Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 217 I love her from childhood

Wan min's words, or set off a little ripple, at least Mrs. Yan is very angry. Recently, Qi Wanmin was ill bred. Mrs. Yan said, "she wants to block Luoshui! Is there any tutor for her to pour such dirty water on her happy day? "

Yan Xinnong and his wife, Yan Luoshui, trust Gu Qingzhou very much. Because Gu Qingzhou is in the hands of Si Xingfu, who does she dare to hook up with?

Si Xingfu is well-informed. If Gu Qingzhou really dated Xie shunmin, Xie shunmin can't live to the present.

Si Xingfu has a strong sense of revenge, which Yan Xinnong and his wife both know.

Besides, Xie shunmin is in Nanjing all the year round, and is also the son of a politician. If he goes to Yuecheng, Yuecheng military or political circles, or even the Green Gang, it is impossible for him to have no reputation.

After all, politics is very sensitive.

Xie shunmin has never been here. Yan Xinnong, a senior official of the military government, knows that Mrs. Yan also knows that Wan min's provocation is a vicious lie and appalling.

"A good girl's family, so ungrateful and vicious, and how the Wan family taught her!" "Mrs. Yan sighed," the Wan family is a scholar. I didn't expect such moral degradation! "

Then Mrs. Yan said, "those famous scholars don't look up to warlords, and they look down upon upstarts. In my opinion, they are the dirtiest! "

This is furious.

Mrs. Yan was not satisfied with the marriage of Luoshui from the beginning. Today, Wan min broke the last thread.

"Mummy, don't be angry, happy day." Gu Qingzhou comforts Mrs. Yan.

Mrs. Yan clapped her hand.

Yan Xinnong also said: "it's not necessary to be angry for a little girl. What do children know now?"

Gu Qingzhou advised for a long time, personally sent Mrs. Yan to the side room to rest, and came out for a long time.

Over there, Xie shunmin is talking to Yan Luoshui. Yan Luoshui's eyes are full of respect and admiration, looking at Xie shunmin.

Xie shunmin's expression was flat, even a little cold.

However, at the moment, looking at his indifference, Gu Qingzhou doesn't think it's so annoying.

In the middle of the dance, Xie shunmin also danced with Yan Luoshui.

Later, a cousin of Xie shunmin asked Yan Luoshui to dance. When dancing, the family should invite each other to show respect.

Xie shunmin went to Gu Qingzhou and said, "Miss Gu, can you dance?"

Gu Qingzhou has a glance.

Si Xingfu was still there before. Later, he didn't know where to go. Gu agreed to wait for him to dance, but now there is no figure.

She hesitated a little and said, "thank you."

Gu Qingzhou's hand was covered with ivory gloves, which were made of silk, cold, soft and greasy, and fell into Xie shunmin's palm.

Yan Luoshui looks this way, looks at the light boat and shows her to dance with Xie shunmin.

Xie shunmin took Gu Qingzhou to the dance floor. They were not close. Gu Qingzhou said, "you are so smart and meticulous. You have also observed small things."

She said about Wan min's watch.

That watch, Gu Qingzhou noticed last time.

Xie shunmin's tone was plain and cold, and his voice had no emotion: "I'm flattered, it's your credit - when the girl said you, your eyes were shuttling on her watch and her brother-in-law's watch."

Gu Qingzhou was shocked and then laughed.

"Then you can observe my expression, still very carefully!" Gu Qingzhou road.

Xie shunmin stopped talking and danced in silence.

Gu Qingzhou saw Yan Luoshui in the distance, her clothes were dancing and her smile was smiling, and her heart filled with the meaning of maintenance: "you are so smart, how can you not see that Luoshui loves you so much?"

Xie shunmin's expression remained unchanged, no joy, no sorrow.

Mrs. Yan said that his heart was cold and his lungs were cold.

But love, sometimes, needs fate. It's not how much you give, how much you can take back. Because pay, need to invest each other's good, just have value, otherwise can add the other side's antipathy and vexation only.

If Xie shunmin doesn't like girls like Yan Luoshui, it's useless for him to pay more.

It doesn't matter whether he loves or not. Gu Qingzhou is not happy: "since you don't love, you can refuse to be engaged! I want to have a relationship with the Yan family, and I don't want to love Luoshui. How could it be so cheap? "

That's a bit heavy. The latest

Xie shunmin still looks like he didn't hear it. He doesn't move his expression, like a bottle of wood sculpture.

Gu Qingzhou's eyes were deep, and there was a little hostility in the eyes. Looking at Xie shunmin, he said, "you really have no love for Luoshui?"

"I love her." Xie shunmin's voice is sparse and indifferent, "I have loved her since I was a child."

Gu Qingzhou is stunned.

This answer surprised Gu Qingzhou and was extremely unexpected. She stopped, causing Xie shunmin to stop, and the pair of dancers around her collided with them.

Gu Qingzhou is shocked and looks at Xie shunmin, trying to find out his irony from his face.

But no, he was serious and sincere.

He loves Yan Luoshui!

Gu stopped, continued to dance and didn't want to be hit again.

"I don't understand." From the shock, Gu couldn't get back to her. "Do you love her?"

"Well!" Xie shunmin said.

"I can't see it." Gu Qingzhou said, "we can't see it, including Luoshui itself."

Xie shunmin is silent.

"... why do you want to be like this since you are in love with each other?" Gu Qingzhou frowns. "Are you abnormal?"

Xie shunmin didn't feel bad about this evaluation. Instead, he really thought about it. Maybe he was a little abnormal.

"Do you know Luoshui well?" Xie shunmin asked.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

"Do you know who Luoshui loves?" Xie shunmin asked.

"You, the whole family knows that she loves to thank the third childe!" Gu said.

Xie shunmin shook his head: "she doesn't love me."

"Aren't you Xie San?" Gu Qingzhou's eyes are all blank.

If Xie shunmin doesn't play with her on purpose, it's just that there's something weird in the middle.

Xie shunmin is aloof and aloof. Although he looks very serious, Gu Qingzhou is more inclined to tease her and deliberately mislead her.

Otherwise, Gu Qingzhou could not understand the mess in it.

At the end of a dance, Gu Qingzhou no longer wants to contact Xie shunmin. He is gloomy and mysterious.

Gu Qingzhou is worried about Yan Luoshui. She seems to have stepped into the whirlpool.

Later, Gu went to ask Mrs. Yan, "how many sons are there in the Xie family?"

"Four." Said Mrs. Yan.

"Who are the twins?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"He is not a twin," Mrs. Yan said with a smile

Gu Qingzhou is in a fog.

"What's the matter?" Asked Mrs. Yan.

"It's OK. I'm just curious." Gu chuckled, "if he is also a twin, then Luoshui will have twins in the future, right?"

Mrs. Yan laughed and touched her head: "what are you thinking, little brain?"

Gu Qingzhou gets angry and finds a chair to sit down.

Huo also sat beside Gu Qingzhou.

"Ah Jing, do you think Xie sanshao likes Luoshui?" Gu Qingzhou asked her.

Huo Fujing looks at the two people on the dance floor. Xie sanshao looks very close, but the light in his eyes is calm and soft.

"At least not." Huo said, "I have no contact with him. I don't know his nature."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

The silence thought to thank three little words, Gu Qingzhou vaguely made some sense.

Why did Xie sanshao say that he loved Luoshui when he was young and that Luoshui didn't love him at all?

"Ah Jing, do you think Luoshui has a secret?" Gu Qingzhou suddenly turned his eyes from Xie sanshao to her friend Yan Luoshui.

Yan Luoshui's sincerity to Gu Qingzhou and Huo Fengjing does not mean that she does not have Chengfu.

On the contrary, Yanluo Shuicheng mansion is very deep.

The twins of the Yan family are actually polarized: how simple Yan Yiyuan is, how deep Yan Luoshui is.

"Do you think Luoshui has no secret?" Huo Shoujing asked with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou never thought about it.

Now, she seems to have a clue.

"... canoe, you have a secret, so do I. It's good to have a secret. Sometimes it can't be said, just to protect your friends. Luoshui also has her secret. I think it's fair. " Huo Shoujing.

Yeah, they all have secrets.

Just because I can't talk to others about my own affairs, I especially understand the pain my friends bear alone.

"Does Luoshui like to thank you three little?" Gu Qingzhou asks Huo Rongjing.

Huo Shujing smiled: "where do I know?"

Then, Si Xingfu and Yan Xinnong came out of the partial hall.

The two men spoke for a long time.

As soon as Si Xingfu looked up, he saw Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou sits beside Huo Rongjing, wearing a long skirt of snow colored kaffeta. The snow color sets off her skin, making her skin more and more clear and white, like frost racing snow.

She is like a blooming white rose, full of spirit, cold and fragrant tulip.

Si Xingfu has a warm heart and walks forward.

"Good, waiting for me to invite you to dance?" Si Xingfu said with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou smiles and tries not to show clues.

It was normal for them to dance in public.

Just Gu Qingzhou has ghosts in his heart. He always worries that his eyes are too smart and wise to see through them.

"Relax a little bit." He whispered to her, "you're trying to cover up, you know?"

Gu Qingzhou's tight back really relaxed.

The dance music is soothing and gentle, and the distance between Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou is appropriate. That is the most common couple, dancing simple and polite social dance.

"What did you say to my adoptive father?" "You seem to have talked for a long time," Gu asked

"I really want to know?" The secretary was laughing.

Gu Qingzhou glanced at him and said, "whatever you want to say."

Si Xingfu's fingers and abdomen, caressing her back without trace.

Gu's body tightened again, and she whispered a warning to him, "don't do this!"

Si Xingfu gave her a little punishment and a big admonition. Seeing that she was too scared, she couldn't bear to tease her. As expected, the back hand didn't make any small movements any more.

He is going to take Gu to leave Yuecheng. Unfortunately, there are new changes. We have to postpone this matter.

Si Xingfu wants to give Gu a better future.

"I'll tell your adoptive father that I'm going to invite some very important guests to visit Yuecheng and ask what your adoptive father means." Si Xingfu said with a smile.

There's a conspiracy in his smile.

It must be a military friend to discuss with Yan Xinnong.

"What guest, who is it?" Gu asked curiously.

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