Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 205 who is worthy of me

In those days of the new year, Gu Qingzhou has been studying the route to escape from Yuecheng.

It's only half a year. She has to check the property and Li Ma. It's a long way to go to Nanyang. If there's no careful planning, things will happen easily.

Gu Qingzhou is not familiar with the way. These are all lessons. She does them very seriously.

She made two plans according to her own situation.

"I'm no more stupid than Si Xingfu. As long as I seize the opportunity and add a bit of luck, I can definitely go away." Think of the light boat.

After leaving Yuecheng and successfully arriving in Nanyang, there is no doubt that Si Xingfu is looking for her again, no doubt looking for a needle in a haystack.

She should be prepared to escape, but not let the person of Si Xingfu find the clue, so she is careful.

Gu Qingzhou is a person who occasionally wavers. Once she has made up her mind, her heart will be cold and her lungs will be cold.

She has always known that there is no future for her in Si Xingfu, but the events of those times made her trance and dizzy.

After waking up, she cut off her own wishful thinking and made her own plan conscientiously.

Does the manager like her? Maybe. But what can he give her? There was nothing but grievance, humiliation, a good meal.

But what she wants is the future, the identity standing side by side, which is why she refuses to let go.

He sometimes comments on other women in front of her, using extremely unfeeling words. Gu Qingzhou appreciates his never sloppy attitude, but he is also sensitive: "is he beating me when he says these words?"

Those women don't have a chance, so he's telling Gu that you don't have to dream too much in the end.

On the first day of the lunar new year, Gu Qingzhou went to pay a new year's Eve to the old lady. It happened that all the members of the governor's family went, including the governor's office.

Sima is also there. His eyes are very complicated.

Gu Qingzhou cured Sima. Sima should be very grateful to her. However, the family has decided to marry her. This year, it will be decided. Sima is caught off guard and should hate her again. Do you hate her or appreciate her?

In a word, when simu saw the light boat, he was in a very strange mood. He didn't look at her and looked ahead indifferently.

Si Xingfu is more certain that this woman will be his. With such confidence, the secretary is not very jealous.

The eyes of Si Xingfu flied over Gu Qingzhou's face without any trace, but his heart was warm, like a feather.

He looks after the boat like the sun shining on the crystal, warm, clear and determined!

Jack is also present.

Every time I see Gu Qingzhou, Si qiongzhi thinks, "Dad said I stole the things in my watch. I didn't have them. Did Gu Qingzhou take them?"

This matter, the Secretary qiongzhi is worried about.

But the time did not come. Her father would not believe what she said now. Instead, he suspected that she was stirring up a quarrel.

Gu Qingzhou helped her to talk again, which made siqiongzhi dare not talk nonsense.

Everyone has their own thoughts. When they are looking after the boat, their smiles are similar: shallow and alienated.

"Muma, mu'er can speak now. It's all thanks to the boat!" Mrs. Si smiled.

The warm sunlight through the window lattice of the flower hall, drops the golden mottled shadow on the ground, the wind is moving, the red curtain is moving, light and smart.

Mrs. Si's smile is full of gentleness and kindness. When she looks at Gu Qingzhou, she also has bright eyes and gentle attitude, which makes her back cold.

Gu Qingzhou has goose bumps all over her.

Mrs. Si, who always wished that she could not take care of the boat, laughed so quietly that she didn't know what to do behind it, which made Gu shudder.

"I'll tell you. If mu'er can speak, it must be cured by boat!" The old lady was determined to laugh, "these two children are born by fate! The illness of mu'er is not good all the time. How can you know that it is not the will of Bodhisattva, waiting for the boat to come? "

"I also think they are a destined couple." Said Madame.

Don't say that Gu Qingzhou shuddered. Even the superintendent was shocked.

What medicine does madam sell in this gourd?

The superintendent knows his wife very well. She won't take care of the boat for no reason. What's up to date?

In addition to the governor and the old lady do not understand, other people's hearts are like a mirror!

Why do you take care of the light boat?

Because Wei Qingjia is coming back, the Secretary's wife should cut off Sima's Thoughts on Wei Qingjia from all aspects, from home and abroad, to speech and behavior, and totally disagree with his relationship with Wei Qingjia.

If Wei Qingjia is willing to be the aunt of Sima, Sima doesn't mind.

But that's Wei Qingjia. That woman has a beautiful face and a high heart. It's just that her husband dated the girl student outside a few times, and she insisted on divorce. How appalling!

Mrs. Si is so powerful. How many aunts are there at home? Is Wei Qingjia more honorable than his wife?

"Muma, we are going to do the marriage of mu'er and the boat next May!" Said Mrs. Si to the old lady.

Sima is married. Madam Sima believes that Wei Qingjia is arrogant and will leave on her own initiative.

Besides, it's better to put the light boat in front of you.

How about marrying her in the door?

With the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Gu Qingzhou even lets his wife toss and turn. Does she dare to be unfilial? If she dares to be unfilial, the supervisor will be the first one who can't bear her!

"Not so fast!" With a smile, the inspector gently grasped Mrs. Si's hand, then pinched it hard, implying that she should stop.

What motive? The superintendent doesn't know, but it's true that he has bad intentions.

"Is it fast?" Over there, the old lady was moved. "It's time to get married earlier. If I get married in May, I will be able to hold my great grandson by this time next year! "

The elders smile and smile, while the younger generation are stupefied.

Si mu, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu are all introverted characters.

The three of them listened to these words, their white eyes were almost broken, their faces were still quiet, their faces were as heavy as water, and they did not lose their temper on the spot.

"Marriage? It's impossible! " This is the unified voice of three people, Si Xingqi, Gu Qingzhou and Si mu.

Sima is dead and will not marry Gu Qingzhou. He still has a obsession with Wei Qingjia, which has never disappeared.

The old lady was very interested in this matter. In her words, she wished that the governor could not let the governor mention the marriage of Sima and Gu Qingzhou to this March: "in this way, I will be able to hold my great grandson next year!"

The superintendent laughed in embarrassment.

Mrs. Si wanted to promise, but she was pinched by the supervisor. The warning was obvious. She didn't dare to take care of the boat. She knew that someone was more upset than her. She didn't have to worry about getting angry.

Sure enough, simu, who has always been steady and restrained, can't sit down.

"Grandma, big brother is not married. I haven't been a younger brother, or others don't know what to say about our family. " Si Mu Dao.

Sima's voice is very pleasant, low and slow, hoarse and steady, which increases his weight and makes him look dignified.

At this point, he is very similar to Si Xingfu.

"Me?" "I have military skills and territory, so I get married at will. Isn't it a joke that I have no taste?"

This not only shows the purpose of his marriage with warlord aristocratic family, but also implies that simu is just a yamen relying on his father. What's his qualification to compete with other secretaries?

Si Mu is a little silent. Si Xingfu is very fierce.

It's hard for the governor to say anything. The dignity of both sons is very important. He can't hit someone's face casually.

Mrs. Si is so angry that her nose will be crooked.

Every word of Si Xingfu was heard and remembered by Gu Qingzhou. Gu Qingzhou's heart sank suddenly to the bottom of the valley. It seemed that he had lost his blood.

Birth is so important!

After meeting Si Xingfu, she clearly understood this!

The topic of happy beginning and awkward ending was finally transferred to the dishes by the old lady without trace, and completely abandoned.

After lunch, Gu Qingzhou got up and went home, saying, "I'm going to pay a new year to my father and mother."

The old lady didn't leave her.

Gu Qingzhou went to the Yan mansion when he came out of the mansion.

Many relatives of Yan's family came to see Gu Qingzhou and all called her "Miss Gu" warmly.

Everyone knows that Miss Gu is Mrs. Yan's adopted daughter, and Mrs. Yan loves her very much. She also knows that Miss Gu will marry into the governor's mansion and become the mistress of the governor's mansion in the future.

Gu Qingzhou exchanged greetings and went to see Yan Luoshui.

In the middle of the afternoon, Si Xingfu came. The adjutant stayed to report to Mrs. Yan and Yan Xinnong. Si Xingfu took Gu Qingzhou away from the back door.

"... I didn't stay with you yesterday. I'm with you tonight." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

She didn't agree or disagree. She closed her eyes and dozed off in the car.

"They are in a bad mood when they use you?" The Secretary asked.

Gu canoe shook his head: "used to it. Don't you all like to play people between applause? "

"I don't know about them. I love playing with you." Si Xingfu murmured vaguely.

The light boat is silent.

"Shall we go to the cinema?" "I'll have the cinema emptied," said Mr. Si

"All right." Gu said.

The movie is silent and black-and-white, but the star acting skills are superb, and the story is very touching.

They watched a love movie. The heroine was very beautiful. Si Xingfu said to Gu Qingzhou, "her name is yunlang. Her mother gave birth to her by mixing with Indians. Her skin is black, not good-looking, and her nose is big. But in the movie, it's very amorous. "

Gu Qingzhou stares at him: "have you slept with her?"

"I'm only a Kabuki woman and a famous lady. This kind of invincible one won't be in my bed." He said.

He either sleeps the most noble superior woman or the lowliest inferior woman. He doesn't want to sleep in the middle. Because the first-class celebrities want power and the second-class women want money, these two kinds of managers can afford it.

Those who can't go up or down in the middle have never enjoyed the benefits of power and don't know how to ask for it. They are not too poor and don't know how bloody money is, which will lead them to want no power or money, and they will ask for their feelings from him.

Si Xingfu's feelings are thin. He can't support himself. Where can he give it to others?

"Which one am I?" Gu asked in a flash.

Si Xingfu chuckled: "did I sleep with you? Why, you can't wait to be my woman? "

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