Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 213: kick hard

The Ni family plan to stay in Yuecheng for five days, mainly to investigate Gu Guizhang.

Gu Guizhang is half as old as Miss Ni. He can be Miss Ni's father. Besides, there are a lot of children in his concubine's room. What can I do if I'm not careful?

In order to show his enthusiasm, Gu Guizhang made room for them.

Two rooms are also available on the third floor for Miss eight and Mrs. four of Ni's family.

Gu Qingzhou later learned that Miss Ni, who was among Gu Guizhang's friends, ranked seventh in the family.

"... when she was a child, she told me that if she got married before the age of 25, there would be a great catastrophe and she might lose her life. She would not be safe until she was 25.

Ni's family is very confident, so they keep her until now. She's twenty-eight this year. She's a little younger, but she's not a little girl. I'm afraid she'll be easier to get along with later. " Second aunt too told Gu Qingzhou and third aunt too.

Recently, the family members are very united. Even the second aunt and the third aunt don't like each other very much. They have put down their prejudices for the time being and come out together.

"It's appalling not to be married at twenty-eight." Third aunt too way.

Gu Qingzhou didn't speak, just nodded.

"How is the marriage?" Second aunt asked Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou is not a hot eye. Where can she see people through?

There seems to be no problem with the wives and young ladies of Ni's family. They are very dignified and introverted.

It's just that the two men in Ni's family, with a very unruly breath, don't quite match the women in Ni's family.

"Either the women of Ni's family are too able to pretend, or there are ghosts behind Ni's family. Women don't know, and outsiders don't know." Gu Qingzhou guessed that.

These guesses are sensational. She didn't tell the second aunt and the third aunt. She just kept alert.

"Where do I know?" Gu chuckled? Besides, it's up to Abba. "

After the investigation, Gu got up and went upstairs.

Go to the third floor of the stairway, Gu Qingzhou sees the ninth young master of Ni family who used to live in the guest room on the first floor, standing at the door of Gu Xiang's room, stroking his greasy hair hard, and then knocking on the door of Gu Xiang.

Gu Xiang opens the door and is stunned.

"Xiang Xiang, I don't think you are in a good mood when you have dinner. Are you ok?" Ni family old nine disgusting Barra, licking his face asked.

Gu Xiang regurgitates the stomach.

"I'm fine." She was cold about closing the door.

The ninth brother of Ni's family, however, stopped her from closing. He shook his head, which was too greasy for the fly to stand. "Xiang Xiang, we will be a family in the future. I'm your uncle. You can tell me anything you want."

Gu Xiang is a little flustered at this time.

Gu Qingzhou came slowly.

The ninth young master of Ni's family was stunned. He didn't have a good intention to continue to block Gu Xiang's door. Gu Xiang took the opportunity to close the door heavily, and the door fell directly on the ninth son's nose.

He had a good pain and stepped back in a hurry.

If you look after the boat again, Ni Laojiu will be vicious.

Gu ignored him and went around to enter the room directly.

Ni Laojiu suddenly came over and propped up Gu Qingzhou's door: "little girl, do you know the respect and inferiority?"

Gu Qingzhou stirred up his good deeds many times. Ni Laojiu was very angry.

He seems to want to bully Gu Qingzhou.

Looking at the way he was so fierce that he wanted to enter the room of Gu Qingzhou, Gu Qingzhou immediately raised his feet and kicked him heavily in the abdomen.

He didn't take precautions, and didn't expect to take care of the light boat, which was so heavy that he fell to the ground.

Gu Qingzhou slammed the door firmly.

Ni old nine tiny Leng, then furious.

He wanted to smash the door of Gu Qingzhou's house, and then he thought that this was the third floor of Gu mansion. He made too much noise, which shocked Gu Guizhang, and he could not explain.

Ni Laojiu covered his aching stomach and went downstairs step by step.

Gu Qingzhou's kick is very heavy. It's heavier than the common woman's foot. If you go down a little bit, you'll break Ni Laojiu's lifeblood.

"This bitch!" Ni Laojiu feels that Gu Qingzhou is not easy to deal with. Later, he will tell his sister that the first thing to do is to clean up Gu Qingzhou first.

"Ugly and shrewd, this bitch!" Ni Laojiu scolded in his heart, "if I don't clean her up, I won't call Taicang Ni Yiheng!"

Gu Guizhang did not know that the reason why the Ni family was developed was that they did not behave properly in Taicang. Of course, those things are very secret, only a few people know.

For example, Ni Laojiu and Taicang are all in charge of their smoking houses. Neither his sister-in-law nor his sister-in-law knows what he's up to.

This is a character who doesn't want to be killed. How can he give up after he is offended by the light boat?

"I'm going to kill that bitch!" Ni Laojiu returns to the guest room on the first floor, takes out a short knife from the bed, and wants to go upstairs and chop Gu Qingzhou to death.

He was so angry that he never suffered such humiliation in his life.

It's his fourth brother who lives with him.

"Nine, bear it!" Ni Laosi advised his younger brother, "things haven't been successful. Don't spoil the good things at home. Gu, who is surnamed Gu, has a lot of money and is infatuated with Lao Qi's beauty. It is stable. "

Ni Laojiu sat still.

Ni Laosi said: "when it's done, the raw rice is made into cooked rice. Aren't all the three flowery daughters named Gu and his aunt enjoying it? You are too anxious! "

Ni Laojiu slowly regained consciousness, and the man also woke up and put the knife back under the pillow.

"... you think I'm hungry?" Ni Laojiu went to bed and said, "it's the lascivious daughter surnamed Gu who seduced me. Didn't you see her secretly winking at me?"

Gu Xiang doesn't hook up with Ni Laojiu. Ni Laojiu has no power and no power. He looks ordinary and strong. Gu Xiang doesn't even look at him.

That day's smile, just won after Gu Qingzhou's proud smile, not in response to Ni Laojiu, but Ni Laojiu misunderstood and was in full bloom.

"Come on, come on!" Ni laosidao.

The Ni family is very regular next.

From under the mattress, Gu Qingzhou put the dagger given to her by Si Xingfu in her handbag. The next morning, he went to the bank and took out her browning.

Gu Qingzhou went to Chen's house to give needles. After that, he spent an hour with Sang Sang and had lunch at Chen's house. He also met the old lady of Chen's house and other ladies.

The Chen family is very friendly to Gu Qingzhou, because Gu Qingzhou is a guest of the third wife, who is tied up and down.

After dinner, Gu went to Yan mansion.

The Yan family is preparing the engagement banquet of Yan Luoshui. Mrs. Yan is very busy, and the eldest young master, the second young master and the third young lady of the Yan family are back with their children.

Third Miss saw Gu Qingzhou for the first time, and also liked her very much.

"Ah, pistol!" Gu Qingzhou's handbag was put on the chair and was knocked down by the eldest son of the Yan family. Browning rolled out.

The room was full of people.

Gu Qingzhou quickly put it away.

Mrs. Yan's face changed: "what happened to you, boat? How can I carry a gun with me? "

Ordinary people with guns must have foreseen the danger.

Gu Qingzhou wants to falter. Everyone looks at her.

Mrs. Yan is in such a hurry.

"That..." Gu Qingzhou hesitated and slowly explained, "my father married from Taicang, and the family came to see our family.

The girl has a brother. He's a little angry for some reason. In a word, I don't think he's serious. And he knocked on my elder sister's door in the middle of the night. I kicked him for fear of revenge, so I took a gun to defend myself. "

Mrs. Yan was shocked.

"Who is it?" Mrs. Yan said, "how long has your old lady been away? Doesn't your father need to be filial?"

Gu Qingzhou bit his lips in embarrassment.

"Light boat, since you feel something wrong, I'll send someone to check the details of that family for you. How about that?"

"Best, thank you." Gu Qingzhou road.

Mrs. Yan said, "if you have all your guns with you, don't go back. I'll call your father and say that my family is busy getting engaged to Luoshui, and I want your sister to help."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

That night, she lived in Yan's house and went to Chen's house to treat Sang Sang the next day.

So back and forth, until the Ni family left, Gu Qingzhou did not go back.

Gu Guizhang was not satisfied with this.

"Do you still have me in your eyes?" Gu Guizhang scolded Gu Qingzhou, "you are so unruly. What do people in Ni family think of your tutoring?"

Do you have a tutor?

Gu Qingzhou thought it funny. She listened indifferently, didn't answer back, and didn't show half relaxed.

Gu Guizhang did not dare to hit her, but said, "you are not allowed to do this in the future. Do you hear me?"

"I see." Gu Qingzhou is lazy.

After Gu Guizhang left, Gu Qingzhou went to the guest room.

The guest room hasn't been cleaned yet. It's very delicious inside. The smell of smoke, foot odor and body odor are very complex.

Gu looked around, then squatted on the ground and saw a black smoke.

She touched it with her hand, put it under her nose, and immediately knew what it was.

After returning to the house, Gu Qingzhou carefully thought about the causes and consequences of this matter.

Then, she waited for the Yan mansion to check the results for her.

"Maybe there's a better chance." Think of the light boat.

On January 17, Gu Qingzhou went to acupuncture Chen Sangsang for the last time.

In just a few days, Chen Sang Sang's hair has a thin layer of fluff.

Mrs. Chen was so happy that she was about to cry.

"Miss Gu, you're so amazing!" Mrs. Chen San took the hand of Gu Qingzhou and her hands trembled with excitement.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Chen San called her husband in Hong Kong.

"... really, it's going to be thick when it's grown up." Said Mrs. Chen.

At the other end of the phone, Mr. Chen San was also surprised. I didn't expect that there was such a miracle doctor.

"Thank you very much." "When I go back, if I really get better, I will personally thank Miss Gu," said the third master

Later, two months later, when Mr. Chen came back from Hong Kong, he saw his beloved daughter Sang Sang wearing a pink dress, holding her mother's hand, standing in the sun, smiling at him.

Sangsang's head has grown short hair. It's thick and dark, like a little boy. It may not look good enough, but it's enough to shock Mr. Chen to stand in place.

For a long time, Mr. Chen San came forward and held Sang Sang tightly.

"Abba, I have long hair." The sound of mulberry is sweet, soft, waxy and soft, like the sound of nature.

"Sangsang, you have long hair!" said the third master

Then, master Chen said to Mrs. Chen, "a miracle doctor, what a miracle doctor!"

"You also say that they are liars," said Mrs. Chen

Mr. Chen smiled awkwardly.

Since then, the Chen family has been right and wrong

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