Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 216 bad character

Si Xingfu pushes Gu Qingzhou behind the curtain.

All the guests came and went. Gu Qingzhou's lips were white. She was scared to death and was about to cry.

Seeing her like this, Si Xingfu was very reluctant to appease her and said, "don't be afraid, let's go to the side room."

Next to the dance hall, there is a small side room, which is used by the master's family during the break.

The side chamber is locked.

Si Xingfu pulls off the hairpin of Gu Qingzhou's hair, straightens it, beats the drum in the lock hole for a few times, and the door of the side room opens.

They both went into the side room.

Gu finally managed to breathe.

"Are you ill?" Gu Qingzhou was furious and suppressed his voice and roared, "do you know that people are all around? Do you want me to live? "

Si Xingfu is speechless. Look at her quietly.

Side room is very small, only a sofa, a tea table, a warm kettle.

"You can't do that!" Gu Qingzhou's anger hasn't been exhausted yet. She glares at her. "This is a big dance, with eyes everywhere. If others see it, I won't have to be a human being!"

Si xingxu still looks at her in silence.

His expression was cold, thin lips slightly pursed, as if covered with frost.

Gu Qingzhou continued to be annoyed: "what does it mean not to observe the women's way? When I was with Sima, it was called fair and aboveboard; when I was with you, it was called... "

Sima kissed her hard and blocked the words behind her!

He kisses deeply, has the light cigar fragrance, is extremely sentimental, almost wants to put the Gu light boat into own body.

Gu was still struggling at the beginning of the canoe, but he lost his strength slowly. He was allowed to hoop himself in his arms and absorb her sweetness.

After a long time, the Secretary released her.

his lips were stained with her lipstick, and he used a small boat to wipe him up.

This movement is very gentle. All the anger of Si Xingfu seems to disappear. There is a little temperature in his eyes.

Wipe clean, Si Xingfu took over the pad and said: "who made up for you? It's like a ghost. It's too thick! "

He helps her to remove some powder with a pad, revealing the original white and natural skin, which is more beautiful.

Today, Gu Qingzhou is very beautiful. Her slim and tall figure is set off by snow colored kaffeta. Against the high heels, her body has a delicate charm. Her black hair is low, with a light light brightness, which makes her face even whiter.

Unfortunately, the make-up is a little heavy. After wiping it off, it's gorgeous.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't speak and lets him wipe it.

She's really angry.

She took off the heavy high-heeled shoes and shrunk them in the sofa. The whole person was a little aggrieved.

"I'm not right." He coaxed her, "if you see me talking to other women, you will get angry."

Gu Qingzhou will not.

She will only be happy.

But she didn't say that. She knew that Si Xingfu would be unhappy.

He took a small box out of his pocket, took out a diamond necklace, and gave it to Gu Qingzhou: "put this on, it's more beautiful than your pearl necklace."

Gu doesn't want to change: "I don't want to, I like pearls!"

"I bought it specially for you. Put it on and see." Si Xingfu took her over and replaced her.

The diamond is bright and hard, which is better than pearl. The secretary is very satisfied.

He kissed her on the cheek and said, "I'm going out first, and there's entertainment outside. I 'll ask you to dance when I come back. You can' t refuse, you know? "

"How about refusing?" Gu Qingzhou looks up at him with black and white eyes.

"No, I'll kiss you in public!" "You try it!" said the secretary

It's nothing to dance with him. At a dance, you won't only dance with your partner. Besides, you haven't got a partner yet.

"I see." She has a very unpleasant buzz.

Si Xingfu lowers his head and kisses her hair. Then he gets up and goes out.

The mood of taking care of the boat is not very good in an instant.

Did anyone see her when she was hugged by Si Xingfu?

Tomorrow, will the whole Yuecheng be in full swing?

She lies, let her mind float, the diamond necklace between her neck, cold and hard, like the medal on the driver's body, falling into the skin of the light boat.

It took her half an hour to get up and get out of the side room.

At the moment of coming out, she looked at all directions and found that no one was looking this way. She was slightly relieved.

There are more and more guests in the ballroom.

Gu Qingzhou also saw Wan min.

Wan min is wearing a silver red soft silk dress evening dress. On her short hair, she has a very bright diamond hair band. There is no decoration on her snow neck, which makes her skin more delicate and moist.

Wan min also saw Gu Qingzhou.

Four eyes one after another, Wan min immediately turned his head, very angry clenched his hand.

"Canoe?" Huo holds the wine and hands it to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou takes over and drinks in silence.

"... just now, I stood behind you, blocking my view." Huo said to Gu Qingzhou in a low voice.

Gu Qingzhou is slightly shocked, and then understands what she says.

When Si Xingfu hugs the light boat, Huo sees that she stands in a very clever position and blocks other people.

Then, Si Xingfu quickly pulled Gu Qingzhou to the side room.

Gu Qingzhou's mind was mixed with five flavors, which relieved him and embarrassed him at the same time.

She doesn't want this relationship!

She hopes her love can be seen. She can even share the joy with her good friends instead of letting them cover her up.

Si Xingfu is a mess for Gu Qingzhou!

"Thank you, ah Jing." Gu Qingzhou whispers.

Huo Fujing patted her shoulder: "silly girl, so many delicious and funny things, you are still here worrying, don't you fail Luoshui? Today is a good day for Luoshui. "

Take care of the boat.

At half past six, the engagement dinner officially began.

Gu took part in it once, no different from last time.

The third young master of the Xie family is called Xie shunmin. Although he doesn't like Luoshui, he was given enough face at the engagement banquet. There is an unspeakable luster on his face, which seems to suppress the joy.

Yan Luoshui is even more radiant.

When wearing the ring, Gu Qingzhou feels the brilliant light of the ring.

She remembered that Si Xingfu had also sent her one, which was bigger and more perfect than Yan Luoshui's.

Unfortunately, she never wore it.

Diamonds are cold. Only when given meaning can they be beautiful. Gu Qingzhou's diamond ring is bigger and more expensive than Yan Luoshui's, but it is far less beautiful.

When Xie shunmin kissed Yan Luoshui, Yan Luoshui's tears rolled down.

Then there was the party and the ball.

At eight o'clock, Yan Luoshui was talking to Gu Qingzhou and Huo Fengjing.

"Sink your hand?" Huo asked her.

Yan Luoshui laughed: "it's not heavy at all!"

They were joking and laughing. Mrs. Yan and Xinnong also came, and other guests came forward.

The elders of the Wan family also came with the children.

Gu Qingzhou sees Wan min standing behind her parents. His eyes are gloomy and stare at Gu Qingzhou. He seems to be thinking of some bad ideas.

And Gu Qingzhou notices a couple beside Wan min's parents.

"... this is the fourth child and his son-in-law." Wan min's mother introduced her.

It turns out that the couple are Wan min's sister and brother-in-law.

Gu Qingzhou looks at Wan min's brother-in-law.

The eyes are quiet, and there is no trace after passing.

No one else noticed, including Wan min.

Wan min hates to take care of the boat. When she went to Chen's house the other day, Mrs. Chen's attitude plummeted. It is estimated that Gu Qingzhou said something bad about Wan min behind her back.

Wan min can see from the attitude of the old Mrs. Chen and the third Mrs. Chen that she has little hope of marrying into the Chen family.

Destroying people's marriage means breaking people's future. It's an eternal feud!

Wan min's teeth itch with hate.

In front of Yan Luoshui's parents and fianc é, Wan min suddenly made a plan.

She came forward and smiled at Yanluo waterway: "Luoshui, congratulations on your engagement! Your fiance is very familiar... "

she said with a little thought and smile," I've seen the canoe go shopping with her boyfriend to see a movie several times, isn't that it? "

Then she asked Xie shunmin, "are you also a relative of the boat?"

The atmosphere in the room suddenly tightened.

Mrs. Yan and Mrs. Yan Xinnong are shocked. Looking at Wan min, they have a strong hatred at the bottom of their eyes: Well, this girl slanders her fiance and best friend at the engagement banquet in Luoshui. What's the reason?

Yan Luoshui and Huo Rongjing are also shocked.

Wan's husband and wife were even more surprised, because Wan min didn't see the suspicion of all the Yan family members, but they all stared at Wan min.

Wan min was also timid at this time: did I neglect anything?

Why don't they doubt taking care of the boat?

Even if it's a lie, this kind of thing should be a little confused.

Wan min is a little flustered. He always feels something is wrong!

The Yan Family trusts Gu Qingzhou and her new son-in-law. It seems that Wan min's move is not right?

What's wrong, Wan min doesn't know!

There was a very short silence, about a minute, and then when Gu Qingzhou was ready to speak, Xie San did not speak.

"I'm not Miss Gu's relative." Xie shunmin looked at Wan min and said quietly, "you and your brother-in-law have the same type of gold watches, all of which are made in Switzerland. They are called lovers' watches in Hong Kong. It can be seen that you and your brother-in-law already have the head and tail.

It's impossible to hook up with your brother-in-law to be a concubine. Whether it's the pursuit of the enjoyment of disillusionment of human relations or the deliberate destruction of the elder sister's family, you are a man of bad character!

So I'm not surprised that you said I was dating Miss Gu, such a vicious and clumsy lie. After all, the world in your eyes is the same as yours! "

The scene was suddenly quiet again, so quiet that the needle could be heard.

Wan min and her brother-in-law put their hands back at the same time, unconsciously.

This confirms their personal relationship even more, which is to admit.

Wan min's father seems to have been slapped heavily. Now there is a blank numbness, the whole person is shocked, and then the pain comes up a little bit.

Wan min's elder sister first regained her mind, tears rustled down, turned around and ran away.

Her brother-in-law rushed after her.

Wan min's mother couldn't stand. Her father took her by the arm and left first.

Wan min's face was white and completely colorless.

Mrs. Yan and Yan Xinnong, etc., stood aside, too lazy to see the girl.

Yan Luoshui chuckled and said to Xie shunmin, "your mouth is so poisonous!"

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