Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 230 the measurement of the divine doctor

At night, Gu Qingzhou is still at his home.

It's not that she doesn't want to go back, it's that she won't let go.

"You let you go out with other men, you have to compensate me and stay with me for a few more days, or I will lock you up at home next time, and you are not allowed to go anywhere!" said Xing

Gu Qingzhou could not fight against him, angrily scolding him: "you are just like a pervert!"

Si Xingfu kisses her hard: "it's in the hands of the pervert. Do you want to run?"

In order to keep her, he even confessed to being abnormal, and Gu Qingzhou felt powerless.

In the morning, Si Xingfu went downstairs and heard the phone ring.

At the other end of the phone is Huo Yue. Look for Gu Qingzhou.

Si Xingfu answers the phone and gets angry. He is very stingy. He always remembers that Huo Yue has thought about his boat, which is still in his mind.

"... it's almost all right. Why don't you go on forever?" Si Xingfu smoked a cigar and put his feet on the tea table.

"I want to see you again." "I used to pick up the boat," Huo Yue said

"Do you owe it to you, that you have sent my woman so naturally?" The secretary is fighting and deliberately looking for something.

Si Xingfu is calculating one thing these two days. He has to ask Huo Yue for help.

Huo Yue saw through him and said, "what do you want? Directly, don't beat around the Bush! "

Smart people speak, a little transparent, Si Xingfu very satisfied.

"It's possible to go for a second visit by boat. Huo Yue, come here first. I'll discuss something with you. " Si Xingfu road.

Huo Yue's hand is a little tight. He is a little alert.

Si Xingfu is a hungry wolf. He said that it would not be a small matter to discuss something and face to face.

"What's the matter?" Huo Yue asked.

Si Xingfu smiles.

The laugh made Huo Yue's hair stand on end.

Hesitated next, Huo Yue also did not delay, drove to the division Xingfu's other hall.

After getting off the car, there was only Si Xingfu in the living room.

"The boat is upstairs. She will come down later." Si Xingfu road.

Huo Yue sat down and Si Xingfu threw him a cigar.

For the first time, I saw Shi Xingfu lighting a cigarette for Huo Yue. After Huo Yue ignited it, he looked at him through the smoke.

"If you are so polite, it's a bit big to ask me about it today." "Huo Yue said," so soon we're going to beg for human feelings? "

Si Xingfu smiles, a fox like cunning.

"... the racecourse under your name, lend me a hand." "Just for one day," said the secretary

He put forward his plan simply to Huo Yue.

Huo Yue is deeply troubled.

Although we don't know what we are planning for, we always feel very dangerous, and we are also in danger.

"Can you get out?" Huo Yue asked.

"I have my own measure." "Success or failure depends on this time," said Si Xingfu

Huo Yue frowned, then lowered his voice: "does the boat know?"

"Can you let her know?" "All women are seeking stability. She is afraid that she will have to make a fuss."

Huo Yue said nothing more.

Si Xingfu is a man who is used to seeking life with a knife. He is used to seeking victory in danger.

Since he killed himself, Huo Yue didn't stop him.

"OK, I'll arrange it." Huo Yue Road.

The Secretary nodded.

"But say, don't complain about me in the future." Huo Yue said, don't tell the light boat.

When Gu Qingzhou went downstairs, he saw that the two of them were very happy, even mysterious, and asked, "what do you say?"

"Don't worry about big things, women." Si Xingfu came forward and gently touched her hair. "Today, I'll go to the doctor's office and take a gun, so that I won't be driven out again."

Huo yuelue was embarrassed and said, "it's not necessary. It won't be like this today."

"I am a doctor, not a butcher," Gu said

When he left, he took care of the boat: "what would you like to eat at night?"

"Braised beef." Gu Qingzhou road.

He said, "I'll come back in the evening and make it for you."

Huo Yue took a look at him and didn't speak.

On the way to Lambert's house, Gu Qingzhou inquires about Huo Yue. What did he say in the morning: "I hear what I don't want to get away from....."

Huo Yue abides by the promise of a gentleman with him, and smiles and hides: "Qingzhou, you care about him very much?"

Gu Qingzhou is silent at once.

She doesn't admit that.

When we arrived at the Lambert house, Mr. Lambert and Nie Yan waited early.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou, Nie Yan came up and gave her a hug.

Nie Yan reached out to Gu Qingzhou and asked Gu to touch it. "Look, my palm is a little hot. It hasn't been like this for half a year!"

Gu Qingzhou did touch it.

It's still cold, but it's only half better than yesterday. Nie Yan is excited and in high spirits. She looks in good condition.

"Miss Gu, please take a seat," Mr. Lambert said to Mr. Gu in his nonstandard but fluent Chinese

The servant brought the coffee.

Gu Qingzhou took a sip, which was delicious, and then took another sip.

Nie Yan said, "Miss Gu, do I need to take any more medicine for my illness?"

"Now you can take the medicine, and it will work. Take some medicine and consolidate the effect. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Mr. Lambert said: "my wife's illness, which has been treated in Nanjing for half a year, has no effect. If Miss Gu gives a little help, she will be half cured. Do you know witchcraft?"? I don't know much about Chinese culture. I only know the witchcraft in the Miao area, and there are witches' doctors. "

"Witch doctor and rune doctor, this really exists, and the medical skill is very good." Gu chuckled. "You know that, it's still very Chinese."

Lampert likes to be praised as a "China expert". Gu Qingzhou's flattery brings him ideas. He has a respectful smile on his face, as if he wants to lead Gu Qingzhou as a confidant.

"... but I'm not a witch doctor." Gu Qingzhou's story turns.

Nie Yan and Mr. Lambert both looked at her.

They want to hear Gu Qingzhou explain yesterday.

"According to the medical records of Chinese doctors, all people have spirit and spirit. The medicine is not used to kill the virus, but to improve the health of the people themselves. The health of the people will fight against the virus again.

Just like Mrs. Lambert, when you are ill, the heat is attached to the pathogen. If you are blocked by Zhongjiao, you will not feel the heat on your body surface. If you are blocked by Zhongjiao, the medicine will not reach the key point of your camp.

My method is called "Zhan Han" in medicine. When people are in great danger, they will fight hard and the weak camp guards will all move to ensure the survival of the body and sweat.

Mrs. Lambert was struggling in the water, and the cold water replaced the air conditioner into her body again. The body's survival instinct, will be lucky all the camp guards, to protect the body, against disease and evil.

Struggling in the water, the camp guards started to move, sweating all over, and Mrs. Lambert ran again, even hotter. The sweat will eliminate the heat evil in the body, and the heat of the body will gradually spread to the body surface, so it will not be so cold Gu explained.

Her explanation is acceptable to Mr. Lambert.

Because in western medicine, alcohol is also used to wipe the body, physical cooling and fever reduction.

Gu Qingzhou's "battle sweat" puts his body at great risk. All the weak camp guards are spontaneous and strong, fighting hard and sweating, which is the "physical therapy" of traditional Chinese medicine.

Look at Nie Yan's refreshing appearance. The way to take care of the boat is successful.

"... I felt Mrs. Lambert and saw her look. She was not too weak to resist." Gu Qingzhou said, "that's why I dare to let her try this method. Although I have offended my wife, I know that I will never harm you. "

Nie Yan smiled awkwardly.

Think about it. At that time, they were tit for tat. Nie Yan thought Gu Qingzhou was going to kill her.

It was such a misunderstanding that after falling into the water, Nie Yan didn't get confused, didn't spend her mind to guess what Gu Qingzhou did, but thought she was going to be killed.

No one doesn't work hard in life and death!

After all, Gu Qingzhou's words are misleading Nie Yan.

The doctor takes great pains to cure the disease!

"I said a lot of bad things yesterday." Nie Yan said, "Miss Gu, I apologize to you and thank you again."

Gu chuckled: "no need, you are Mr. Huo's friend. Mr. Huo asked me to treat him. I will do my part!"

Then, Gu Qingzhou said again, "courtesy and cultivation are both acquired. When a man is in a disease, where can he care about the things he has made the day after tomorrow? Don't worry, I've already forgotten those words. "

Nie Yan sighed softly.

She thought that such a girl would be compared with her completely.

Young and beautiful, Nie Yan can't compare; medical skill is superior, how many people can't compare.

Maybe, she is very qualified to stand beside Huo Yue.

Perhaps sensing her eyes, Gu chuckled and explained, "believe it or not, I'll tell you that I'm just a friend of Mr. Huo and I'm engaged."

Nie Yan was slightly surprised and asked with a smile: "is that right? Who is the fiance? "

Gu Qingzhou blushes and smiles.

Later, Nie Yan inquired with Huo Yue and found out that Gu Qingzhou's fiance was the commander-in-chief of the military government.

In the future, she will be the first lady of Yuecheng. She is just a little Counsellor's wife. She actually competes with her. Nie Yan feels deeply ashamed.

In short, Gu Qingzhou was insulted by her and saved her. Nie Yan was moved.

Later, she sent a heavy gift to Gu Qingzhou, both apologizing and making friends.

On the same day, Gu Qingzhou and huoyue stayed at the Lambert's house for dinner. Nie Yan was still in a bad condition. She dressed very thick and sat down a little and went back to her room.

At the end of the second visit, Gu Qingzhou left several prescriptions for Nie Yan to take the medicine according to the prescriptions and left with Huo Yue.

"My clothes are still on the side of Si Xingfu. Please take me to his other hall." Gu Qingzhou road.

Huo Yue nodded.

When I arrived at another museum, I knew that Si Xingfu was not at home. Huo Yue didn't go in.

When he stood at the door to say goodbye, Huo Yue looked at the figure of Gu Qingzhou and felt a little trance. He looked deeply, but did not move.

Gu Qingzhou and other museums wait for the Secretary to come back.

She sat upstairs reviewing her lessons.

Until late at night, there was still no figure of Si Xingfu. Gu Qingzhou thought he had gone to the camp.

Pack up your things and go home tomorrow. School is about to start. She still hasn't finished her homework.

Gu Qingzhou sleeps in a daze. She feels that a ray of light cuts through the dark night sky, and she wakes up immediately.

She heard the car.

Two cars drove into the yard.

Gu Qingzhou lies at the window, only when he returns late at night. Unexpectedly, he sees two adjutants get off with him.

Si Xingfu was covered with blood.

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