Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2036 night shooting

The sparrow boat disagreed and frowned: "although ah Xiu is only aunt Yao's daughter, she has never been regarded as a servant by our secretary's family, just like the Fishing Song beside my sister.

She looks weak and good-natured, but she is also a man of great self-esteem. If I refuse her directly, she may... "

Siquefang looks powerful, but obviously she doesn't deal with women. She wants Yao xiuneng to put away his affection for him, and worries about hurting her self-esteem.

How can Kang Qinxin make suggestions?

The sparrow boat continues to say: "moreover, a Xiu is not good at playing small, has the congenital heart disease. I'm afraid that she's been stimulated to get sick. That's too much for her and aunt Yao. "

"Well, think twice."

Kangqin wants to tell him that there are not so many two perfect methods in the world, but in a second he thinks that maybe he can't understand them, so he doesn't care about himself and doesn't care much.

Si que Fang also saw Kang Qin's inattention. He was annoyed. However, he had a peaceful relationship. He couldn't find a reason to attack. He was depressed, so he called song Hezhen in.

Song Hezhen stood at the door. "What can I do for you

"Take Miss Kang out." The sparrow boat's words fell. He got up and left first.

Leaving Kangqin's mind staring at the dining table, he looked back at Song Hezhen, who was also at a loss, and said softly, "your family is two young people. It's too moody."

Song Hezhen didn't respond and politely sent her out.

Kang Qinxin stood at the door and waited for Lu Yuhe and the car. He turned around and said, "if I bring someone out, I won't bother song adjutant to see him off."

Song Hezhen didn't force himself, nodded: "Miss Kang, please walk slowly."

Get the warrant smoothly, Kang Qinxin is in a good mood, and has not been spoiled by the uncertain sparrow boat.

But Lu Yu had no words, so she closed her eyes and took a rest in the back seat, only to be woken up by the sudden sudden brake.

Kangqin's heart opened his eyes to ask what was going on. He was dazzled to his eyes by the direct light on the opposite side. Someone stopped their car.

Looking around, I just passed the Tianhe bridge, which is the Indus Road that must be passed back to the Kangjia manor.

There are no shops and houses around this road. There are few people and cars at this time.

Lu Yu has pulled out his gun from his waist. The bullet goes to the hall. In a moment, he finds out the situation. "Second miss, I'll get out of the car to deal with them later. You take the opportunity to drive away."

"No getting off! Let's go together. " Kangqinxin will never allow him to abandon his car to be a bodyguard.

Looking at the people coming down from the opposite car, I heard the movement behind the car again. Turning around, the two cars blocked the way back side by side.

Looking at the people who surrounded the car, Kangqin wondered when he had offended people and caused this disaster?

She opened the zipper of her handbag, took out her gun and complained at the bottom of her heart. This world is really becoming more and more restless. There was a shooting in Qinggang port before, and now it is surrounded by Wutong road.

Lu Yu saw her meaning and said in a deep voice, "Miss, they have guns."

Kang Qin was shocked: "after the Qinggang incident, didn't the government and the Security Department seal up many sites and control guns more severely, how dare these people be so unbridled?"

Lu Yu said simply, "I don't know."

Kangqin watched them getting closer and closer. There were about seven or eight people. They all took out their guns. They were about to attack.

When she didn't know the situation, Lu Yu left a sentence "proceed according to plan", then quickly opened the door and rolled out, just to avoid the bullets of the other side, and immediately found the parasol tree trunk next to him as a cover to shoot.

Is Kang Qin's heart a man who only cares about his escape? What's more, the target of these people is obviously her. They all want to force her out while avoiding the attack of Lu Yu.

Kang Qinxin hides in the gap of the car seat to avoid the bullets coming in through the broken window. He can only push the door out when he is looking for an opportunity.

After all, it's very close. It's easier to restrict each other when you start, so you try to let the other side deflect or hit your own people with bullets. However, there are more and more people around her. No matter how agile Kang Qin's heart and skills are, she gradually can't cope with them.

Lu Yu wants to help in the past, but the other side has too many hands. Obviously, it's not just Street gangsters. They all have kung fu. They can't get away from each other for a while.

By accident, Kang Qinxin was shot in the shoulder.

She was slightly shaken, ready to stumble around the killer action micro Dun, in an instant lost the advantage, was down on the ground.

She frowned and sweated with pain, but she could only hold the wound gently, and then quickly released to shoot, but was kicked off the gun.

Lu Yu was ruthless when he saw that she was shot. After all, he was well-trained and didn't pay attention to human life any more. When he found an opportunity, he was killed. It's not easy to get to Kang Qinxin's side. When he just called "Miss Biao" to shoot again, there was no bullet

The killers look happy. They besiege and try to solve Luyu. Luyu can only fight with his bare hands.

Someone secretly took aim at Kang Qinxin. Kang Qinxin was just about to pick up the pistol that had fallen before. A roll away and shouted "Lu Yu" to throw the gun away.

Lu Yu jumps up and catches him, hits the assassin attacking Kang Qinxin in an instant, solves the two around him, and wins a moment's reprieve.

Or was frightened by his skill, the remaining four killers looked at each other, did not dare to go up directly. But with the task in hand, I don't know who called out "he's running out of bullets", so I was ready to go around again.

Lu Yu, protecting Kang Qin's heart behind him, said in a low voice, biting his teeth, "Miss, I'll try to stop them later, and you'll find a chance to walk out of the water."

Kang Qin shook his head and called out "Lu Yu".

At this time, suddenly there was the brake of the car. Six or seven bodyguards in suits came down from two cars and attacked the murderers.

The leading man, about 30, didn't play, just shouted "keep your mouth open.".

These are also good hands. There are more than enough to deal with the remaining few people. Some people want to jump the river and run. The bodyguards who are chased are dragged back.

Lu Yu leans against the car with Kangqin's heart, looks nervous and blames himself.

Kang Qin's heart was pale, and he said with pain, "no one expected such a thing, you don't have to feel guilty."

Lu Yu didn't speak and said stiffly, "you've got a gunshot wound. You have to go to the hospital to have an operation to remove the bullet."

Kangqin's heart covers the wound, and his hands are full of sticky and bloody liquid, but he still dare not relax.

She looked behind Lu Yu, and the leader who came to support her was walking towards them. She was very strange. She was sure that she had not seen her. She was a little wary.

"Miss Kang, I'm Shen Zhiqing. The young master said that you saved him last time. In case his enemy retaliated against you, let's protect you in secret."

Kang Qin's heart listens to the words to relax his vigilance. Before he answers, Lu Yu doesn't have a good voice: "you are quite far away in the dark."

Shen Zhiqing was embarrassed, and respected Kang Qinxin for his kindness of saving the benefactor. He explained: "it was originally to protect Miss Kang secretly, but just after you drove into Linhua road outside the villa area, we were arrested for questioning.

It's not easy to explain with the manager. It's already the case when we catch up. Miss Kang, please forgive me for your injury. I'll send you to the hospital. "

Kangqin's car tires have been knocked out, so it's impossible to use them. Kangqin thanked him and left with Luyu. Just walked two steps, turned around and looked at the captured killer, and asked Shen Zhiqing how to plan. Shen Zhiqing is also honest with her, and confessed: "the matter of my young master's last death is still under investigation. Naturally, this man is going to take it back to the Shen family for detailed questioning. Don't worry, Miss Kang. This matter will be explained to you when it comes to a result. It's the fault of our Shen family to make you scared. " As soon as his voice fell, there came a stern male voice: "don't take it back to the Shen family!"

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