Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 228 choking in the water

Gu Qingzhou first explained to Huo Yue.

"What's the matter with her?" Huo Yue asked Gu Qingzhou, "can you treat it?"

"It can be cured." Gu said, "her disease, which is called" true heat and false cold "in medicine, is that there is heat in her body. Your judgment is good. She is similar to your original situation. However, it is not easy for her to be cured. "

"What?" Huo Yue's heart sank slightly, a little stuffy.

Gu Qingzhou said: "the medicine didn't work very well. I thought she was in trouble. Mr. Huo, you know that traditional Chinese medicine is to improve your own camp health and let your camp health go to war again. "

"Acupuncture?" Huo Yue asked.

Gu Qingzhou shook his head: "there is no need for acupuncture. I've come up with a way, only a little bit of risk. "

"What can I do?" Huo Yue asked.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "if you want to be surprised, please wait a moment and tell you later. You can trust me."

Gu Qingzhou and Huo Yue explained clearly and went back to the glass house.

"Madam, can we go? It's very warm outside. You should be in the sun more often. " Gu Qingzhou said to Nie Yan.

Nie Yan knows that the sunshine outside is very bright. She is not blind.

But there is wind outside.

Normal people can't feel Nie Yan's pain. The wind blows on the body, just like through the skin, into every bone seam, shivering all over with cold.

She is very afraid of cold.

It's not a big problem for a woman to be afraid of cold. Before that, she took it lightly until she couldn't bear it.

"Go for a walk." Huo Yue also said.

Huo Yue talks. Nie Yan refuses to show her weakness in front of him, so she asks the servant to take a long mink coat. She wraps it tightly and leaves the glass room with Gu Qingzhou.

As soon as he came out, the cold wind poured hard on him. Nie Yan fought several shivers and wanted to shrink back.

Gu Qingzhou has a graceful body and stands beside him. Maybe she didn't mean anything, but her easy and fearless expression stimulated Nie Yan.

Nie Yan is so busy today that she can't lose to a child.

What's wrong with mature women?

Nie Yan's wisdom, experience, contacts and even wealth can't be compared with that of Gu Qingzhou!

I'm afraid she won't make it.

Huo Yue followed him, and Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "Mr. Huo, I want to tell my wife about her illness. There are some words that are inconvenient for men to be present. Why don't you find a place to sit first and wait for us?"

Huo Yue looked at Nie Yan and asked, "can you go?"

This stimulated Nie Yan.

I'm not seventy-eight. Why can't I go?

Nie Yan is indignant, she hates to take care of the light boat to take her as an elder, and Huo Yue agrees with her.

"Yes, you can go and have tea first." Nie Yan Road.

Gu Qingzhou and Nie Yan walked side by side, and she did not help Nie Yan.

Nie Yan walks slowly.

"Your pulse is big and Hong, indicating that there is heat in your body, and it's also hot." Gu Qingzhou said to Nie Yan, "other doctors should tell you that you have cold, right?"

Nie Yan nodded.

In her case, Huo Yue has already told her that it was the same with Huo Yue at the beginning.

Huo Yue is feverish. Everyone says that he has heat in his body. Only Gu Qingzhou says that he has cold.

Because the situation is the opposite, the more serious the treatment.

Nie Yan is also incurable for a long time, so she thinks she is similar to Huo Yue.

"Then why am I afraid of the cold?" Nie Yan asked. Through Qiu Zhi, the sun drops mottled shadows on the ground. Nie Yan tries to walk into the aperture and refuses to miss half the point.

The winter jasmine is in bloom, and the yellow flowers are hanging on the branches, decorating the depression of early spring.

Gu Qingzhou picked a bunch of flowers at will and played with them between his fingers. Her hands are white and lustrous, more delicate than flowers. The appearance of Jilting flowers is not half artificial, but pretty and lovely.

How young she is!

It's nice to be young, beautiful, and innocent with any ingenuity.

Nie Yan is jealous of her, especially when she comes with Huo Yue. Nie Yan is so jealous that she goes crazy!

Over there, Gu Xiaozhou explains with Nie Yan why she is cold.

"The medical books say that" true heat and false cold ", when a person's body heat evil to a certain extent, it will hinder Qi. The air engine is all blocked in the middle focus. When it can't reach the body surface, the body surface will feel cold, very cold!

The so-called warmth is the surging of its own heat flow, and then wear good clothes, keep this heat flow around the body, do not let the wind blow away, and keep warm.

But madam you, the heat in your body is trapped and in focus, which can't be conveyed to the body surface. Then no matter how much heat is outside, it can't be absorbed into your skin. After all, your skin breathing is limited.

The heat in your body can't penetrate, so even in midsummer, you will feel cold; in winter, the heat flows faster, your thin heat can't provide warmth at all, so you are cold like this. "

Gu Qingzhou's voice is soft, and his explanation is very clear.

She looks very professional and knowledgeable.

Nie Yan's emotional control was not so strong during her illness. Her jealousy soon broke through her reason. She went to the backyard with Gu Qingzhou and said, "you are a good doctor. Huo Yue paid for your master?"

Gu Qingzhou raises her eyes and glances at her.

At this glance, I looked up and down, as if to say: who are you? Why do you give me money or not?

Nie Yan felt offended and offended.

"Most of you?" Nie Yan asked Gu Qingzhou, "how long have you been with Huo Yue?"

"Madame, it's not about how long he's been with him. It's about me." Gu Qingzhou suddenly smiled, with a bright and charming smile.

Nie Yan shivered all over, breathing a little unsteady.

"You are Mr. Huo's elder sister?" Gu asked again, "if he doesn't say it, I think you are an aunt. However, you should be able to be my aunt. Have you got one in 40 this year? "

Nie Yan's face changed.

Am I really old enough?

She can't believe it!

Sick people, originally sensitive and suspicious, Gu Qingzhou's words, completely stimulated Nie Yan.

"You have nothing but this young face!" "Nie Yan is furious," I can't be your aunt, my nieces are ladies, no slut like you! "

Gu Qingzhou is unmoved.

Nie Yan's attention, from the time Gu Qingzhou came in, was no longer to cure the disease at all.

Although she got married, she got married well, but Gu Qingzhou can see that Nie Yan likes Huo Yue.

Like to see Gu Qingzhou at the first sight, she was jealous!

Gu Qingzhou will not force others to do what Gu Qingzhou wants, but give patients what they want.

"That's a pity." "Gu Qingzhou said with a smile," Huo ye said that he has no culture and doesn't like carrying, so he likes low and cheap women. It's tasty! "

This is the words of Si Xingfu.

Vulgar words, Gu Qingzhou deliberately said complacent, has already enraged Nie Yan.

Not only that, Gu ran forward with light steps and ran to the outdoor swimming pool.

Ambassador Lambert's swimming pool is clear and rippling.

On such a cold day, the ambassador came back at night to swim.

Gu Qingzhou is standing beside the swimming pool, with one foot of Golden Rooster standing on its own. It seems that he will fall into the swimming pool at any time.

She is so playful and lovely, especially her long hair, which is green and thick, is swaying with the wind. The water is sparkling, reflecting her beautiful shadow, which is beautiful.

"Madame?" Gu Qingzhou goes to Nie Yan and hooks his fingers. "You secretly fall in love with Huo ye, don't you? It's a pity you're too old. He doesn't love you at all, does he? "

This speech was the last straw to kill the camel. Nie Yan lost her mind completely.

"You bitch! Do you think you are young and you have everything? " Nie Yan rushes towards Gu Qingzhou. She wants to drown Gu Qingzhou in the pool.

Do not want to take care of the light boat has already been prepared, the body around a staggered.

Nie Yan's hands and feet were unsteady. When she nearly fell, Gu Qingzhou grabbed her hair.

Nie Yan's hair was permed, fluffy and drooping behind her head. She grabbed a handful.

Then, Gu Qingzhou pushes Nie Yan into the pool.

The pool is about two meters. Nie Yan is only one meter and six in height. She can swim, but it's too cold in the water. As soon as she falls in, her mink coat weighs a thousand jin, and takes her down.

"Help, help!" Nie Yan tries her best to make a splash. When she wants to climb up, Gu Qingzhou grabs her hair in one hand and presses her hard into the swimming pool in the other.

This garden house was built temporarily. There were not many servants. Now they are all in the front. No one follows the back yard.

Nie Yan was so scared that she tried desperately to catch Gu's hand.

Gu Qingzhou is very sensitive. Don't let her catch her. Press her into the water.

It's cold, it's freezing!

Nie Yan thought of her children. She was Ambassador Lambert's fourth wife. She gave birth to a son and a daughter. Her son was 13 and her daughter was only seven.

His former wives gave birth to eleven children.

Nie Yan saw with her own eyes that Lambert didn't pay attention to those children at all.

When Nie Yan died, Lampert remarried, and no one was kind to her children.

Besides, she is only thirty-four years old. Her life is full of flowers. Why should she be choked to death by a slut in her swimming pool?

"Help, help!" Nie Yan at this moment, the strength that sucks milk all gushed out.

At the critical moment of life and death, the desire to survive is extremely strong. Nie Yan still didn't sink into the bottom of the water when the marten coat was so heavy.

"Sister Yan!" Huo Yue is not at ease. He comes in to find Nie Yan. Seeing this scene, he is shocked.

Huo Yue immediately ran to the front.

Gu Qingzhou is very loud: "Huo ye, remember what I just said?"

Huo Yue is stunned.

Nie Yan is fluttering in the water, her legs are already cramped, but she has put all her strength together and wants to live.

"Help, a Yue help me!" Nie Yan choked several salivas and asked Huo Yue for help.

Huo Yue is stunned nearby, looking at Gu Qingzhou.

Nie Yan whole body's fear all rose: originally, they are to kill her?

No, she doesn't want to die!

In this way, Nie Yan fluttered in the water for nearly five minutes before she passed out completely.

"Well, bring her up." Gu Qingzhou says to Huo Yue.

Huo Yue's eyebrows are locked tightly. I don't know what he means.

He promised to believe in taking care of the boat, so he didn't ask.

Gu Qingzhou has been pulling Nie Yan's hair.

Huo Yue tries hard to take off Nie Yan's mink coat, so that she can be carried up.

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