Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2038 sister's misunderstanding

Kang Qinxin wakes up again. It's time to see ye Xiu still in the ward. Si yuzao comes to the ward to observe the injury.

Last night, kangqinxin had some impression on her before anesthesia. Seeing her come in, she said gratefully, "last night was really hard work doctor. You were on night shift. Haven't you returned to rest yet?"

Siyuzao smiled deeply and looked at her and said: "Qin Xin, you are welcome. We have seen it before.

As for why I haven't had a rest, of course it's you. "

Kang Qin's heart was even more sorry, and he said: "actually, I have nothing to do."

Si yuzao arranged a nurse to take her temperature, and then observed the next examination, and then wrote a few words into the record book.

She looked up and said with a smile, "you are brave. You can still talk and laugh after the gunfight in the middle of the night.

After all, my second brother didn't do it right. After all, you left his villa.

My second brother, he is not careful. He should send you back. "

She held the record book for the nurse to go out first, and then looked at Ye Xiu standing by the window in the room.

Kangqin's heart went along with his line of sight and opened his lips. "Little uncle, I don't care. If you have something to do, please go ahead."

Ye Xiu turned around and said simply, "I have nothing to do."

"I'm a little hungry," Kang said. "Help me to buy some food."

Ye Xiu glanced at the jade algae in his eyes, and "eh" raised his feet to go out.

"Little uncle, please call sister a again and ask her to send me some laundry after work," said Kangqin Xintian

Ye Xiu said "yes" again before leaving.

"Haven't you told my family about the accident for so long?"

Si yuzao comes forward.

Kang Qin said in a shallow voice: "there are so many things at home that she doesn't want to worry about her mother.

What does doctor Si have to say to me? "

"You don't have to call me doctor or doctor. You're about my second brother's age. Just call me sister."

Si yuzao's tone was familiar, and he moved the stool to sit beside the bed, looking at her with a smile on his face.

Kangqin was embarrassed, and Gu said, "I really owe it to you last night, or I don't know what I'm like now."

Si yuzao's face is full of solemnity: "Qin Xin, you don't have to be shy."


Kang Qin was puzzled by her clear expression.

"I talked to my mother this morning. I heard that you met ah Xiu at the second place last night?"

Kang Qinxin: "what's wrong?"

"Don't think about it. There's nothing wrong.

Although our family takes care of ah Xiu, the second one only treats her as her sister, which means nothing else. "

"Doctor Si, you misunderstood me. Er Shao and I are not what you think."

Kang Qinxin hurriedly explained: "at first, er Shao just helped me to solve the public opinion crisis of our Guangyuan bank. Last night, he just refused to show Miss Xiu on the ground of me."

"You don't need to cover it up in front of me. What is the nature of our second child? I am the most clear sister.

Besides, it's not a day or two for ah Xiu to like the second child. Why didn't he use others to refuse her before? It's just you?

Just now your uncle was there. I can't tell you clearly. My second brother likes to pretend to be deep and cool. In fact, he's a bit of a jerk. He's playful and has a broken mouth. He doesn't have so much fun.

He cares about you very much.

Last night you were shocked. He has a lot of responsibility. I'll talk about him for you later. "

Seeing her so determined, Kang Qin said powerlessly, "it's really not..." "We all don't know if the second one is really dating you! I heard the news report earlier that when he picked you up for coffee after work, our family tried him. He also said that it was just because of official business, but now he can't argue. "

It's not too big for siyuzao to look lively.

She naturally shook Kang Qinxin's hand and said again with a happy face: "I stayed in the hospital for so long, just waiting for you to wake up, if you don't wake up, I'm not at ease to go back.

Now the second one can call me to explain. "

"Two little know this?"

"The Shen family and the guard department have made such a big trouble. He naturally got the news.

He called the hospital to ask about you just after the operation last night. "

Kangqin didn't care about the idea of sparrow boat, just worried, "how is the Shen family and the guard department?"

"The Shen family and the police officers of the Department of security moved their hands at the Tianhe bridge, which also made the Shen family young master go to the insurance company himself.

By the way, the Shen family young master just came to visit you, but he was dismissed by your little uncle

After Si yuzao finished, Kang Qinxin looked around for today's times.

"Looking for this?"

Si yuzao opened a drawer and took it out for her. "The second brother of the newspaper said hello, only reported the fight between the Shen family and the guard department, but didn't involve you."

Kang chin nodded, "thank you."

"It's said you don't have to be so polite. You'll be here to heal yourself. The second one will come to see you in the afternoon."

Kang Qin looked up. "Last night, according to the Shen family's calculation, it should be the same group of people who attacked Shen Junlan in Qinggang last time. When they have finished their investigation, they will explain it to me.

Two little things are busy. You don't have to come here in person. "

"Don't speak for him. He's the one who called for you to pass. He's responsible for this."

Si yuzao said and stood up. "I'm relieved to see you look good."

As soon as she left, ye Xiu came back with clear porridge.

"If you are injured, it's better to eat something light. I'll take you back to Xinquan villa after two days of observation."

Kangqin nodded, "thank you, uncle."

Ye Xiu asked again, "later, will the sparrow boat come?"

"You heard me?"

"When are you so close to him?"

His voice is a little heavy.

Kang Qin replied with disapproval: "it's not because of Kang Shuhong's morphine incident.

I just had to negotiate with him. I didn't go very close. You know that I went to get the official document last night. "

The color of Ye Xiu's displeasure is hard to cover up, and he continues to question, "why do even the family members believe it?"

"Think I'm really in touch with sparrow boat?"

"Kang Qin heart pretty indifferent way:" I just and division doctor said is a misunderstanding

"She may not believe it."

Ye Xiu looked serious. "The family's children always pay attention to reputation. If they didn't acquiesce, there would be no gossip."

Kang Qinxin didn't take it seriously. Seeing him so serious, he whispered, "the crisis in the bank is over. I'll make it clear with ER Shao."

"I'm afraid you don't understand."

Kang Qin was surprised and observed, "what's the matter with you, uncle?"

Ye Xiu see her weak appearance, after all did not attack, only prevaricate: "some things in the company are not very smooth, I am in a bad mood, you don't blame."

"You didn't go to see sparrow boat very well last time, did you?"

Kangqin's heart is soft.

Ye Xiu sighed, "do you see that?"

"Look at you. It's like a revenge when you mention sparrow boat. How can I guess?

In fact, he's ok as a human being. If you have something to discuss, there must be a way to solve it. Otherwise, you can tell me if I can help you to make an idea? "

Ye Xiu looked at her coolly, and said in a bad voice, "do you have an idea?

That's all. It's true that you'd better take good care of your injuries, let alone mix up with the affairs related to the Secretary's family. "

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