Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2039 is crazy

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Kangqin didn't take the initiative to talk about the people and affairs of the Secretary's family any more. He drank porridge in a muffled voice and didn't know much about kanghuarou.

Knowing that her sister was injured, she couldn't wait for work, so she went home to pick up some clothes at noon.

Kang Qin opens his heart and asks Ye Xiu to go back to have a rest first, so that he can handle some business.

After a little hesitation, ye Xiu called Guo nan to guard outside the ward.

Kang Huarou's face was tense: "you didn't go home last night. My uncle called this morning and said that you lived with him. I didn't think something was wrong at that time. I didn't expect something happened.

Mind, how are you? Do you mind? What did the doctor say? "

"Sister, I really feel some pain and fear, but it's OK that I met Lu last night."

"Good point. Who did you recruit?

I read in the newspaper that last night, the assistant of Shen's family near Tianhe bridge fought with the police officer of Huamin security department. Fortunately, you didn't encounter this trouble when you lived in uncle's last night.

I can't think of the result. It turned out there was another one. "

Kangqin heart saw that her face was badly worried. She took each other's hands and comforted her: "sister, don't you think I'm ok now?

It's just that it's not convenient to go home for a while. Otherwise, let mom know that she's worried about it. More importantly, it's the end of the chassis.

You say to your mother, I'll go to Shiyuan's new company to help and live in my uncle's villa nearby. "

"Don't worry, mom, you can never hide it."

Kang Qin's heart said, "well," and took the warrant out of the envelope and handed it to her, "I can only trouble you."

Kang Huarou was in a complicated mood holding the official document, and bowed his head and said wistfully, "you were almost harmed to take this thing. Shuhong didn't even know it. It's heartless to complain in front of his mother in the morning that you didn't take his things seriously!"

"In fact, it has nothing to do with him. Those people want to do something to me, not last night, but in the future. It's just that I happened to do it."

Kang Qin's heart still wants to understand this truth. It's strange that Shen Junlan has formed any hatred. But he can make the other side bother to deal with himself after saving him. Is that a bit exaggerated?

Kanghuarou stayed with her for a long time. Kangqinxin was surprised and said, "sister, won't you go back to the orphanage later?"

"How can I leave now that you are like this?

I've asked my aunt for leave, but I haven't had much to do recently. I just don't know how to deal with my mother if I stay at home every day. "

"Mom hopes you and Mr. Zhao will be well."

Kangqin asked in a low heart, "did he come to pick you up this morning?"

"Well, I can't say no. in fact, I told him that I didn't forget about ah Xu. However, Mr. Zhao said that he didn't care, but he said that I was in love."

Kanghua is full of difficulties.

"Sister, why don't you go out for a walk?"

Kang Hua looks up at the past.

Kang Qinxin said again: "I haven't been busy in the orphanage recently, so elder sister took the opportunity to leave Singapore and look around.".

If you think about that person, it's good to go back to Shanghai, just to avoid Zhao Xingzhi. "

"You're right, but can mom let me go out alone?"

Kang Qinxin said with a smile, "sister, just choose a place. I will tell you when mom comes. I can't let my uncle come out again.

I think you've been pestered by Zhao Xingzhi all day, and you're almost out of breath. "

"It's the end of the month, isn't it inconvenient for you to go back to Shanxi now?"

Kang Huarou asked suddenly.

"My injury is not serious. After the operation, I'll be recovered. It's not impossible to travel."

The words fall to see the other party's appearance is different, Kang Qin heart asks actively: "elder sister but what's the matter?"

"I thought that if you don't go back, I can stay here.

When my parents return home, I can go to Shanghai. It's best not to disturb them. "

"What's the difficulty?

Elder sister needs, I'll keep it. Anyway, I didn't have all my injuries at that time. "

Kang draws and smiles when he hears the words.

Outside came the voice of Guo Nan talking with people, and there was a dispute.

Kang Qinxin sat up and asked, "Guo Nan, who are you talking to?"

"Miss table, no one asked for the way!"

Guo Nan replied in a loud voice.

Where can Kang Qinxin believe, not to mention that there are nurses at the front desk, but also medical staff in the corridor, not to ask about the outside of the ward.

She looked at Kang Huarou and said, "sister, maybe someone is coming. Please take a look for me."

In her heart, she guessed that maybe the sparrow boat mentioned in the words of Si yuzao was coming, and then she was stopped by her uncle.

Kanghua judo "good", got up and walked over, opened the door and shouted "director Guo".

Guo Nan quickly stopped pushing and blocking, "eldest lady."

Shen Junlan is looking at the soft painting of Kang in cheongsam. Only when he is stunned can he say hello at the reminder of Shen Zhiqing: "I am Shen Junlan, come to visit Miss Kang two, are you?"

Kang Huarou suddenly nods, "I'm Qin Xin's elder sister. Mr. Shen, please come in."

Shen Junlan nodded and asked, "it's Miss Kang."

Kang Huarou opened the door of the room, and then he turned sideways and said, "my heart, Mr. Shen is here."

Shen Junlan went into the room and put down the gift. He sighed, "I saw the second miss. I'm sorry for the fact last night. I've been implicating you."

Kang Qin smiled and shook his head: "you are welcome, Mr. Shen. Last night, thanks to your arrangement."

Looking at Shen Zhiqing behind him, he said with concern, "are you OK later?"

"Miss Laokang, I'm ok. But that song was beaten by me and didn't get a bargain."

Shen Zhiqing laughs innocently.

Kang Qinxin nods again, criticizes Guo Nan who follows in twice, lets him go out first.

Guo Nanman is vigilant stare Shen Junlan and Shen Zhiqing, unwilling to leave the ward.

"I heard that Mr. Shen was here in the morning. I was asleep and didn't know. My little uncle didn't let you in because he was afraid of disturbing me to have a rest.

Just now Guo Nan also listened to my uncle's order to have offended more, please forgive me. "

Shen Junlan did not respond, quietly looking at Kang Huarou.

Kangqin's eyes went back and forth, and he called "master Shen".

Kang Huarou is also aware of his line of sight, standing there is a little unnatural.

Shen Zhiqing stabbed Shen Junlan in the back and whispered, "young master, Miss Kang is calling you."

Shen Junlan said "ah" and said, "what Miss Kang said is right."

Kangqin's heart is slightly stagnant, but the soft paintings of Kangqin can't help laughing.

Shen Zhiqing closed his eyes and moved his eyes. He had no face to look at it, but his young master had to mention it. In a low voice, he said, "Miss Kang apologizes to you."

Shen Junlan's face was full of color, which reflected that he made a joke. He said to Kang Qinxin, "you're welcome. There's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Young master Shen, sit down and have a drink."

Kangqinxin asked them to sit on the sofa.

Kang Huarou poured water for them.

Shen Junlan then said "I'm not sure," and asked the other side to sit down.

Kang Huarou shook her head, turned around and said to Kang Qin, "mind, you have guests. I'll go back first and see you tomorrow."

Kang Qinxin calls Guo nan to take her home.

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