Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 206 asking for gifts

The atmosphere is a very strange thing, a word can destroy it to nothing.

When watching the movie, Gu Qingzhou was in a good mood.

In the words of Si Xingfu, Gu Qingzhou was silent. Her eyes and eyebrows were covered with thin frost. Her tiny hands were folded and held, motionless, and her body was a little stiff.

The cinema was stuffy, with only silent films projecting black and white images.

Gu Qingzhou didn't speak again.

Seeing that she was unhappy, Si xingxu reached out and took her hand.

Her palms were cold and even wet. Si Xingfu was very distressed and said, "boat, I promised you that I would not touch you until you are 18 years old. I will not break my promise. Don't be afraid!"

He just made fun of her. He didn't want to sleep with her now.

He can control this matter physically.

From the first meeting, Si Xingfu tore her clothes. From then on, he knew that she could only be him.

If he insists, he will not be in a hurry. He waited calmly, waiting for her maturity, waiting for the day when she said he would volunteer.

Gu Qingzhou's voice is very light and slow.

The ending of the movie is tragic. The critics in the newspaper say that many people will be sad for half a month.

Gu Qingzhou didn't cry. Rao was so good at acting. She was much better than the theater. She didn't feel sad, but she was glad that there were people worse than her.

In addition to the warm and soft part of the boat, the heart of Si Xingfu is harder than the stone. In his eyes, the sad TV series are groaning without illness. He has no feeling at all.

They were probably the only men and women who had seen the film but didn't cry.

"I really like movie stars. Take me to see yunlang some other day." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Don't go to see her. If you want to see her, I'll tell you to let her come." Si Xingfu road.

Yunlang now lives in Peiping, but she has no strong backing. Besides, she received the favor from Si Xingfu, who sent a telegram to her. She must come.

"No, no, she's a famous actress. She has a lot of airs. I'd like her to have airs. If she puts down her body, it's tacky, but there's nothing to see." Gu Qingzhou road.

He laughed.

Sometimes, Gu Qingzhou's opinions are deeply rooted in his mind.

At the end of the movie, Si Xingfu sighed a little, and he kissed Gu Qingzhou.

It was a little cold in the cinema. The lips of Si Xingfu were very hot and warm. They fell on the lips of Gu Qingzhou, as if they were printed in her heart.

She closed her eyes and put her hands gently in his arms. She did not refuse or accept.

This is Gu Qingzhou, a quiet Gu Qingzhou.

When he returned to the other shop of Si Xingfu, he prepared to cook Tangyuan for Gu Qingzhou to eat.

In the old customs of Yuecheng, we have to eat Tangyuan on New Year's Eve and Shangyuan Festival.

Mrs. Zhu made the dumplings yesterday. There are sesame and peanut fillings in the soup.

He put down several of them, then took out a small bowl and handed it to Gu Qingzhou: "there's silver in the dumpling. If you eat it, you'll have good luck this year."

Good luck?

What Gu Qingzhou needs most this year is probably good luck?

She smiled and nodded, "thank you."

As a result, in her bowl of rice dumplings, she ate two small pieces of silver.

"Canoes will be in pairs this year." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou knew that these dumplings were marked. Si Xingfu deliberately put them in her bowl to make her happy.

Knowing it was intentional, she couldn't help but smile and show her neat white teeth. Every time she laughs like this, it shows that she is really in a good mood and is happy to let go of all the precautions.

"Canoe, what is not happy to stay in the old year, this year happy, OK?" Si Xingfu gently touched her head and asked in a low voice.

"Good." Gu Qingzhou said sincerely.

Sikang kisses her on the lips.

The two were in a good mood, and Si Xingfu took the opportunity to ask.

"Can you knit a sweater?" The Secretary asked her.

Nowadays, there are few sweaters, because machines can be made in factories, which are better than hand-made ones.

"No." Gu Qingzhou told the truth.

"Then you learn from sister Zhu. Light boat, knit a sweater for me. " Si Xingfu put his lips to her eyebrows and kissed her gently.

The heart of the eyebrow is where the soul lies. When he kisses it, it seems that he has captured the three souls and seven Spirits of Gu Qingzhou, and her thoughts are affected by him.

For a long time, Gu Qingzhou refused: "your arm is so long, and you will be tired to death if you only weave the sleeve, let alone you are so tall."

After a pause, Gu continued, "it won't be long before this year's cold. When the first month passes, the sweater won't hold.". You didn't want it last year, you want it this year. What's going on? "

What's going on?

On New Year's Eve, a senior officer of the military government was entertained in the governor's mansion. A deputy general wore a silver gray sweater, happily saying that it was made by his newly married aunt.

At that time, he was very jealous.

He also wants to take care of the boat to weave one for him, and he will wear it out like a treasure for everyone to see.

Gu Qingzhou's refusal was right. Si Xingfu squinted and looked at her with dangerous light.

His eyes are sharp and fierce, which makes Gu Qingzhou nowhere to hide.

Later she thought that if she promised to knit a sweater for him, she could appease him a little. Maybe he would relax his vigilance and make Gu's trip plan more smooth.

"I don't weave!" Gu Qingzhou's mind turned, and he had a plan. He refused him cleanly. Refuse first, then promise, then have value.

Si Xingfu gets up and overwhelms her in the sofa.

The sofa is very soft, and Gu Qingzhou's body is softer. Si Xingfu is deeply trapped in it. It seems that he has been trapped in this woman without any remedy.

Si Xingfu is not frightened. Falling in love with someone is a skill. Everyone will fall in love with someone else.

People sometimes look for, but did not meet the fate of the woman, he encountered the company.

He was very lucky, and he was confident that she would love him!

Not yet. It will certainly be in the future.

When you don't love, you can easily say a lot of promises. Once you fall in love, those words will weigh a thousand pounds and be blocked in your heart.

Promises become precious because of sincerity.

He kisses her gently, lingering and charming.

When Gu couldn't bear it, he let go. "I'll knit you a scarf. It's easier."

Si Xingfu lightly points her nose: "first weave a scarf, then a sweater."

"You are insatiable!" Gu Qingzhou's icy eyes are full of anger. She was angry at the same time, and thought it was very deterrent, but it was full of amorous feelings in the eyes of Si Xingfu.

In particular, eye wave circulation, like Qionghua spring.

They haggled and Gu finally agreed to knit a sweater and scarf for Si Xingfu.

"Well, I'll only knit you sweaters. It's said that we can't ask for anything else later. " Gu Qingzhou road.

It's very difficult to knit a sweater. It's estimated that it will be finished by the end of the year. Gu said, "you're not in a hurry to wear it anyway."

"You are so lazy!" "As long as you are willing to knit, I like when you do it," said Si Xingfu

As a result, Si Xingfu asked sister-in-law Zhu to buy needles and wool.

He likes dark black wool, and Gu Qingzhou thinks the sky is blue.

She has always liked that men wear sky blue clothes. They are gentle and elegant.

"Whatever you want." Si Xingfu doesn't fight with her on such a small matter and agrees.

Mrs. Zhu taught Gu to take care of the boat. She started from the bottom of the sweater and went all the way up until she was about to finish work. Then she left a hole to make sleeves.

After studying for two hours, Gu learned several needlework skills, and she chose the simplest one. It's not that she's lazy, it's that men's sweaters are too fancy to look good, and simple stitching makes them calm.

I've got it in mind. I'll take the size of the boat for you.

She measured it with a ruler and wrote it down in a small book. She was very attentive.

Si Xingfu looked at her. She carefully attached herself to her body and wrote her size. A wisp of green silk fell on her white jade like cheek. He was charming and quiet.

It's so quiet that the whole world has only her in front of it.

She frowned and smiled, and blossomed in his heart. The flower shadow of the whole heart swayed, the brocade cluster was gorgeous, and the mood of Si Xingfu was very good.

"Done?" The Secretary asked her.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

He took the opportunity to put his arm around her waist. In his arms, she was extraordinarily petite.

Si Xingfu lowered his head to her forehead and said, "remember, your men's clothes will be bought by you for a lifetime."

Gu Qingzhou bites his lips silently.

Si xingxu thinks that even if he has slept, it is his woman, but Gu Qingzhou thinks that only if he marries her openly, he is her husband.

When two people have different ideas and no one can persuade them, there is no point in arguing.

Gu Qingzhou is already trying to converge. When converging, she also needs to show a bit of edge. It's not her to be submissive. The manager will see the clue.

"I'm not a servant!" She murmured.

Si Xingfu laughs.

It was a good evening. The manager took out a very delicate small box and put together the silver salt she had eaten from the dumpling.

The case is very small, like a small pocket watch, which can even be worn on the body.

"It's a lucky talisman. It can help the boat to succeed." Si Xingfu road.

Take care of the boat.

Think about it. She's hanging around her neck.

Perhaps, these two little silver men can really help her to escape from the manager's hand.

The next morning, when she turned over and got up, Gu Qingzhou woke up, and she opened her eyes and sat up.

He stood in front of the bed dressed, tall and slender, military uniform dignified.

In his military uniform, Si Xingfu was different from his ordinary clothes in that he was fierce and fierce.

He leaned over and kissed Gu on his forehead: "canoe, I've been to the station. I'll go to Suzhou in a few days. Maybe I'll come back last Yuan Festival. Be good at home. "

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

"I need to finish the sweater quickly." Si Xingfu said again.

Gu Qingzhou made another hum.

He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. The medal of military uniform was bright and hard, but also a little cold. It fell on her through her pajamas.

She shivered softly.

Si Xingfu kisses and kisses again, and then leaves.

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