Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 218 keeps me in mind

For the first time, Si Xingfu asked to take care of the boat dance in public.

I've missed opportunities before.

Si Xingfu holds the hand of Gu Qingzhou, though he is still close to each other through the elbow carved soft silk gloves.

Her hands, slightly warmer than silk, feel better.

The ground in the dance floor is very smooth, and even can reflect the figure of people. Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou have never experienced such a bustling and bustling life, and they hide a lot.

It is not worldly gossip that Si Xingfu is afraid of, but that his enemies find Gu Qingzhou.

He didn't take Gu Qingzhou out to see the world.

At this moment, Si Xingfu was very fond of it. Everyone around him was watching him. He was very satisfied.

He seems to want more people to know that this is his woman!

This sense of honor is incomparable to other things. His heart is warm and steady.

Standing beside him, Gu Qingzhou is his most glorious and burning medal!

"... what guests?" Gu Qingzhou is still asking the question of Fang Cai. I don't know that his mind has long been wandering.

Seeing that Si Xingfu refused to answer, Gu Qingzhou changed his way and asked, "is it related to me?"

"I have everything to do with you!" Si Xingfu's low voice.

Obviously, it has no direct relationship with Gu Qingzhou.

Since he doesn't have one, he likes to sell, so Gu doesn't want to ask again.

"Never mind if you don't say it." Gu Qingzhou road.

After that, Gu Qingzhou saw Sima.

Simu and syongzhi come over and say hello to her.

Siqiongzhi smiled quietly and softly. She also smiled brilliantly to Gu Qingzhou. She had no hostility to Gu Qingzhou. She relied on her brother for softness and looked like a beautiful girl.

Fortunately, Gu Qingzhou has seen her means, or she will cheat her.

"Can I take you home?" Asked Shi mu.

"No, I live in Yan's today." Gu Qingzhou said, "I need to help my adoptive mother

There are servants in the aftercare. Mrs. Yan doesn't care about her own affairs, let alone needs to take care of the boat. The latest

is that Si Xingfu plans to take Gu Qingzhou away, so Gu Qingzhou will not go back to the mansion.

"Well." Sima said, after a few steps forward, Sima Lue thought, "light boat, do you have time for Coffee tomorrow? I have something to tell you. "

Jack looked at her brother in surprise.

Gu Qingzhou is also a little confused.

"... important?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Sima nodded: "it's very important. I want to tell you first."

Tell Gu Qingzhou first?

Do you want to leave?

It's said that Wei Qingjia is going to Yuecheng in a few days. It's hard for simu to sit and settle down. Is it time for him to have a showdown with his family and terminate his marriage?

In today's society, such a thing as baby kissing is so ridiculous that Sima himself can't accept it.

He never wanted to marry Gu Qingzhou.

He used to have a more gentle way to deal with it, but Wei Qingjia is coming back, time waits for no one.

"Let's talk about it later, will you?" Gu asked tentatively.

Sima goes to Gu Qingzhou and says, "tomorrow, you can rest assured that I will not treat you badly."

It seems that it's about quitting.

"All right." Gu Qingzhou thought that it was time to do it, so he said, "come and pick me up after 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Sima breathed a sigh of relief.

She also knew the attitude of looking after the boat, and she had no particularly strong objection to retiring.

Sima is very happy that this matter has a score.

Watching Sima leave, Gu Qingzhou's expression is a little deep.

It's not a good time to leave now!

But when is the right time?

The Secretary's family has given her a chance to stand on her feet and let her successfully report her mother's hatred.

After all, he didn't care about the boat. Gu Qingzhou could not impose his own problems on Sima and delay his marriage and love.

Sima has the right to pursue his love.

In this way, Gu Qingzhou is ready. On Si Hangpei's side, she will rebuild a plan to deal with him and cannot rely on anyone.

"You can't rely on the Secretary's family. If you depend on it, you may lose your reputation." Think of the light boat.

She and Sima have retired, even if they know that she is only jealous of Sima's association with Sima. However, as Sima's fiancee, she is known to get along with Sima, which is the secular intolerance.

In the distance, Yan Yiyuan is pestering Huo Fengjing: "I will send you, ah Jing! My car is just outside. "

"No." Huo simply refused him.

Jack looked over there.

Yan Yiyuan used to like siqiongzhi very much, until Huo Longjing appeared, he left siqiongzhi.

Siqiongzhi's eyes were shining, and he soon turned away.

After the guests left, Gu Qingzhou was taken to his other hall by the Secretary Xingfu.

"I'm going to get up early tomorrow, and I'll have an appointment with simmer." Gu Qingzhou leads the way to the secretary.

The manager was stunned.

He took off his coat, exposed his solid and hard chest in the cold air, went to the boat, narrowed his eyes and asked, "what do you say?"

"I said, I've asked for simmer!" Gu Qingzhou looked into his eyes, his eyes were flat and soft. "He said that he wanted to talk to me first if he had something very important. Maybe he wanted to talk about quitting his family."

Si Xingfu looks a little relaxed.

"... it's long overdue." Si Xingfu road.

Once upon a time, Gu didn't want to, saying that he was afraid that the school students would know, look down on her and laugh at her.

She can't stand being bullied in school. When she thinks of her classmates' pointing, but she can't get angry, she can't bear the grievance in silence. She's very sad!

As a result, Si xingxu listened to her words and did not go to give her back. Her marriage to simmer has been postponed to the present.

"I'll take your place tomorrow." "I have to be there. If you look at him, I'll shoot him!"

"Then you'd better shoot me!" Gu Qingzhou said coldly.

Si Xingfu put his arms around her waist and pressed her with a strong chest: "killed you? Cheap you! If you dare to betray me, I will press you under my body, so that your legs will not close. I will toss you around day and night, making your life worse than death! "

He said, a little boiling on his body, a heat flow rising from his belly.

Gu Qingzhou put his head away in embarrassment and pushed him: "you, you, are full of these dirty ideas all day long!"

"A man's idea of being obscene to a woman is his highest respect! The absence of obscene ideas means that the woman has no charm. " Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou clenched his teeth: "that's you! Other men are different from you. They are all gentlemen! "

"False! Loaded! " Si Xingfu is determined.

Take care of the boat's hand and stick it to his chest.

Her palms are soft, and the chest of Si Xingfu is strong and warm. Her two impressions move each other's hearts.

He lowered his head and gently cut her lips. Then he said, "I'll cook some supper. I didn't have enough at the party."

He asked Gu again, "what would you like to eat?"

Gu Qingzhou didn't have anything special to eat.

"Crab porridge?" The secretary decided on his own.

"Well, yes." Gu agreed.

Si Xingfu went to the kitchen to be busy.

When he was busy, Gu Qingzhou relied on the door, drank milk one mouthful at a time, and looked back and forth on Si Xingfu.

The kitchen light is dim, orange awn, falling on the face of Si Xingfu, giving his face a soft and charming light.

His murderous spirit is restrained, only handsome, and even gentle in his eyes.

Gu Qingzhou took a sip of milk and swallowed it for a while.

"Canoe?" Si Xingfu was cutting ginger when he suddenly called Gu Qingzhou.

"Ah?" Gu Qingzhou doesn't understand.

"Do you look good? You've been standing there for a long time The head of Si Xingfu didn't return either. There was a light smile in his voice.

Gu felt a heat wave on his face.

She mumbled and turned to walk upstairs, murmuring: "narcissism, bad face!"

The main ingredient of seafood porridge is crab, which needs to be simmered slowly.

When he stewed porridge, Gu Qingzhou had already taken a bath and changed into a silk printed bathing suit. It was cold, and she went downstairs in heavy windbreaker and slippers.

She washed her head. The fireplace downstairs was fat enough to heat. Her hair dried faster.

The fire in the fireplace is very warm. Gu Qingzhou dries his hair while he drops Sandalwood in.

Soon, the room was full of fragrance.

"Si Xingfu, what is this?" Gu Qingzhou finds a book under the sofa.

It's more like a design than a book.

The picture is very strange. Gu Qingzhou can't understand it. She tilted her head for a long time and asked the secretary about it.

"This is the plane," said the Secretary, glancing at him

"The plane?" "I heard that Americans have airplanes. They can go to heaven!"

Si Xingfu couldn't help laughing.

"... then, where can the plane go?" "Have you seen a plane?" Gu asked

"No. However, the Americans have built an airport in Kunming, which will soon be available. " "With the plane, you don't have to take a few months' steamer to go to the United States. It's only a few days."

Gu Qingzhou opened his eyes wide.

"Si Xingfu, are you thinking about the idea of plane?" Gu Qingzhou asked him, "do you have anything to do with discussing with your adoptive father what guests you will receive today?"

The secretary should not divulge the secret.

He interrupted Gu's words with "women don't ask about military affairs".

The seafood porridge made by Si Xingfu is very light and delicious. Gu Qingzhou ate two bowls in a row.

"Delicious." She narrowed her eyes and smiled, like a child who didn't know the world.

Every time he saw her smile like this, he knew that she was really happy and couldn't help feeling happy.

He touched her head gently, hoping that his boat would be so happy and carefree all his life, just like now.

While sleeping, Si Xingfu hugged Gu Qingzhou in his arms and whispered, "Qingzhou, don't hook up with Si mu, don't laugh at him."

"Well." Gu Qingzhou sleeps vaguely and agrees.

"Light boat, will you mind me?" Si Xingfu brushed her cheek gently, "you will be happy with me."

Gu Qingzhou was asleep and didn't answer him.

The next day, Si Xingfu had something else to do. When he got up early, he looked at Gu Qingzhou and wanted to tell him a few words. He felt that he had said all the words. Repetition was meaningless.

He went to the military government with some apprehension.

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