Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 212: sow discord

Gu Qingzhou gives mulberry needles.

Sangsang is a child. Children are lively and restless. Their emotional control is not strong.

Gu Qingzhou used a needle for her, and a filiform needle for Shanglian acupoint. He stabbed her an inch deep. Sang Sang was a little hurt, even uncomfortable. He kept trying to pull it out.

When assassinating Ashi point, because it's a secret stab, Sang Sang feels pain and wants to struggle.

"Sang Sang, you are obedient and will grow hair in a few days." Mrs. Chen comforted her daughter.

These words didn't have much effect. Sang Sang struggled and tried to pull out the needle: "Muma, it hurts!"

Mrs. Chen San and Gu Qingzhou hold down Sang Sang.

"I don't want it, I don't want it!" Sang Sang suddenly cried and cried, struggling to run.

After subduing her, Gu Qingzhou and Mrs. Chen San are all tired and sweaty.

"Samson, you are good." Gu Qingzhou and Mrs. Chen Sanfu appeased her.

Sang Sang buried his head in Mrs. Chen's arms and sobbed in a low voice.

After a long time, Sang Sang looked up at the boat and asked, "sister, can I go out without a hat after the pain?"

"Exactly!" Gu Qingzhou road.

Mulberry Du mouth, grievance way: "I don't want to wear a hat, I can bear the pain."

Say, tears fall.

Don't say Mrs. Chen San, even if an outsider of Gu Qingzhou saw it, he was too distressed.

Sang Sang is so cute. She has a sense beyond her age.

Mrs. Chen sighed slightly.

Half an hour later, the needle was pulled out. Gu Qingzhou gave Mrs. Chen San a pair of prescriptions, mainly for invigorating blood and nourishing qi. He gave Sang Sang a daily dose.

The next day, on the 10th day of the first month, Gu Qingzhou arrived at Chen's house at 7:30 in the morning.

"Today we are going to have important guests at home. I can't miss them, so come to see Sang Sang earlier." Gu Qingzhou road.

This acupuncture, mulberry bear pain and clever, no longer noisy.

After acupuncture, at half past eight in the morning, Mrs. Chen sent a driver to take Gu home.

On his return, he found Gu Guizhang and others, all dressed in splendid clothes, sitting in the living room.

"Where have you been?" Gu Guizhang didn't ask with good breath.

"I went out." Gu Qingzhou said, "Abba, I'll go upstairs and change my clothes."

What else did Gu Guizhang want to say? Gu Qingzhou has already run up.

She also changed a set of more luxurious clothes and went downstairs - the cheongsam with white peonies blooming in Yuebai Suzhou. The clothes are exquisite in workmanship and materials. It looks like the best.

Everyone was waiting downstairs, but no one spoke.

Aunt four is too pregnant for eight months. She will go to the toilet soon. It's very troublesome.

Gu Guizhang thought, "people in Ni's family may not be happy to see their pregnant aunt."

Thinking of this, Gu Guizhang said to Aunt Siyi, "go upstairs first. Don't come down. I'll send someone to give you rice."

Fourth aunt is too tiny Leng, immediately understand come over, in the heart very happy, she also does not want to see new wife very much, make rules for her.

"Master, I will go up." Aunt Si stood up and was obedient to go upstairs.

Her obedience satisfied Gu Guizhang.

"Light boat, you send aunt Si." Gu Guizhang saw Gu Qingzhou sitting outside, and asked her to help aunt Si go upstairs.

Aunt Si is struggling to get up now. She can't go upstairs without help. The maids are all busy in the kitchen and nobody is there.

Gu Qingzhou way is to go up and hold aunt four: "you go slowly."

Carefully accompanied aunt four to the second floor, helped her to sit down in the sofa, when Gu Qingzhou was ready to leave, aunt four called her too.

Aunt Si was too eager to say: "Miss Qingzhou, it's not a business for lian'er to keep in he's drugstore. I know which family is very busy."

Gu Qingzhou also thinks.

Mu Sanniang has five children. She has to help take care of the business. She is very tired at home and abroad.

Lian'er is only two years old. When she needs to be taken care of, mu Sanniang seems to have no skills.

This matter, Gu Qingzhou also wants to talk to Aunt Si too much, but she doesn't think that Aunt Si has opened her mouth too early.

"Miss Qingzhou, if you can think of a way for me to let the master accept lian'er and keep her in the Gu mansion, I will always be grateful to you." Fourth aunt too way.

Gu Qingzhou has given thanks to Aunt Siyi more than once, but she has never paid back and even asked for it again and again.

Let lian'er go back to Gu mansion?

How easy is that?

Gu Guizhang is so stingy. He won't raise another person who doesn't matter. What's more, he is going to marry a new wife. How can the new wife accommodate such a large number of children?

Gu Qingzhou thought that Aunt Si asked her to discuss with her. She rented a house with her own savings and hired an old lady to take care of lian'er.

Unexpectedly, aunt Si was so greedy that she wanted to take lian'er back directly.

Gu Qingzhou's eyes moved.

She doesn't want to help aunt Si, but she has something to do, but she can use aunt Si.

"If lian'er comes in, it will be more convenient when I want to use aunt Si. I must get my family property this year. By then, aunt Siyi and her children will be my most important chess pieces. " Gu Qingzhou thought.

The more pieces, the better.

She hesitated, her long eyelashes lightly covered, and thought, "if it wasn't for me, aunt Siyi and her stomach, it would be a corpse and two lives now. I helped her, so she should do something for me. "

With such a plan, Gu Qingzhou did not refuse aunt Si too. It's very difficult, but it's not impossible. In front of Gu Guizhang, Gu Qingzhou always finds holes.

Gu Qingzhou asked aunt Si, "do you want to have a mother daughter reunion?"

Four aunt too think Gu Qingzhou loose, while her heart is soft, four aunt too stand horse way: "yes!"

"No matter how bad your future may be, would you like to take lianer with you?" Gu asked again.

"Four aunt too way:" this is natural, mother and daughter together, even if it is suffering in the heart also happy

"Will you regret it?" Gu Qingzhou said, "you know what's going on at home. Before that, people were in danger."

"No, I won't regret any situation!" Fourth aunt is too determined to say, "Miss canoe, please. You can help me this time, and I will repay you with all my heart! "

Gu Qingzhou's eyes are quiet, her thin eyelashes are drooping, her voice is soft, like wings gliding across the heart lake: "then remember what you said!"

Isn't it good that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer?

After a few words, Gu went downstairs with light steps.

At 10:30 noon, the people of taicangni's family finally arrived.

This time, I visited the Gu mansion, but in name, the Ni family brought Miss Ni to Yuecheng to buy clothes for Spring Festival.

"Welcome!" Gu Guizhang was wearing a beige sweater with a brown vest on the outside and the sleeves of his shirt on the inside. He was quite elegant.

Gu Guizhang is a medium-sized man. He is not fat. He is nearly fifty years old. He is in good condition.

There are seven people in Ni's family. From a distance, there is a large group. Two cars come from the railway station.

There are too many people, looking at each other, all trying to figure out the identity of each other.

Gu Guizhang went to a woman wearing a silver gray Plaid overcoat and a snow colored wool scarf. Her voice was especially gentle: "Miss Ni, it's been a hard journey."

"I'm fine, but my sister-in-law is a little carsick," she said in a low voice

It turned out that she was Gu Guizhang's stephouse.

All the people in the Gu mansion, including Gu Qingzhou, have their eyes on this young lady.

Miss Ni is tall and thin, so she looks shriveled. She has a small face and thick bangs covering her eyes. Her eyelids are a little swollen.

From her appearance, I can't see whether this person is good or bad. Gu Qingzhou has reserved opinions on her.

Gu Qingzhou estimated that Miss Ni was twenty-eight years old.

Unmarried at this age, I'm afraid there's a story.

A group of people entered the room.

The rest of the Ni family can't see the clue. They are miss Ni's two brothers. They have a very strange smell on them, which makes Gu Qingzhou feel bad.

Gu Guizhang pointed to his children and concubines and introduced them at will.

Miss Ni's relatives, Gu Guizhang, all know each other. There is no need to introduce them.

Therefore, Gu Qingzhou, like his aunt and brothers and sisters, was confused and looked at the Ni family.

During the meal, a man in his twenties in Ni's family stared at Gu Xiang.

Gu Xiang glanced at the boat. First he was annoyed. Then he turned his eyes to look at the boat. Seeing that the man did not look at the boat, but only looked at her, he felt satisfied again.

This satisfaction only comes from winning Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Xiang can't help bending his lips.

Such a corner of her lips gives each other endless fantasies.

Later, Gu Qingzhou knew that this man was the ninth young master of Ni's family and the younger brother of Miss Ni.

"Brother Gu, don't you go dancing this afternoon?" The ninth young master of Ni family asked Gu Guizhang.

The big brother called Gu Guizhang young all of a sudden. Gu Guizhang was very proud.

"You want to go dancing? I'll take it. " Gu Guizhang said.

"Let's go!" The ninth young master of Ni family said again.

The caretaker stopped talking.

Several aunts were silent.

Gu Xiang is disgusted, but Gu Ying is afraid. Gu Shao sits beside Gu Qingzhou and gently pulls his clothes.

In this family, if you only take care of the light boat now, it has a little weight.

"Abba, you see so many people. The ballroom seats are for four at most. You can't sit down even when you go." Gu Qingzhou said, "why don't we have another day? Would you like to go first?"

The people of Ni's family all looked at the boat.

They judged that Gu Qingzhou was the one who was engaged to the governor's office, or else she would not be able to speak.

"All right." Gu Guizhang agreed.

It's right to take my girlfriend's family to dance and have tea, but what's the matter with my concubine and children when we date?

Gu Guizhang didn't like this kind of incongruity, and he was embarrassed to refuse his future brother-in-law. He faltered until Gu Qingzhou made a round and helped him out.

Gu Guizhang looked at the boat with gratitude.

The ninth young master of Ni's family lost his hope. He gave Gu Qingzhou a sharp look and scolded him in his heart: "ugly women do more tricks!"

When he was free, the ninth young master of Ni family said to his elder sister, "we are all right. That girl in white cheongsam is not kind to her!"

White cheongsam refers to the light boat.

Miss Ni is slightly shocked.

"Sister, she secretly rolled her eyes at you." The ninth young master of Ni's family said, "besides, it's a big day when you come. Isn't it because she's so plain dressed that she won't give you face?"

In Miss Ni's heart, a thorn fell from there.

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