Huo Yue holds Nie Yan up and presses out the water in her lungs. Nie Yan has consciousness for a long time.

she cried out, "murderer, devil! Get out of the way, both of you! "

She stumbled to run for fear that Huo Yue would help Gu to kill her. At this time, she was frightened and did not consider the motive at all.

If it's normal, think about it!

Huo Yue holds her: "sister Yan, I was just in the boat to cure you!"

"You lie, get out!" Nie Yan's soul had been scared out of his body. He slapped Huo Yue hard and scratched him again. Once he met Huo Yue's eyes.

Huo Yue is suffering from pain. As soon as the strength on her hand is released, Nie Yan breaks away and runs away.

She has a lot of strength.

Running fast, the moment disappeared in the back of the corridor, Huo Yue and Gu Qingzhou did not react.

Nie Yan is running for her life.

She escaped from the backyard, rang the bell to call all the servants, and at the same time called the patrol house.

Soon the men from the French Concession patrol house arrived.

When Gu Qingzhou and huoyue arrived at the hall, they heard Nie Yan on the phone, crying and shouting at the other end of the phone in very smooth French.

This is probably for her husband.

Nie Yan and her husband Ambassador Lambert are going to France for treatment. Their children are still in Nanjing. There are only a few accompanying servants at home.

These days, Lambert handles some government affairs by the way, not many at home.

"Mr. Huo, can you see what's going on?" All the people in the French Concession patrol house knew Huo Yue, and they didn't dare to let them catch people because of his kindness.

This is the leader of Qingbang.

The Frenchman will leave. The Qing Gang will always be in China. These Chinese patrolmen also have relatives and friends, who offend the Qing Gang. Is it too late?

No matter how powerful the French are, they can't equal the Green Gang.

The patrol stood by, not daring to make a mistake.

"Nothing." Huo Yue is indifferent. He gently lifts up his clothes and sits on the sofa.

Several patrolmen looked at each other. They were all Chinese and were afraid of Huo Yue. Huo Yue is clear and doesn't want to explain. They dare not ask.

Huo Yue, the king of Yan in Yuecheng, is one of them.

Nie Yan finished the phone, wrapped tightly in the wool blanket handed by the servant, and her hair was dripping continuously. Her face was full of makeup, her eyelids were blooming, her eyes were black, and her pale face was ghastly.

Several patrolmen subconsciously lowered their heads and dared not look at her. They were scared!

"What are you doing? Catch them! Take that woman and she will murder me and the counsellor's wife! " Nie Yan shouted hysterically.

Huo Yue sat still: "sister Yan, you have to believe me. The light boat is for your treatment."

"At this time, do you still say these light words? I'm dying. I believe you? " Nie Yan wanted to cry and laugh again, with a ferocious face.

She was scared crazy by taking care of the boat.

Her hair drips and her face is wet. It's not from the swimming pool, but it's a face to face sweat.

Nie Yan hasn't sweated so much for a long time.

When she was struggling in the swimming pool, it was a survival struggle, which showed how hard she used her strength; then she ran out of the backyard and ran all the way, never running so fast.

"A Yue, where am I sorry for you, you use this kind of poison to kill me?" Said, Nie Yan sad from the heart, face a change, sobbing.

That's when Ambassador Lambert came back.

This counselor is not tall, but very fat, about fifty years old, with a thick beard and blue eyes.

Nie Yan pours into his arms and cries.

He comforted his wife.

Nie Yan's mood can't be calmed. She keeps talking in French, like a bamboo tube to a bean. Gu Qingzhou and Huo Yue can't understand her.

Ambassador Lambert said to Huo Yue, "Huo Longtou, please go out. We will not welcome you in the future."

His Chinese is quite fluent, his accent is poor, but his expression is no problem.

Although he is a French consul, he also knows the current situation. The strong dragon does not press the local snake, Huo Yue and other people, who control the three religions and nine streams in Yuecheng, had better not offend him too much.

They're just passing by. They don't want to get revenge.

Huo Yue stood up and said, "I'll leave first."

Gu Qingzhou followed huoyue and left the gate of the Lambert family.

After getting on the car, Huo Yue apologized to Gu Qingzhou: "I'm really sorry for you..."

"I just looked at your face when I didn't shut us in the patrol room. Besides, what have I done, I don't have a number in mind? " Gu chuckled.

Huo Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

"Canoe, why do you do that?" Huo Yue asked at this time.

Why? Cure.

Gu Qingzhou told Huo Yue about her treatment.

Huo Yue listened and asked, "is it really effective?"

"If you have doubts, wait and see." Gu chuckled, "at the latest, the day after tomorrow, we will know the result."

Nie Yan took a hot bath at the Lambert house.

The fireplace burned. She sat in front of the fireplace and wiped her hair. Tears still lingered on her face.

Her husband comforted her.

Nie Yan couldn't help being sad.

"I've been through life and death. That girl, 17 or 18 years old, is so heartless. She knew I was sick, she knew I was afraid of the cold, but she pushed me into the pool. " "Nie Yan cries," isn't this harmful? "

Her husband took her hand.

Nie Yan cried again: "I trust my old friend too much. I also think that Huo Yue is the leader of one side. If I can help you a little, I will tell you the old story. Where to know, he has evil thoughts! "

Her husband is a wise old man.

After a moment's meditation, her husband, Mr. Lambert, said, "it's a little strange. What kind of business is it to kill and harm you in our courtyard? "

"And blame me for saying something that I didn't like." Nie Yan Road.

She tried to prove that Gu wanted to kill her.

Her husband shook his head: "that's not true! It's impossible for Huo Yue to ignore it. I think there's something strange in the middle. We ignored it. "

Nie Yan felt that her husband was not in the same heart with her, and she was suddenly frustrated.

When the servant cooked porridge, Nie Yan ate two bowls of steaming hot food at one go. She went to sleep after sweating.

Her house was ablaze with dragons and fireplaces.

Her husband, who was fat and afraid of heat, temporarily stayed upstairs and didn't live with her.

Nie Yan lies in bed, thinking of today's events, feeling very low.

Her rare warmth.

Too tired, and deeply hit, Nie Yan fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, she woke up from the heat and wiped her back in sweat.

"Come on, open the window. Why is it so hot?" Nie Yan was so hot that she was upset and angry.

Servant has been in the door to put a small couch, at night to take care of her, smell speech into the bedroom, but see Nie Yan in a daze.

Nie Yan is trying hard to touch his forehead, and then touch his back, and then stare at his hands, his face has a very happy and crazy expression.

"Hot, hot!" Nie Yan's voice was strange and repeated. It was like laughing and crying.

The servant asked in a low voice, "what's the matter with you, madam?"

"I'm sweating, I'm sleeping all over!" Nie Yan choked and laughed, "I have a fever!"

Since she was ill, she has been covered in the hot summer. She wakes up dry and cool. She has never slept so dry.

Now, for the first time in the chilly spring of Yuecheng, she is sweating.

She stood at the window, the wind blowing on her face, it was cold, comfortable and cold, no longer bone chilling.

Nie Yan is like crazy, laughing and weeping.

"Come on, give me the phone!" Nie Yan Road.

She sat on the bed and called Huo Yue.

It's two o'clock in the middle of the night. When Huo Yue received the call, he was asleep.

The voice at the other end of the phone was too weird, so Huo Yue woke up immediately.

"I have a Yue!" Nie Yan's voice with a cry, and with a smile, "I sweat a lot!"

Normal people, sweating is very common, for Nie Yan, it is the beginning of recovery.

"Don't freeze. It's not easy to get better. I'd better go to bed and cover up." Huo Yue said, "tomorrow morning, I will take a boat to see you again."

When it comes to Gu Qingzhou, Nie Yan is a little embarrassed.

She now finally understood that Gu Qingzhou had pressed her into the water, not to kill her, but to cure her.

Huo Yue is right.

Thinking of how mean she is, Nie Yan is very embarrassed. She coughs awkwardly: "a Yue, does Miss Gu blame me? Yesterday i...

"no, don't think about it." Huo Yue said, "hurry to cover the quilt and sweat again. You will recover soon."

Nie Yan hung up the phone, her husband also dragged the fat body downstairs.

It was very hot in the room. Mr. Lambert was breathless. He was also surprised to hear his wife say that he was getting better.

"... I'll see Miss Gu tomorrow, too." Mr. Lambert said, "lie down!"

At 7:30 in the morning, Mr. Lambert called Huo Yue himself.

On the phone, Mr. Lambert apologized to Huo Yue: "it was rude yesterday."

Then he asked Huo Yue, "that doctor, will she come today?"

"I will. I need to see you again." Huo Yue laughs.

"That's good, that's good!" Mr. Lambert sighed, "Chinese doctors really have witchcraft. They can cure diseases at will. It's amazing!"

The French consul admired the patronage of the boat.

It's just, what's the principle? Why do you push the sick people into the swimming pool and their condition will get better? Mr. Lambert wants to hear Gu's own explanation.

Nie Yan also got up.

She took a hot bath, washed the sweat off her body, and dressed up.

Five minutes later, she was still warm and even sweaty.

Once upon a time, every time she took a bath, it was warm for five minutes at most, and then it was cold and shivering. This time, it was different. She knew that her illness was relieved and she was in a good mood.

"I called Huo Longtou. He will come soon and take the doctor with him." Lambert said to Nie Yan.

Nie Yan nodded.

She thought that she should really apologize to Gu Qingzhou. Yesterday she was arrogant, rude and even rude without tutoring.

However, Gu Qingzhou still helped Nie Yan to cure her disease after she was humiliated, instead of letting go of her anger. Nie Yan should respect her.

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