Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2035 dinner preparation

The sparrow boat's expression is gentle. She moves forward and says naturally, "Qin Xin, you are late."

Kang Qin's heart was about to dodge. He caught a glimpse of a young woman standing in the hall. Suddenly he understood. He walked to the other side of the dining table.

On the long table, there are British dishes, red wine and flowers, and candles. They are very attentive. Sparrow Fang pulled her chair and made the napkin for her, and exchanged the steak she had just cut with the whole one in front of her. She said with concern, "I must be hungry because of the long delay on the road? Use it quickly. You like it very well. My new English chef, can you taste it better than last time? "

He seldom talks so much as if she were a regular here?

Kangqin is ashamed. What is it?

But his eyes were so hot that he had to hang his head and taste a small piece of knife and fork. He raised his eyes and said, "it's delicious, and the maturity is just right."

Holding up the red wine that song Hezhen poured for her, Kang Qin took a sip and said with a gentle smile, "haven't you waited a long time? I'm really sorry. "

"What do you and I say and do?"

Siquefang smiled like a spring breeze, and looked at the rigid woman beside him as if he remembered. "Qin Xin, I'd like to introduce you to her. This is Yao Xiu. Her mother, aunt Yao, has served in my house for many years."

Yao Xiu has not moved her eyes since Kang Qinxin came in. When he heard this, he stepped forward and said, "Miss Qinxin."

Si que Fang looked at Yao Xiu and added: "Qin Xin is the gold of Kangshi bank, very capable."

Yao Xiu hurriedly bowed again and bit his lips. Kang Qinxin saw that although she was only introduced as the daughter of the Secretary's mother, she was gorgeous in clothes and extraordinary in temperament. She also made the sparrow boat put on such a show. She introduced herself personally. She wanted to come to the Secretary's home and not only be a girl, so she replied: "Yao

Miss doesn't have to be so hospitable."

Yao Xiu hears the words and says: "ah Xiu is just a girl. I dare not be Miss Kang."

Her voice was soft and low, and she didn't dare to look at people directly, as if she had been wronged by Tianda.

Kang Qin's heart is not clear, so he looks to the sparrow boat.

If siquefang didn't realize it, he just said to Yao Xiu, "ah Xiu, you see I promised Qin Xin to accompany her with Western food tonight. Let's put the dishes and snacks that your mother asked you to bring first.

It's best to wait for Qin Xin to make a night snack if he feels hungry. You don't have to wait here. When it's not too late and early, you go back to the mansion, say hello to my mother, and say I'll go back to see her and my father some other day. "

Kang Qinxin noticed that there was a mahogany food box on the side table.

Yao Xiu didn't look at him, and his voice was soft and soft: "ah Xiu knows. Ah Xiu will go back to the mansion immediately after hearing from Er Shao. He won't disturb your dinner with Miss Kang, so he will go back to ask his wife for help."

Sparrow boat nodded and said, "be careful on the road."

Look at Song Hezhen again.

Song Hezhen said: "don't worry, I will send someone to send Miss Xiu back."

He turns around and asks Yao Xiu to go ahead. When he leaves the restaurant, he turns off the light.

Yao Xiu's footsteps are slightly sluggish and his back is light.

The candlelight on the table is shining, and the atmosphere

Kang Qinxin is a little unnatural, and curious about the appellation of song he Zhen, Miss Xiu?

The secret way is really a big family with complex relationships. Yao Xiu should have a story.

However, the story is not hard to guess. Looking at her grievance, she and the sparrow boat should be childhood sweethearts, but it's my concubine's intention to have a lover. Looking out of the window, I saw the car leaving. Kangqin's heart rate opened to break the peace in the hall first. "Why are you so cruel? Miss Xiu came so late to send you dishes and snacks. You are so let go. When she came, she was filled with joy and when she went, she was filled with melancholy

"Miss Kang, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute."

Sparrow's voice was not good. She looked sideways at her eyes and Tucao: "a good atmosphere is broken like this. Can't your steak shut your mouth?"

Kangqin's heart is full of surprise. What do you do to get angry with her?

So he simply put down the tableware and stood up and said, "two little things are forgotten. I didn't come here to have dinner. Please give me your hand. I'll leave now, and I won't disturb your mood."

The sparrow boat frowned again, watching her speechless.

One sitting and one standing, facing each other by candlelight.

For a while, the sparrow boat raised his glass and drank it up. He called out "come", and someone sent in the envelope of the warrant document he had already prepared.

He made a sign to the opposite side.

The man handed the envelope to Kang Qinxin, and then withdrew.

Kangqinxin took out his eyes and looked at the seal at the bottom right of his eyes. Then he looked at the opposite person, "thank you very much." Looking at the action of her recollection, sparrow Fang said with deep meaning: "Miss Kang is a real person. When I feel useful, I'll call you three times to urge four times. I'm very polite. Now that I have taken the official document, I must be in a hurry to go, right? "

Although this is a big truth, Kang Qinxin felt that his tone of speech was really not suitable for him, and he stood there with a smile, really walking or staying.

"Why, is it so hard to have dinner with me?" Sparrow boat pressure.

Kang Qinxin had to sit down and put the envelope beside him, smiling, "two little misunderstandings. I think I speak too directly, for fear of making you unhappy. Since you don't mind, I have no reason to refuse. "

Si quefang suddenly said: "ah Xiu's mother has been with my mother for many years. Her father used to work in our family. During the siege in Singapore, I met the Japanese killed on the way.

Ah Xiu grew up under my mother's knee when she was a child. She has a wonderful relationship with my sister. She's half a family. I think she's a sister. "

Kangqin's heart was dazed. What did he tell himself to do?

Subconsciously looking back at the entrance of the restaurant, Yao Xiu didn't come back. Did he go into the play too deep?

She carefully took over the words and said: "I can see that the two young people have a good relationship with her. Should miss Xiu have read a book? "

"Well, I graduated this year. My mother asked her to go to my brother's side to be a secretary to pass the time, which is also to apply her knowledge. She was too willing to take the initiative to ask my mother for a job here.

I'm all old soldiers here. How can I have a job for her? " Thinking of this, sparrow boat's head was big, and she frowned unconsciously.

Kang Qinxin saw that he was drinking muggy wine. He thought he was really worried about it, and he didn't joke: "so, please call me to get the warrant at this time. Is Miss Xiu going to leave when she meets the difficulties?"

Sparrow boat did not hide, nodded: "I hope she can understand."

Kang Qin thought for a moment, "I see that this young lady Xiu, although she is weak in culture, can push a lot of secretarial work to take the initiative to apply for a job in your side. She is obviously a girl with her own opinions. I'm afraid she won't give up so easily. In fact, the two young people refused to let her feel sad on purpose. It's better to say it clearly. "

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