Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 224 guests of the governor's Office

The party ended in a hurry.

Gu Qingzhou went back to Gu mansion with the crowd.

Gu Guizhang alone called Gu Qingzhou to the outside study and asked her, "I'm still confused about today's official mansion. Do you know what's going on?"

People who don't know the head and tail really don't know what's going on.

Gu Qingzhou needs to give Gu Guizhang some sweetness so that he can trust her and listen to her.

"I know some." Gu Qingzhou said, "a few days ago, young commander told me that he wanted to leave."

"What?" Gu Guizhang was shocked and his face suddenly changed.

You want to leave?

I knew how good it was today! Even if he withdraws, the Secretary's family can also give Gu Qingzhou a place to be an aunt. Gu Guizhang is still the commander-in-law of the governor's army.

He doesn't care about the boat's situation or whether she is lucky. It's nothing to do with him.

Gu Guizhang wanted power.

In Gu Guizhang's mind, the son is used to carry on the family line, and the daughter is used to win honor for his mother's family.

Can't Gu Qingzhou do that?

"Why don't you talk to me about such an important matter? You agreed? " Gu Guizhang's brow is blue. How come they are all worried?

"No." Gu Qingzhou twists her hair with her fingers and looks childish.

She is so childish that Gu Guizhang will treat her as a fool.

"No, no!" Gu Guizhang was greatly relieved, fell back to his chair and murmured, "how can you say that young commander wants to leave?"

Gu Guizhang looked up at the light boat. She was a very standard and docile girl. She had to choose a wife like this. What's the dissatisfaction of young commander?

Is it that demanding of a wife to be virtuous, concubine to be lustful?

Besides, Gu Qingzhou is not without beauty.

"That's what it means." Gu Qingzhou said, "however, the Secretary's family should not agree, or they will not join me and him."

Gu Guizhang's reaction came at this time.

After making such a scene for a long time, is it to tie Gu Qingzhou to the commander-in-chief?

It's like God help!

Gu Guizhang at this time thoroughly understood what the hell was going on. He couldn't help showing his smile: "boat, you are very painful to the elders."

The elders like to take care of the light boat!

In order to tie up the marriage of Gu Qingzhou and Shaoshuai, Madame Si did not hesitate to take such measures!

Gu Guizhang almost laughed.

It seems that there has been no change in this matter. Gu Qingzhou is also the head of the family.

Gu Guizhang's heart, which is seven up and eight down, has never been so steadfast.

As soon as he is satisfied, he forgets his shape and puts his legs on the table without any manners.

"Light boat, you can have such a creation, dad is happy, also can afford your mother and your grandfather." Gu Guizhang said with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou's delicate fingers can't help holding them up, and his pink fingers turn white.

What impudent person dare to mention her grandfather and mother?

How did they die? Didn't Gu Guizhang know? Where did the sun family's property go? Was Gu Guizhang not clear?

What despicable and shameless mentality did Gu Guizhang dare to mention the sun family?

Gu Qingzhou now knows why her mother took a fancy to Gu Guizhang?

Is Gu Guizhang handsome?

It must be!

Gu Guizhang is half a hundred years old, and his posture is still good. Miss seven of the Ni family in Taicang can meet him not only because he has money, but also because he has some charm.

Love's a brain drain.

Gu Qingzhou held back his anger, and his mood gradually subsided.

Taking advantage of Gu Guizhang's good mood and even high hopes for her, when she would listen to her words, Gu Qingzhou asked Gu Guizhang, "Abba, how many years will it take for elder brother to study abroad?"

"Four years." Gu Guizhang was in a better mood when he mentioned it.

It is a kind of honor for Gu Guizhang to have a promising son.

"How much is the tuition and living expenses?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"It's expensive." Gu Guizhang said, "after a year, how can I get a little yellow croaker?"

That's 800 to 1000 yuan.

It's really expensive.

Ordinary people only pay a few yuan a month. If it's not a wealthy family, who has the money to study abroad?

"Abba, do you send money to elder brother every year or one time?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"Every year." Gu Guizhang said.

"Why not give it one time?" Gu Qingzhou light judo, "in case there is something at home, I really can't pay for it, and I won't delay elder brother's study."

"Don't worry, dad has saved the money for your brother's study." Gu Guizhang said with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou cares about his brother's study, and every sentence is for Gu SHAOHAO. Gu Guizhang is in a good mood, as if Gu Qingzhou knows family honor very well.

Gu Qingzhou smiled: "Abba, you have your consideration, I dare not say anything. If I were, my father would marry a wife, and aunt four would have a younger brother again. I would be worried about the changes in my family when I was far away from home. I would never be able to study hard. Of course, brother is a boy. He doesn't think about anything. "

Gu Guizhang was slightly shocked.

This is also true.

Gu Shao is very reliable. He never spends money recklessly. He values his future very much. Gu Guizhang believes him.

Giving money to him at one time will prevent the situation from changing in the future. If money can't be remitted, it's not bad.

Gu Shao is alone in France. He has no money to lean on and will not rely on.

Gu Guizhang felt that this matter should be reconsidered.

Gu Qingzhou's words are a little selfish, even speculate about people's hearts, but they are all true.

"Abba, I'll go upstairs first." Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Guizhang waved.

After going upstairs, Gu Shao just took a bath and sat beside the bed to wipe his short hair.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou come in, he pulled the quilt.

"Brother, I want to tell you something." Gu Qingzhou said, "if dad wants to talk to you, you need all the tuition fees, at least five little yellow croakers!"

Gu Shao was surprised: "why do you need so much money? Every year, my family remits money. "

"You can't get away with it, brother! Let alone the international situation, that is, the current situation in Yuecheng, even in Gu mansion, will change. You leave the tuition fees for the remaining three years at home. In case of any change, you call it "no day".

Brother, you listen to me. When dad wants to talk to you, you talk to the general public. He trusts you very much! This money, we must get it. If we have knowledge in the future, we will not worry about the future. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Gu Qingzhou wants to win the family property, and Gu Guizhang wants to plead guilty. When Gu Guizhang dies, Gu family breaks up, and Gu Qingzhou escapes himself, who will send the tuition fee to Gu Shao?

After Gu Shao left, this will happen.

All the money of Gu's family is for Grandpa Qingzhou, not Gu Guizhang. If she is willing to train Gu Shao, Gu Shao will feel at ease.

"Abba... I'm afraid I don't want to?" Gu Shao whispered.

Gu Shao knows Gu Guizhang best. He loves money as much as he can. How can he give the money to his son who is under twenty?

"He will." Gu Qingzhou said, "whatever I say, he will think about it."

Gu Shao nodded.

When it comes to studying abroad, Gu Shao is in a low mood, not half happy.

He was reluctant to go to Yuecheng, home, boat.

"Zhouzhou, I went to study abroad. You won't forget me, will you?" Gu Shao's head is lower, like a helpless child.

Gu Qingzhou wants to hug him.

She held back and just stood by and said, "you are my brother. You will be my mother in the future. How can I forget you?"

"But I have no blood relationship with you..."

"do people who have blood relationship must have family relationship? Gu Xiang is the granddaughter of the old lady. She didn't help her to kill the old lady in the same way? " Gu Qingzhou said, "elder brother, it's foolish for you to worry about this kind of thing, and you have failed to live up to my heart to treat you!"

Gu Shao quickly looked up: "I don't mean that, Zhouzhou..."

"I understand." Gu Qingzhou said, "brother, you have to work hard to become a talent."

Gu shaoshen nods.

The next day, Gu Guizhang came to Gu Shao to talk about it.

"If you remit money, you can't get through gold bars, then you have to have an exchange rate for cash, and the discount in the middle is at least 100 yuan," Gu said

Gu Guizhang also knows that.

He didn't think about it before, mainly because he didn't feel relieved to take care of Shao's huge amount of money.

Now I see Gu Shao thinking about it clearly, and I know it's serious. Gu Guizhang is a little distressed about the loss in the middle and says, "I'll think about it again."

Gu Shao transferred this to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou thought: it will be a success. Dad is loose.

Gu Shao's tuition is coming, so that he can study without worries. Four years later, he should be an adult and be responsible for his life.

Gu Qingzhou hopes that he and Gu Guizhang hate each other and don't involve others.

People have feelings. When Gu Qingzhou came here last year, Gu Gongguan and Gu Qingzhou always stayed out of business and didn't like the people inside.

Since the death of Qin Zheng, the aunts have no worries, and begin to follow their nature and show kindness to Gu Qingzhou. Gu Qingzhou doesn't hate them.

In addition to Gu Guizhang and Gu Xiang, even Gu Ying and Gu Qingzhou hope that she can have a place of entrustment six months later.

Gu Qingzhou's housework is finished. Luoshui calls her: "I'm back from Nanjing. I've brought you presents. Come on."

"You" refers to the light boat and Huo Shujing.

After the engagement of Luoshui, he went to Nanjing with Xie shunmin the next day. He met other relatives and friends of Xie's family. It's said that the banquet was held for three days, which was very lively.

School is about to start. Xie shunmin personally sent Luoshui back. Luoshui is very interested.

Gu Qingzhou went.

Just arrived at the door of Yan's house, I saw Mrs. Yan with several daughter-in-law.

The visitor was a dignified lady with a young lady of the same age as Gu Qingzhou and a young master of 14 or 15.

"Where is this relative?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

She didn't see the Yan Family relative.

"It's not my relative, it's the governor's office." "Mrs. Yan said with a smile," this is the wife and young commander's miss of Cheng dujun of the Southwest Military Government

"Southwest?" "Where is their military government?" Gu asked

"Kunming." Said Mrs. Yan.

Gu Qingzhou immediately thought of what Si Xingfu said.

The car had already left, Gu Qingzhou watched the tail dust fall down, slightly stunned.

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