Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 215 simu's jokes

Gu Qingzhou wakes up. It's nine o'clock in the morning.

Luoshui's engagement dinner is at 6:30 p.m. and it's still in time.

Gu went downstairs to eat first.

The whole family had eaten, and the kitchen left some rice porridge.

The second aunt was downstairs, smiling to Gu Qingzhou, and said, "I specially told the servant not to call you, saying that you were going to give Miss Yan's engagement banquet gift last night. It must be very tiring. The master didn't say anything."

Gu Qingzhou said, "thank you for covering up for me."

She took a few drinks at will and went upstairs to change her clothes.

The dress was sent by Yan's family. Yan Luoshui chose it by herself.

Yan Luoshui chose a sleeveless dress of white Cardiff for Gu Qingzhou. The skirt is very long, with a curved curve on the floor. The silk cloth is soft and soft, like water lines rippling around the body, setting off snow ripples.

Inside the skirt, there are a pair of high-heeled leather shoes, which are also selected by Yanluo. In this way, Gu Qingzhou is more tall and mature.

"The shoes are too high for me to wear!" Gu Qingzhou road.

"It must be changed. It's the same for ah Jing, or it's different." Yan Luoshui repeatedly told.

Gu couldn't help it. He changed the skirt and put on a glass stockings inside.

When she went downstairs, she pulled up her skirt and held it in her hand, afraid it would be dirty on the ground.

Gu Shao saw her.

Her heels are too high and she can't walk steadily. When she went down the stairs, she was afraid of falling down. She was looking at the stairs in a daze.

Gu Qingzhou wants to hold the rail down the road. Unfortunately, she grabs the skirt with both hands and can't help it. She is a little crazy. She can't understand the beauty of this dress. She just feels very cumbersome.

Gu Shao came over and wanted to help, saying, "I... I'll take you down."

Gu Qingzhou is in trouble. He nods.

Gu Shao gave it a try.

Although Gu Qingzhou is very light, Gu Shaowen is weak and weak. He is very hard to hold and may fall down together.

"It's better to carry it on your back. It's safer." Gu Shaodao.

Gu Qingzhou said, "it's OK. Hold my arm and let's walk down slowly."

"Come on up." Gu Shaowen judo, insist on carrying her down.

Gu Qingzhou and Gu Shao are not polite. They lie on him.

Gu Shao carried her to the gate.

After getting on the bus, Gu Qingzhou was relieved.

Rolling down the window, Gu Qingzhou said to Gu Shao, "thank you, brother."

In the cold wind, her light cheeks are still shining bright and tender red; the long green hair of crows is slanted on the left side of her face, and the black hair is red, so beautiful that it can drive away all the prosperity in the world.

Gu Shao thinks she looks better than when she came home last year.

It turns out that girls can grow so fast that they can become butterflies in just one year.

"Have a good time, Zhouzhou." Gu Shaodao.

Gu Qingzhou nodded, rolled up the window again, and Lao sun, the driver, drove the car out.

Yan Luoshui's engagement banquet is located in the dance hall of Yan mansion. The huge dance hall is far better than the lobby of the five countries hotel. The dragon is warm and the room is warm.

The band of the white Russians is ready. The piano, Violin and Cello Sound meet and float in the sky of the Yan mansion.

"If both of them are in Yuecheng, it's not good to set the wedding banquet in the man's house, or in the woman's house. It's just in the hotel. But Xie's family is in Nanjing. Since the wedding banquet is set in Yuecheng, it must be in our house." This is what Mrs. Yan told Gu Qingzhou.

The engagement party is new in recent years.

Once upon a time, there was engagement, but the etiquette and custom were not like this. Where was the banquet placed in the end, there was no worldly stress, convenience or pleasure.

Gu Qingzhou stepped on high-heeled shoes and went to the backyard with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

"Light boat, you look like walking on stilts!" Yan Luoshui is in a good mood. Seeing the light boat from the window, she walks funny, grabs the skirt with her hands, and laughs incessantly.

Gu Qingzhou stares at her: "it's not you! Choose this dress and shoes, I will not fall! Your shoes are too high. I've never worn such high heels before. "

"Ah Jing has the same shoes as you. She can walk steadily." Yanluo waterway.

Huo was naughty. He deliberately took care of the boat and stood up and walked for a few rounds.

Gu Qingzhou pours down Huo Fengjing first, then pinches Yan Luoshui's face.

Yan's sister-in-law came in and said to them with a smile, "don't make a fuss. Luoshui's makeup is not good."

They had lunch in Yan Luoshui's yard, and her sister-in-law put on a thin layer of make-up for Gu Qingzhou and Huo Fengjing again. By four o'clock in the afternoon, they went first.

Gu Qingzhou has been holding Huo's arm, and the whole person sticks to her.

"Light boat, it's rare that you are in such a mess." Huo Fengjing is as bad as Yan Luoshui. He is very happy to see Gu Qingzhou at a loss.

Probably only at this time, Gu Qingzhou behaves like a child, instead of being steady.

"You said it!" Gu Qingzhou wants to draw out his hand to fight Huo to calm down for a while, but he can't make it.

When he arrived at the dance hall, Gu Qingzhou smelt the mellow wine from afar.

The dance hall is very large. It is the screen between the two flower halls that has been removed and merged into one.

It was warm in the room. When they entered, they took off their coats and gave them to the Indian waiter at the door.

Looking around, guests are like clouds.

The dance music had already started. Many people were dancing on the dance floor. The long table beside was full of drinks.

High heels are not afraid of being flat and smooth, they are afraid of potholes. As soon as he entered the ballroom, Gu was able to walk smoothly.

"I'll have a seat first. These shoes hurt my feet." Gu Qingzhou road.

Huo Fu nodded quietly and sent her to the chair in the southwest corner to sit steadily.

"I'll bring the wine. Would you like red wine or white wine?" Huo asked.

"Red." Gu Qingzhou road.

Huo Shujing went.

As soon as she got to the table, Yan Yiyuan got together. He didn't know what to say. He was very excited and took Huo to the dance floor.

There is no wine to drink.

She sat down, feet a little comfortable, ready to get up, suddenly someone sat next to her chair, long legs forward, blocking her way.

Gu Qingzhou's side eyes saw Sima.

Sima's hair is neatly combed. He is wearing a dark blue tuxedo, a snow-white shirt and two buttons at the neckline. He is elegant and uninhibited.

Gu Qingzhou looks at him, and he looks at him as well.

After a pause, he reached out his hand and said, "Hello, Miss Gu. My name is simu. I don't seem to know you!"

Gu couldn't help laughing.

I didn't expect that he was a little humorous.

Maybe he couldn't speak, even if he was funny, so he was very cold.

"Hello, young commander." Gu Qingzhou shook his hand back. "It's a great honor to meet you."

With a simple handshake and palms pulled back, sime asked her, "you came alone? Do you have a partner? "

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

Sima is in a bit of a dilemma. Today, he is dancing with his sister, Sima qiongzhi. He can't take care of the boat. Besides, Sima doesn't want to contact Gu Qingzhou very much, for fear of giving him hope.

"It's OK. The guests will take care of me later." Gu Qingzhou road.

When simu saw that siqiongzhi was talking to a boy, he said to Gu Qingzhou, "do you want to dance?"

It's his duty to dance with her first.

"No, no, my feet hurt." Gu rejected him.

Gu Qingzhou cured Sima and his fiancee. When he saw her sitting alone, he came to say hello to her. It was polite on the scene.

Sima is a very polite and elegant person.

When he was polite, he said, "I'll go first."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

After sitting alone for a while, Gu got up to get the wine.

Then, a pair of big hands grasped her waist.

Gu Qingzhou smelled the familiar smell. For a while, her scalp was numb. When she nearly exploded, her body suddenly moved, and she was pushed to the back of the curtain.

Si Xingfu held her steady.

"I just saw you talking and laughing with Sima." Si Xingfu's face was gloomy, and his eyes were burning with anger. "Light boat, do you have long hair if you don't keep women's way like this?"

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