Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2187 kaifuwai (25)

Shen Chengrui didn't understand the meaning of Sikai's words until he went back to the Shen family.

Ask him how he feels about his meals. What's the problem?

She went to be a cook and cared about the boss's opinions on her achievements. Is that normal?

I always think that the Secretary misunderstood something, and that's what he said But thinking about what you see in the day, you will soon have no mind to think about it.

I have to tell my parents about my third uncle. Shen Chengrui went directly to the western building in the east garden.

This is the place where adults live. It's similar to their West building, and it's also a three-story building.

The eldest uncle and aunt live on the first floor. Her parents are on the second floor. The room above is naturally the room of the third uncle and the third aunt.

Shen Chengrui said something, Lu Lin subconsciously looked at the ceiling of the room and said with a smile: "the old man doesn't allow concubines at home, but the old man secretly keeps the outside room.

If it's broken, let's see how they look.

Usually with the help of spoiled old tyrants, even the two kids in his family are extremely domineering! "

This, of course, is to remember the hatred that Shen Chenghong and Shen CHENGMAO brothers bullied their daughters.

Shen Chengrui thought the same: "Mom, let's go tell Grandpa and grandma?"

Shen Li saw that his wife and daughter were afraid of the family's restless appearance, so he made a horse and said: "no, the third one was confused for a while. Besides, he didn't take people back without telling his family. Let's do more than one thing. Don't disturb the main building."

Lu Lin was annoyed when she saw him saying, "you are so soft! You think more is better than less. People don't think so. You forget how Cheng Hong and Cheng Mao beat Cheng Hua?

Cheng Hua is a girl. Her forehead hasn't been well hurt until now. What if she leaves a scar?

They've hurt areh so much that she almost got the ring. You're generous! "

"Why do you mention it again!"

Shen Li frowned, but his wife mentioned it, and his eldest daughter was there again. He was also a little ashamed, explaining: "anyway, the consequences of this incident are unimaginable, and it will harm the third child! What's more, dad is old, so he doesn't need to be angry.

Besides, his wife's family moved to Singapore two years ago.

If she's known by her mother's family, she'll have to come to the door and ask for advice, and then she won't be able to calm down. "

"That's the third one's own business. What do you care for him?

When he raises a woman outside, he should think of the consequences of the east window incident. It's not necessary for your good brother to worry about him. "

Lu Lin knew that her husband was stupid and filial, and she always valued brotherhood and was full of discontent. "Do you think for him, he treats you as a brother?"

"After all, we are all brothers. Let's not be afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

Although Shen Li was wrong, he was very firm in his mind, and took care of Shen Chengrui: "areh, you are still a child, don't mix in with these.

Good children can't always think of exposing their elders' shortcomings. What you see today should not be seen. Let's see your third uncle's creation. Do you understand? "

He means firm, Lu Lin can't persuade him, sullen went to the bathroom.

Shen Chengrui nodded, but he thought that even if he could not break through, he had to find out the enemy's situation.

The next time I find something in room three, I'll take it to Uncle three.

What's more, it's very strange where the money from the third uncle's outside room comes from.

But seeing my father like this, I can't believe that uncle Sanshu has made a lot of money in the factory.

Just in case you want to spy.

Shen Chengrui was absent-minded when he went downstairs.

As a result, I met the eldest aunt who came back from playing cards.

The eldest lady was carrying a small pearl bag, and met her in front of the building. She said with her voice: "Oh, isn't this Cheng Rui, the fourth lady who is the Pearl in our family's eyes?

Why, come to find your parents. Do you get any benefits from the company's family for your parents?

Cheng Rui, this is your fault. You should take out any good things. After all, they are all family members. "

The tone of the yin-yang tone is hard to hear. Shen Chengrui looks at her eyes and prepares to go down the steps.

The eldest lady was ignored, and stopped her directly: "even if you get into the company, you can't be so arrogant, right?

When I saw my aunt, I left without saying a word. That's what your mom and dad taught you? "

Shen Chengrui looked at the eldest lady and said, "how my parents taught me has nothing to do with you."

"What are you talking about! I'd like to say a few words to you. Your attitude is so lawless.

Come with me to see your parents. I'd like to hear how they protect you. "

The eldest lady is pulling Shen Chengrui's arm to go upstairs.

"You lost money, so you don't need to find a sense of existence here.

If you want to teach my parents a lesson based on your sister-in-law's identity, will you also disturb my grandfather? "

Shen Chengrui said the reason why he was upset. He stood still and said, "is the eldest aunt sure to escort me to the main building and ask grandpa to give me a ruler?"

Speaking of the ruler, it's hard to avoid thinking of the scene of the last time. The old lady let her go.

She didn't dare to move this girl. It would be bad for her to turn around and tell Sima Shao.

But I'm used to being proud at home, and I'm not willing to be forced to do so by my niece.

She clenched her teeth and said, "don't think you can fly to the branch and become a phoenix if you go to the company.

I'm just playing with you.

When he gets tired of who will care for you, then you will become a joke and disgrace of the Shen family. See if the old man will protect you! "

Shen Chengrui didn't care to smile and said: "thank you for worrying about Cheng Rui.

But no one can climb high branches, can they?

You think I should pay more attention to my words when I'm on the high branch. After all, my uncle and nephew have a scene, and I don't want to worry too much about some things. "

She laughed so brilliantly and wildly that the eldest lady stamped her feet violently. Her face was full of unwillingness. She said to her back: "now you are arrogant. I'll see how you are arrogant in a while!"

The next day, Shen Chengrui went to the department store to buy a camera, and then quietly ran to Ling Xiang's apartment to wait.

After waiting for a long time, I finally saw the gorgeous young woman and took some pictures of her in the dark.

With a picture, it's much easier to find out the origin and development of her.

The woman's surname is Tang, and her single name is Yimin. She is 21 years old. She was originally from Shanghai. She came to Singapore to study four years ago.

Later, my family's business went wrong. After dropping out of school, I worked in a Chinese hotel in Yonghua lane. I just had a good time with Uncle San two years ago.

According to the neighborhood of the apartment, her man loved her very much. She was not allowed to work in public in all kinds of luxury accessories in the room. She also asked a servant to serve her.

Women go shopping, play polo or go to the movies to do beauty every day. The days are very pleasant.

Knowing this, Shen Chengrui couldn't help laughing.

Three uncles are really powerful. They make a fortune outside. The serious wife of Shen's family doesn't live such a happy life.

Also because of this, more firmly she suspected the idea of misappropriation of public funds.

It's impossible for him to be able to afford to raise a woman in this way.

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