked up the phone himself. The voice there was a two-point teasing: "I thought Miss Kang had forgotten this matter. Would you please call in person and ask me what I want to do?"

Kang Qinxin was slightly surprised at his voice and said, "two little words are blaming me for my late reply."

"What do you say, Miss Kang?"

His voice is a little heavy.

After all, it's Kang family's fault. Kang Qin adjusted his mind and said in a good tone: "don't be angry, it's not that I forgot this matter. It's really that the family didn't discuss it, so I'm late on the phone. Please forgive me."

"The sparrow boat is not really angry, straight asked:" then how do you plan to arrange

"I still want to pick up the people first and make arrangements after giving birth to the children.

2. If you need to inquire, you can also come to ask for help at any time.

By the way, where is she now? Is it a hospital?


Sparrow Fang laughed: "you don't think I will send anyone to Pei's hospital?

She's fine. In a special prison, she's under special care. "

"Thank you. I don't know when it's convenient for you. I'd like to ask you for a warrant to take over."

She is so polite, and the sparrow boat is also very simple. "It's very convenient at the moment. Miss Kang can come here to get the warrant directly. You've been to my private house."

Kangqin is very quiet and looks out of her eyes at the moon under the night sky.

"What's wrong with Miss Kang?"

There urged next, Kang Qin heart busy way: "no, there is no wrong, I will be later."

"Waiting for Miss Kang."

The sparrow boat, with long legs cocked, hung up the phone with a smile.

Kangqin gets up, opens the wardrobe and changes into casual clothes and pants to go out.

When I went downstairs, I saw my mother holding elder sister on the sofa and talking.

Ye Wu: "mind, do you want to go out at this time?"

"Well, I have something to do. Mom, you have a rest earlier."

Leaf Charm asks: "what matter is so anxious, can't tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is not convenient for others."

Kangqinxin stood at the door to change shoes and asked casually, "by the way, sister, do you not need to go to the orphanage tomorrow?"

"Yes, the children are entering school one after another. My aunt's side is much more relaxed and says I don't need to go over the weekend."

"It's good not to go.

Good miss Qianjin, I'm busy here and there. My mother's heart aches when I see her. It's time to talk to your aunt. If there is a shortage of staff, I can invite some people to do it. "

Ye Wu took Kang Huarou '.

You like children so much. How good is it to get married early and let mom hold a grandson? "

Zhao Xingzhi's impression on Kang Huarou is very good. Since he met at Ye's house, he came to visit Kang's house and invited Kang Huarou to play.

Kang Huarou usually refuses to go to the above class, but Zhao Xingzhi delivers the service as early as possible and receives it later. In the evening, he is usually left by Ye Wu for dinner, and soon gets to know each other.

It's this topic that she turns around in her pocket. Kang Huarou avoids her eyes. "Mom, I'll send my heart out."

Kang Qin knew what she meant, and added, "it's just that I have a few words to say to sister A."

Ye Wu can't say anything more.

When the two sisters went out, Kanghua drew a long and soft breath outside the gate. Kangqin said with a smile: "it seems that mother really likes Mr. Zhao San, but he's very good at dealing with people. He buys things for her and gives tickets for the theatre. He changes his ways to make her happy, but he doesn't want to talk for him."

"You don't know my mind. Why do you say such a thing?"

Kang Huarou smiled bitterly. "I'm sorry that you just went downstairs, or my mother didn't know when to nag.

By the way, my dear, where are you going so late?

Is the little uncle there? "

"No, sir."

Seeing this, Kangqin heart went down the steps and said: "lily always wants to pick it up, right?

I'll go to him and get a warrant to lift people. "

As he was saying, Lu Yu came from the side corridor. "Miss two, are you going out?"

"Yes, you go to prepare the car. You don't need Uncle Wang."

Lu Yu nodded, "OK."

Kang Huarou looked at the back of his departure and said with a smile, "my uncle has arranged for Lu's adjutant to you. You don't go out often these days, but you have wronged him to stay in the manor all day."

"Yes, I said there was no danger. My uncle was not sure to take them back."

"Anyway, it's safer to have an aide Lu following.

It's also strange that the two young men in charge of this department call you to go there so late, and they can't wait for dawn. "

Kang Huarou murmured and touched her palm again. "It's cool at night. It's better to wear a thick dress."

"Sister, I'm not cold, you can rest assured."

"I'm sorry about the bank, but I used Sparrow's personal reputation to make news to beat back the rumors," said Kang.

Now he looks at his mother's face and is willing to let Lily out. I can't trouble him too much, but I just need a warrant. I'll go back. "

"Then be careful yourself."

Kang Qin nodded, "sister, go in. Lu Yu will follow me. I will be OK."

It happened that Lu ran into the car and she got on the back seat.

Kang Huarou turns back to the house when she sees the car coming out of the iron gate.

In the car, Lu Yu asked, "where are you going, miss two?"

"You should remember the way to the private villa with the second youngest secretary."

Lu Yu's speed-up movement was slightly sluggish and his face was a little shocked. Shao Qing replied, "I remember."

Kang Qin's heart "hum".

It's not near from Kang's house. It's cold and clear in the street at night. It's very convenient to drive.

Lu Yu is a man who is not good at words. He is speechless half the way, or Kang Qin's heart can't hold his mouth.

She said curiously, "Lu, do you know what my uncle is doing recently?

My company, which died the day before yesterday, went in and waited for half an hour when passing Xinquan manor, but no one saw it. "

"We won't know about the young master without telling us."

Kang Qinxin was used to his way of speaking, but he was still puzzled. He said to himself, "my brother-in-law has such a personality, but he was not as busy as he is now.

He has always been able to deal with the business in the market, so that he can't get away from it.

When Lily's business is settled, I'll ask him. "

Lu Yu didn't answer.

The sentry outside the villa should have been informed for a long time, but they didn't block the inquiry. They let the car enter the villa area smoothly and stop in the garden.

Song Hezhen stood at the door. He pulled the car for her and said, "Miss Kang is here. I'll wait for you inside."

And the conductor came to park.

Lu Yu should follow in.

Song Hezhen reached out and stopped. "This adjutant, please go to the side hall to have a cup of tea first."

Where will Lu Yu deal with him?

Hearing the words, he was still protecting Kangqin's mind and body.

Song Hezhen continued, "Miss Kang is here to be a guest. There is no reason to embarrass her. Please."

Words fall to see people clubbing, had to go to see Kang Qin heart.

Kang Qin nods to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu is still reluctant.

She opened her lips and said, "I'll be fine at the company's house."

Lu Yu is reluctant to leave.

Song Hezhen said: "Miss Kang, your subordinates are really loyal and stubborn."

"Are you the same as song's adjutant?"

Kangqin is half joking.

Song Hezhen was embarrassed and led her all the way to the restaurant.

"Two little girls, Miss Qin Xin is here."

Kang Qinxin was puzzled. She saw the sparrow boat, who was sitting at the long table cutting steak, put down the tableware and stood up and came to her with a smile.

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