Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2186 kaifuwai (24)

His eyes are very respectful, as if his subordinates have met their superiors. Even if they deliberately cover up, they can't cover up the scruples between their speech and voice.

Shen Chengrui often goes to the other offices of SECCO. There are dignitaries and police officers from all departments. She doesn't pay attention to anyone.

Song Xinli remembers her.

This is a woman walking out of the room on the second floor of the company. What can be the relationship between men and women?

He made up a good play in his head, thinking that the meeting near the Department of the Chinese people's guard last time resulted in the two getting on well.

In this way, he immediately entertained Shen Chengrui to take a seat. "What can Miss Shen drink?"

And brought in the waiter.

Before Shen Chengrui spoke, Jiang Ying looked at them strangely. Bandit Yi said, "do you know each other?"

"Ah Ying, have you forgotten?

Last time you lost your car, I went with you to the Department of Huamin security. Is that the assistant department of Song Dynasty who served us? "

Shen Chengrui's mind was all about his uncle and the woman outside. He didn't think much about it, so he asked the waiter for an American coffee.

On the opposite side, Jiang Yuan calmly looked at the coffee list without looking at it, and said, "just like her."

The waiter picks up the coffee list and leaves.

Jiang Yuan looked at his sister and said, "I'll tell you what I'm going to do in the future. If I don't see you again, don't go out.".

What's more, there are city patrolling guards in the suburbs. How can you go out without people?

Fortunately, I just lost my car, otherwise... " "I see. I see. How many times have you muttered."

Jiang Ying looks at her elder brother with a bitter face, and Yu Guang quietly glances at Song Xinli again, which is slightly unnatural.

Shen Chengrui's response was that he didn't open and mention any pot. He didn't want her to be taught by Jiang Yuan again. He immediately talked about it. He asked, "officer song is here to do business."

"Yes, it's done. I just met Miss Jiang looking for you."

Song Xinli looks serious.

This look Jiang Ying smiled and joked, "how did you see areh? You're nervous. It's not a report. She just asked."


Song Xinli smiles to avoid embarrassment.

Jiang Yuan also has a certain amount.

Each has his or her own worries. He or she is reluctant to chat. Everyone lowers his head and drinks coffee from time to time.

But as long as a cup of coffee can be drunk, Jiang Ying doesn't want to go home very much, so she suggests that you go to an Italian restaurant not far away for dinner.

Suddenly mentioning dinner, Shen Chengrui, who had been wandering for a long time, finally realized that she had forgotten about cooking for Sikai! Si's car is supposed to have gone to the school gate to wait for her She hurriedly stood up and looked around. At last, her eyes fell on the phone at the coffee bar and said, "I'll make a phone call."

With a heart to heart call past, fortunately is the Butler answered, Shen Chengrui immediately reported his location, let the driver come.

Jiang Ying saw her face worried, pulled her to sit down again, puzzled: "you are strange today, what's the matter?"

Look worried.

"I have something else to do. I'm in a bit of a hurry."

Shen Chengrui declined: "I can't have dinner with you later. You are happy."

"Where are you going?

Have an appointment? "

Jiang Ying is curious.

Shen Chengrui sipped his coffee and looked out of the window at the road

Jiang Ying then very gossip of ask, whether made boyfriend.

Shen Chengrui thought that he was at home last time, and he was questioned by the name of the Secretary Kaishi. He knew that he would not like to be played up by others.

Jiang Yuan looks at her and takes this look as shyness.

He put down the porcelain cup in his hand. After a long time, the taste of the coffee lost its original mellow flavor.

Shen Chengrui has been staring at the road outside for fear that the driver would rush in to find himself.

Jiang yingsan accompanied her and so on.

When the car arrived, several people got up to see it off. Shen Chengrui was afraid of being found and advised not to.

At last, I can only watch her get on the bus across the road.

Jiang Ying said in a light tone: "areh really likes sex but despises friends. He has made a boyfriend, but he still hides it and doesn't tell me.

No wonder, I've had fewer meals recently. "

Song Xinli is clear in his mind. Is it necessary to keep a low profile and mysterious when dealing with people like Sima Shao?

He then said softly, "Miss Shen has her own reasons for doing this, and Miss Jiang doesn't have to be angry. I'm sure she will tell you when the time comes."

Jiang Ying is even more puzzled: "you help her to talk..." Jiang Yuan watched the car go away in silence, and raised his feet. "Don't eat any more. Let's go."

Jiang Ying shouts song Xinli to keep up, and whispers that her brother is too bored.

Shen Chengrui was not so relaxed, thinking all the way about what to do when he was late.

Although Sikai is usually good at speaking and not very picky in eating, he is very demanding in his heart and does not like to move if the dishes are not exquisite.

It must be late now. What should I do?

Thinking about it, Shen Chengrui adjusted a hot pot for him and invited him to eat hot pot.

Only in this way can it be the easiest and fastest.

Knowing that he was not very good at spicy food, he didn't dare to adjust the bottom of the Sichuan style pot, so he focused on nutrition and spent some time on the seasoning. He had both sour, sweet, salty and spicy food, and finally finished it before the meal.

Because of Zhang xuanjiao, Shen Chengrui has been used to eating at the same table, only when it is his own working meal.

Later, Zhang xuanjiao went back to Zhangjia, and Shen Chengrui didn't pay much attention to these things, and the Secretary Kaikai didn't forbid them. Now he is more used to them.

When he came into the restaurant, he saw that the table was full of all kinds of dishes.


In the middle of the pot, the soup keeps steaming. Shen Chengrui is standing at the table with a small plate and mixing the sauce.

Seeing him appear, she put all kinds of dishes in front of his seat and said with a smile, "come and try these kinds of sauces. If you are not satisfied, I will adjust them for you.

On the left is the fruit mixed with honey. It's a little bit sweet with sesame oil. I don't know if you are used to it.

The middle one is salty and slightly sour. The red one on the right is spicy.

There is also a free disk. If you don't think it's good, it's convenient to mix and readjust. "

Finish saying, also sat on the chair that she often sits, the action is very familiar with nature.

Secretary Kai Kai looked at the table full of vegetables, surprised: "eat pot?"

"Yes, a new way of eating."

Of course, Shen Chengrui didn't want to say that it was because he didn't have enough time to prepare the dishes. He smiled and stressed, "I made a special arrangement for you."

Listening to this, he took pains to please him.

He sat down to eat, and there was no conversation.

Without the chatter of Zhang xuanjiao, Shen Chengrui and he have no topic, and a meal is very quiet.

After eating, the secretary put down the dishes and chopsticks and went upstairs without looking at her.

Shen Chengrui was still a little nervous, calling him: "little."

"What's the matter?"

As expected, Sikai looks slightly sideways, waiting for her to follow up.

Shen Chengrui walked a few steps, his eyebrows and eyes tense: "what do you think of the food?"

"Not bad."

That's satisfaction?

Shen Chengrui's heart was relaxed and his face was smiling happily.

It's good to have no opinions. She knows that the people in front of her are reluctant to say anything, even if the other party puts their dissatisfaction with the food in their hearts, and then drives her one day without any sign.

So every time they finish eating, she will ask.

Seeing that she didn't know what she was secretly pleased with, Sikai said seriously, "please come here to cook, don't think about anything else."

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