Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2040 inspection of sparrow boat

As soon as Kang Huarou left, Kang Qinxin asked directly, "Mr. Shen came here so early, but what happened last night?"

I hope to see Shen Zhiqing again.

She wondered whether the man had been taken back to the Shen family or stayed in the Department of the Chinese people's guard. But the Shen family didn't get along well with Shen Zhiqing, who was said by Si yuzao earlier that Shen Junlan went to bail?

"This matter..." Shen Junlan frowned and pondered, as if it was hard to say, "Miss Kang two is my benefactor. I don't hide it from you. I really don't know. That person came to check it, but it had something to do with my Shen family."


Your Shen family? "

Kang Qin was surprised. "What did your Shen family do to kill me?"

Shen Junlan, blushing, stood up and said, "Miss Kang, this is definitely not my idea. I haven't got the details yet.

There are many ports in the Shen family, only Qinggang port I have contact with. After the last incident, I was still seriously injured, not to mention what other ports are like.

It's just that after the inquiry of the second minority, they sent someone to bring up a steward at our port. "

"The second junior of the company?"

Kang Qin was puzzled. "The man who was caught at the scene last night is now in the hands of sparrow boat?"

Mentioning this matter, Shen Zhiqing nearby was very angry: "yes, if it wasn't for the Secretary, we would definitely be able to take him back to the Shen family, otherwise we would not be able to stop us with a small escort department."

Shen Junlan looked into his eyes and was afraid of Kang Qin's worry. He quickly explained, "Miss Kang Er, although I don't know how this matter is related to our Shen family, I, Shen Junlan, am not the one who will repay the enemy with kindness.

You helped me at the back door of the hospital that day. In my heart, you are a benefactor and friend. You can't do anything to hurt you by sending someone secretly. "

Seeing that his anxious forehead was sweating, Kangqin smiled back and said, "I know it has nothing to do with Mr. Shen. You sent someone to protect me secretly, and how could you let someone kill me?

Don't worry, young master Shen. I don't think so. "

"If Miss Kang can understand it, I'm afraid to turn around. If you learn about it from other people, you will think it's a play made up and directed by my Shen family."

Shen Junlan was relieved to see that she trusted herself.

Kang Qin couldn't help laughing. "I'm not so confused."

They both look at each other. They are funny for some reason. Who will believe the drama of killing and saving?

At this time, with the door of the ward being opened, the sound of the sparrow boat rang at the door: "is the other people mentioned in the words of Mr. Shen referring to me?"

Shen Junlan, who had just sat down, stood up again and looked warily at the sparrow boat.

Shen Zhiqing was not satisfied.

With the reminder of Si yuzao, Kang Qinxin was not so surprised at his arrival, and slightly lowered his head and called out "two little".

As usual, song Hezhen is with her.

After the sparrow boat came in, she didn't even take care of Kang Qinxin's greeting. Instead, she looked at Shen Junlan and said, "Mr. Shen is very attentive. I heard from the hospital that you are the second to come back to see Miss Kang today."

Shen Junlan reached out and politely said, "nice to meet you, two little girls."

The sparrow boat didn't reply, but casually asked again, "I heard that the Shen family and the Kang family intended to get married, which seems to be what they said?"

Shen Junlan took back his hand and thought about the latest news. He said: "two little misunderstandings. Miss Kang and I are just friends. I came to visit her when she was hurt."

"You should come here to visit. After all, last night's business has nothing to do with your Shen family."

The sparrow boat's eyes were cold and fierce.

Shen Junlan was not strong enough, and said softly, "we are still investigating this matter."

Shen Zhiqing couldn't see it and said in a bad voice, "Miss Kang believes in my young master, so you should remind her deliberately. The Shen family will explain to miss Kang."


If it wasn't for my men to arrive, take them away. Your Shen family beat up the guard department and then take them away. Miss Kang might not know that the killers were from the Shen family now, would she?

At that time, how is your young master going to explain? "

The sparrow boat sneers.

Shen Junlan and Shen Zhiqing were embarrassed, but they couldn't speak.

"Two young people come to visit me, or to question the Shen family," he said?

If it's a case, isn't this a hospital?

Besides, I believe the Shen family has no motive to kill me. "

The sparrow boat looked at her, first frowning, then bending her lips: "it's nice to say that they believe that Shen family has no motive, but their hearts are separated from their belly. Who can say clearly?

I heard that there is a Miss Lin in the Shen family. It seems that you are very dissatisfied with Miss Kang. Young master Shen, do you think someone will be robbed of her sweetheart by Miss Kang because of dissatisfaction, so someone will send someone to do it? "

Shen Junlan has heard about the measures of the Secretary's family. Hearing this, he said: "don't get me wrong. Although ah Yan is a bit headstrong and unruly, she knows the interests and will never do such a thing."

"Young master Shen trusts her very much."

The sparrow boat's tone was sharp. "I can't tell you what it is. What can I bring to see Miss Kang?

As the young master of the Shen family, he can't even explain the internal personnel of the family clearly. Young master Shen, you'd better go home and be your eldest young master. It's believed that it's not your Shen family's intention. It's not just one mouth. "

This remark is very impolite. Shen Zhiqing tries to stand out and is stopped by Shen Junlan.

Shen Zhiqing looks angry.

"Sergeant song of the Huamin escort department is waiting outside to ask Mr. Shen to cooperate with him. After all, the Zhang steward of the port is from your Shen family. There are some things that you Shen family should make clear."

Seeing that the atmosphere was wrong, Kangqin took the initiative to say, "thank you for coming to see me, Mr. Shen, but your injury has not yet healed. Since you are in the hospital, go to have a reexamination."

Shen Junlan nodded to leave the ward. "Miss Kang has a good rest. If you need anything, you can call me at any time."

The words fall, let Shen Zhiqing leave the number again.

They left, and song Hezhen retreated outside.

Si quefang sits down and looks at the note that she left Shen Junlan's contact information in the drawer. She doesn't think so. "How, are you really going to keep it?

I can remind you that the Shen family is deep. You'd better not mix in, or you'll lose your life one day. "

Kang Qin asked, "two little things are in the middle of the story. According to your meaning, does Shen family really want my life?"

The sparrow boat did not say yes, but asked, "how is your injury?

Are you ok? "

Knowing that he came here to care about himself, it's not good because of his attitude towards Shen Junlan. Kang Qin said to himself, "it's OK, it's not the key, just take a few days off.

It's your sister's bullet removal operation. Thank you for coming to see me. "

"My sister's medical skills are learned from my mother. You can rest assured," said sparrow Fang.

As a matter of fact, I didn't think about it very well last night. I should send someone to send you back to the mansion. "

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