Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 214 sweater of love

After Gu Qingzhou cured Sang Sang, Chen's family took her as a friend. Mrs. Chen San called her occasionally and invited her to be a guest. Gu Qingzhou refused.

"Third lady, don't thank me. Remember what I said, I asked for a consultation. Do you remember what I asked for? " Gu Qingzhou said coldly.

Mrs. Chen San is slightly shocked.

Before taking care of the boat, Mrs. Chen San thought, she is a little girl, can she ask for heaven and earth? It wasn't serious.

Until Gu Qingzhou really cured Sang Sang, Mrs. Chen San did not look at her again.

Li's children died and came back to life, and Mr. Zhao's illness was heard.

The shock of hearing is far less than that of seeing. The recovery of Sang Sang's illness was witnessed by Mrs. Chen San, which also means that Gu Qingzhou has a great ability.

Since Gu Qingzhou has extraordinary ability, there will be extraordinary requests in the future, and Mrs. Chen San has to pay attention to them.

She even realized that Gu didn't want to make contact with Chen Jiaduo.

It must not be that she hates Chen's family, but that it has something to do with her future demands.

Mrs. Chen can't guess what it is, but she respects her decision and appreciates her from her heart.

After that, Mrs. Chen still regards her as a benefactor, but she dare not call again to make friends with her.

The day before Yan Luoshui ordered the wedding banquet, Si Xingfu finally returned to Yuecheng from his residence.

The first thing was to climb over the wall and enter the room where I took care of the boat.

At that time, at 8:30 p.m., Gu Qingzhou was talking to Gu Shao under the light.

Gu Shao's study abroad has been settled. The formalities should be completed before March.

Gu Shao is reluctant to leave. He tells Gu Qingzhou about his hesitation and impatience.

However, Gu Qingzhou asked him to leave, because after the new wife came in, she might disturb him because of saving money and return to Gu Shao's future.

Si Xingfu pushes the door in, Gu Shao is scared first, and then stammers: "you... You... You are unbridled!"

"Get out!" Si Xingfu grabs Gu Shao's arm and pushes him out like a chicken.

Gu Shao stumbled and broke into the balustrade on the balcony. His chest ribs hurt.

"I think you're quite unscrupulous, too." Gu Qingzhou's eyes are all cold, squinting at him, "what time are you going to visit the kiln now?"

It's really angry to say so much.

Is he angry to climb up, or is he angry to throw Gu Shao out?

Si Xingfu reached for her and hugged her: "so much Qi?"

Gu pushed open his hand, turned to lock the door, drew the curtains, covered the lamp with a towel, and then pulled the light.

Everything is so familiar, it can be seen that such a furtive day has passed for a long time.

Long enough to be used to it!

This is the most terrible.

When a person is used to all humiliation and even humiliation, he will become a prey in others' net, like a frog in warm water.

In her room, Si Xingfu came and went freely. He used to know how to hide, but now he doesn't care.

"Really angry?" Sikang chuckled, his face came to her eyes, the warm air blowing his face, with a man's unique clear.

Gu Qingzhou shook off his hand and sat alone beside the bed.

Si Xingfu stood tall and tall in front of her, and when he pressed the boat, he pressed the whole man on the bed, and his lips fell down.

Gu Qingzhou wants to hide, but there is nowhere to escape.

His lips were crushed and rubbed by his lips, and his breath wrapped her, and soon she was suffocating and confused.

Unconsciously, he had taken off his shoes to Gu's bed and held her gently in his arms.

"... you throw my brother out." Gu Qingzhou, remembering that he was still angry, murmured, "you are too much!"

"Next time it won't, the boat..."

the voice is very light.

When Gu Qingzhou waited for him to say something more, he found that he was breathing evenly and sleeping soundly.

She was surprised.

Gu Qingzhou's hand touched his face and found that he was not alert and fell asleep beside her.

The light in the room is very dark. Gu Qingzhou lifts a corner of the towel to let the light from the lampstand come out and see Si Xingfu's face.

The shadow of his eyes was deep, and his cheeks were becoming thinner, as if he hadn't slept for many days.

"Boat, don't touch me when I sleep, I will hurt you by mistake." She remembers that Si xingxu said that he was very alert when sleeping.

This time, he didn't.

Beside her, he relaxed.

Gu Qingzhou got up and sat down on the chair beside him. He felt the sweater. He had just started, but he hadn't made two rounds.

Thinking of his recitation, Gu Qingzhou began to knit a sweater with the help of weak lights. Anyway, she couldn't sleep.

If you weave it for her as soon as possible, you'll have your word.

She was not proficient in knitting and was afraid of dropping the needles, so she knitted very slowly. Unconsciously, she heard a bell ring downstairs.

Gu Qingzhou takes out his pocket watch and it's a little bit.

She was a little tired, too.

As soon as I looked up, I found that Si Xingfu was looking at her. He looked attentive and serious, with a faint smile on his lips.

"Are you awake?" Gu Qingzhou Road, then put the wool behind him to hide, slightly embarrassed.

Si Xingfu sat up and said, "take it to me and have a look."

Gu Qingzhou had to pass it to him.

She thought that Si Xingfu must have said that it's been more than half a month. How could it be like this? Can it be finished in the year of the monkey?

I don't think so, but he said, "come here and show me your hand."

Gu Qingzhou doesn't understand.

She stood by the bed and handed him her hands.

Si Xingfu holds it, only to feel her fingers shining and white, delicate and beautiful like a bamboo shoot. He kissed her finger and asked, "does it hurt to knit a sweater?"

Gu Qingzhou's heart swings slightly.

Ten fingers linked to one's heart, this is probably true. He kisses up, Gu Qingzhou feels that kiss, hot and lingering, falls in her heart.

She held her mind for a long time and said, "this is a layman. The needle in the sweater can't break the finger."

Si Xingfu smiled: "it will still be stabbed, although it is not broken, it is also very painful. I'm not in a hurry to wear the boat. I'm very patient with the things you give me. Take your time and don't hurt your hand. "

Gu Qingzhou's heart was hot and damp for a moment, almost forcing tears.

She snatched back her hand and said, "it's so pretentious! If you really love me, you won't let me fight. It's not that you can't buy it. "

"Of course not." "Love can't be bought," said Si Xingfu

"I'm not in love with my sweater." Gu said.

"You don't know, I think you do," said Si Xingfu

Gu Qingzhou felt that his words made her scared.

"Let's go. Tomorrow is Luoshui's wedding banquet. I'm going to sleep, or I'll look bad." Gu Qingzhou pushes him.

Naturally, Si Xingfu refused to leave, lying in her bed and chatting with her.

"Is it very tired to go out this time?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

"One thing, I haven't slept in three days," said the secretary

At this point, Si Xingfu's face sank a little. Something happened to his plan. It may take several months.

It annoyed him.

Gu Qingzhou leaned on his arms and talked to him at first. Later, he was confused and fought with his eyelids. He could not remember what he said.

After a good sleep here, he left at two o'clock in the morning and went back to his other house.

The engagement banquet of Yan Luoshui will also be held by Si Xingfu. After all, it is the wedding of Yan family.

He can continue to see his boat tomorrow.

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