Young General's Escaping Wife

223 raising the ransom

On the bed of the old lady Westinghouse, there was smoothie.

Only simmer.

Sima's clothes are neat and his shoes are not off. He seems to be very tired and sleepy with his eyes closed.

The bedclothes on the bed are neat, not half messy, and there is no trace of happiness.

Si Mu just opened a corner of the bedding and covered his stomach.

What about sleeping at the same time?

They said they didn't wear clothes?

Where has the scene of beauty and disgrace gone?

Seeing this, Gu Xiang was so disappointed that he could not help exclaiming, "how could this happen?"

Her voice was shrill.

Sima woke up and sat up at a loss.

When he woke up, he saw that the bedside was full of people, and Sima was shocked again.

He frowned, saw the crowd clearly, and asked strangely, "what's the matter? Grandmother, this is... What's the matter? "

All were silent.

For a while, they didn't know what else to say.

They thought a lot along the way, and now they are all stuck in their hearts.

"Grandmother, what's going on?" When he saw no answer, he asked the old lady again.

"Good boy, it's OK," the old lady said with a kind smile

Then she turned around and said to the people, "OK, find mu'er. He used to sleep here! Everyone's out. The meal hasn't been finished yet. "

Several people in the back also saw clearly that there was only simu on the bed, who was dressed neatly.

Not only is smoothie neat, but also the bed.

"Why do servants lie?"

When they left, only the superintendent, Gu Guizhang, the old lady, the first lady and the maid, ah Xian, were present.

The fourth aunt was too big and walked slowly. The second aunt helped her too much and the third aunt followed them too much.

Three of them are alone, and aunt Si is full of doubts: "that maid said, didn't she see the boat and the young commander sleeping together? He said he didn't wear clothes, but he said it really. Why is there only a young commander? "

Second aunt is too light smile, low voice, light can not smell: "who is the boat? This kind of calculation, can let her into the set, that too despises the light boat.

"Whose set is this?" Third aunt is so funny behind her back that she can't figure it out.

What's the good for others to let people see that taking care of the boat and sleeping with simu?

The old lady and the chief inspector like to take care of the light boat. Even if they really sleep, the old lady and the chief inspector will just send you fresh rice. They will get married as soon as possible.

They are engaged in marriage, sleeping is a minor fault, not a major fault.

What is the purpose of this set? Aunt San is so confused.

It's not built by Gu Qingzhou himself? She should be in the house if she cares about the boat.

The aunts at home don't know the inside story. They are all ignorant and can't see the situation clearly.

They couldn't see clearly, and Gu didn't know.

Gu Guizhang was full of fog: "where is the boat?" At this moment, Gu Guizhang would rather take care of the boat and sleep with Sima. Even if he was an aunt, Sima's family would not leave him.

What a pity!

Even the old lady didn't understand what was going on!

Only the superintendent and his wife knew it.

"I did see it when I came in!" A Xian, the maid, knelt on the ground, shivering like chaff, and kowtowed to the old lady and all.

No one speaks.

"Old lady, I really saw it!" Ah Xian cried and asked the old lady for help.

The old lady thought about it. She almost understood that ah Xian was bought. What she saw was definitely different from what she saw in the house now.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Mu are the two children of Huang que.

When the old lady understood, her heart was half cold - she was not thin to a Xian, but she was bribed to do such things.

The inspector glanced at his wife and his mother.

Mrs. Si, like the mirror, knew that she could not fool her husband and son, and she was very nervous and clenched her hand.

"And the canoe?" Mrs. Si tries to divert her attention. First, she looks for Gu Qingzhou, and then she sees the opportunity.

"When I came in, the house was filled with a confused fragrance. The boat said that the fragrance was not good for the body. She went to the kitchen to have some mung bean soup to detoxify it." He said slowly, word by word.

Mrs. Si's eyes wandered, a little flustered.

This confusion soon calmed down.

What is she afraid of?

A Xian is still crying and kowtows for mercy.

"Go down first," said the inspector

A Xian looks at the old lady for help. She doesn't dare to go if she wants to. She looks pitifully.

The old lady had no pity for her and said, "go down first!"

When ah Xian went out, Gu Qingzhou came in with the hot mung bean soup.

As soon as she entered, she said with a smile, "is the play over?"

Mrs. Si's eyes are bright and sharp, and she falls on her. I wish I could nail a hole in her.

If Gu Qingzhou doesn't see her, she is outspoken.

The old lady was angry and asked the superintendent angrily, "what's the matter? Don't you want to explain it to my old lady?"

Then he said, "you still have me in your eyes?"

Mrs. Si's body swayed, losing more than half of her momentum.

Gu Qingzhou put the mung bean soup on the tea table, sat next to the old lady and gently grasped her hand.

The old lady took care of the boat and sighed softly.

"Grandma, let me talk." After clearing his throat, Sima Qing sat next to the old lady and took her hand and said, "don't be angry."

The old lady nodded and asked him to speak quickly.

Sima said from the beginning: "my former girlfriend Jiajia, she will come back from her divorce. It is estimated that she will go to Yuecheng in these days."

The old lady was slightly surprised: "Jiajia?"

She is quite impressed with that Jiajia.

When we went out to play with Smallville, the girl who died was Jiajia's sister. The old lady still remembers that.

It's hard to forget, after all, it's a human life.

"Yes." Sima's mood suddenly plummeted.

He straightened his mind and continued to explain.

Sima knows that the old lady likes to take care of the boat, so he conceals that he wants to withdraw from Gu's marriage. He only says that his ex girlfriend is coming back.

"... my mom is worried that my old relationship with Jiajia is back on fire, and she doesn't like Jiajia. She knows that Abba and you like boating, which simply makes me and the good things of boating come true, so I dare not mention the words of quitting no matter out of my conscience or the pressure of you and Abba.

I drink wine, put a very strong medicine, let me not control myself. In the tea that Gu Qingzhou drank, medicine was specially given. This room has ordered a censer, which makes people faint for a while, and they don't know what they are doing.

She was good at acupuncture. She gave me some poisonous blood and replaced the incense burner. The maid thought it was done, and went to report it before she could see it clearly. She didn't even know about the boat. " Si Mu Dao.

Sima picked himself and Gu Qingzhou.

The old lady is not stupid.

Now I understand all the causes and consequences.

Sima can only believe 80% of his words.

Mrs. Si can make such a plan to deal with her son. It must be that Mr. Si Mu has the idea of retiring. Mrs. Si can't persuade him.

How can I persuade him?

Let the old lady and the superintendent see that he has taken over the body of the light boat!

If you dare to withdraw, don't say that Sima can't get along in his heart. Even the governor and the old lady will break his leg.

Simmer doesn't lose anything.

If it doesn't work out, Sima will still lose nothing.

All things are on the boat.

"Nonsense!" Madame Si snorted coldly, "Moll, am I the one who gave birth to you after nine months of hard pregnancy to make you so vile to me?"

Simmer bowed his head.

The face of the commander is as deep as water.

At this time, the superintendent knew very well that in this family, Sima didn't like to take care of the boat, and his wife didn't have any kindness to take care of it.

It's a headache!

Other people also marry daughter-in-law, never seen such trouble!

Fortunately, Gu Qingzhou is smart. Today's matter hasn't been completed. Otherwise, how can the supervisor afford his grandfather?

Mrs. Si did not care about her old relationship with sun qiluo at all. She was so cruel to her daughter that the supervisor was very sad.

The chief inspector said, "mummy, I want to catch all the servants serving in our house today, all of them are jailed by the military government. They all have a trial to make things clear!"

Mrs. Si's face changed.

She knew that the superintendent was hurting her, and she hoped that this would be a scandal.

Now, the governor wants to stab the military government, which is angry, and angry!

Mrs. Si's breath is unsteady The old lady, who has always been in charge of Zhangjia and everything, immediately agreed.

This is to tell Madame and Sima that the old lady will take care of the boat, the granddaughter-in-law. If they have a little filial piety, they are not allowed to take care of the boat any more.

Gu Qingzhou, who had been silent, finally spoke.

Gu Qingzhou knows that everyone's heart is as clear as a mirror.

Every word of them is expressing their position.

Gu believes that everyone knows what the other side's position is.

"Old lady, why don't you have fun?" Gu Qingzhou took the old lady's hand and said, "lips and teeth depend on each other. When there is a fight, how about the family?"? In any case, the whole family will be bumped and bumped. Isn't that just living? "

The governor looked up at the boat and thought, "this daughter-in-law is so generous.".

The old lady also felt that the girl was confident and courageous! Such a good daughter-in-law doesn't cherish it. She's in a coma.

Mrs. Si was relieved to know that she would not really make a scene. Gu Qingzhou was still familiar with current affairs.

Si Muze's heart tightened: "if you want to withdraw, Gu Qingzhou must raise the chips."

He thinks so, Gu Qingzhou blinks at him, confirming his conjecture.

Sima is very angry: if this is the case today, will you lose too? Why don't I give you any more money!

I really want to revive my husband and teach this greedy little girl!

The idea startled him.

He is not the husband who cares about the boat, and he will never be.

He was silent and glanced away from the boat.

Simmer is not a fool, he is not without feeling. He doesn't have much contact with Gu Qingzhou. Gu Qingzhou is greedy for money, but she is a rare girl with excellent medical skills and smart people.

If there is no Jiajia, Simao can also try to accept the fiancee.

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