Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 232 promise to be old together

That night, Si Xingfu woke up completely. He had no fever and was in good health.

The military doctor asked him to have some porridge.

"Let the canoe feed me." The company and the bank shall make a request.

Both the military doctor and sister-in-law Zhu watched the boat.

Gu Qingzhou can't help it. He sits at his bed and feeds him one mouthful at a time. He should give him all his good things back without any debt to each other.

"Are you scared?" The Secretary asked her.

Gu Qingzhou said coldly, "why should I be scared when something happens to you? Besides, you're not trying to save me! "

"What a vinegar smell." Si Xingfu chuckled, "really not scared?"

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

He stopped eating when she fed him.

The military doctor said: "young commander, you need to eat more, pad your stomach, and take a lot of Western medicine later. There is nothing in the stomach. It's hard to digest western medicine. "

"He doesn't care too much." Gu said.

Seeing that she was really angry, Si Xingfu took the bowl and drank it all at once.

Half an hour later, the military doctor took a lot of medicine to him.

Si Xingfu throws all of them into his mouth and swallows them with one mouthful of water, which is crisp and neat.

After eating the medicine and porridge, the military doctor and sister-in-law Zhu finished their tasks and left the guest room for the time being. Only Gu Qingzhou sat in front of the manager.

Si Xingfu reached out and held her hand.

Gu Qingzhou shrunk his hand to the chair at the corner of the wall. He buried his head and fingered the fringe on his shawl, ignoring him.

"Canoe?" Si Xingfu called to her in a low voice, "come here."

"It's good for me to sit here." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu chuckled: "come here, I'll tell you everything."

Gu Qingzhou hesitates, sits next to his bed again and listens to him.

On the contrary, he did not know how to speak.

There was silence in the room, only the rustle of the curtains. Under the eaves, there was a mistake in the light and shadow. It turned out that the swallows came back in early spring and set up their nests under the eaves.

If he doesn't, Gu asked.

She only asked what she most wanted to hear: "was it your own assassination?"

"Yes." Si Xingfu said truthfully.

Gu Qingzhou said, "I know. If you were in danger, you would not have been so badly hurt. I've known you for less than a year, and you're more dangerous. You can turn a bad fortune into a good one. This time it must have been intentional. "

He thought that my woman really knew me.

"Do you want to marry Miss Cheng?" Gu asked

The Secretary immediately denied: "no! At that time, it was the Cheng family's eldest young master who was in danger. I was just beaten through my arm. Unexpectedly, the Cheng family's fool rushed over. Fortunately, I avoided the key point and got shot. "

Speaking of this, Si Xingqi has an unspeakable hatred for Cheng Yu.

Never seen such a stupid woman!

"... you are Miss Cheng's life-saving benefactor now. It's easy to marry her. Things are going better. You've always wanted to marry a warlord family. Here comes the chance. " Gu Qingzhou said again.

When she spoke, her eyelashes were lowered, and shadows fell on her jade like face.

Si Xingfu held her hand tightly.

"Canoe, I didn't want to marry her!" "You look me in the eye!" said Si

Gu Qingzhou raises his eyes, and the bottom of his eyes is full of broken awns. His eyes are clear and flowing.

Her eyes reflected the appearance of Si Xingfu.

"Look into my eyes, have you heard me?" The Secretary asked.

Gu Qingzhou nodded, "I hear you."

"Believe it?" He asked again.

"Believe it." Gu Qingzhou said, "I asked, you answered, I believe you! I just want to make sure that I don't have a quarrel in the future. "

The manager pulled her over.

Close to him, he lightly cut her lips, whispered: "silly girl!"

Later, Gu Qingzhou said that Si Xingfu was a man who wanted money but not life.

For the sake of ammunition, he even dared to use such a scheme and almost compensated himself. The bullet doesn't have eyes. Si Xingfu said that he didn't take his life seriously in the jungle, including his own.

He did.

Weapon is more important than life to the manager!

In this respect, Gu Qingzhou can't help him.

When he stuck Gu Qingzhou by his side, his mind was single-minded, and he didn't regard her as a concubine, which was finally balanced in his mind.

But the Cheng family's business is his chance.

Gu doesn't want to be a stumbling block.

These days, Gu Qingzhou takes care of him in another library.

He is obedient.

During the day, Gu Qingzhou was in the backyard with him, playing with the two wolves; at night, when he went back to his bedroom, sometimes Gu Qingzhou read him several pages of books, sometimes he played the piano.

Time is quiet.

"In the future, there will be no civil war or invasion in the reunification of China. We will go to Suzhou and set up a house. I will cook for you and you can play the piano for me," said Si Xingqi

Gu Qingzhou thought that he would hurt himself badly for weapons. She was angry. She said coldly, "can you live to that time?"

"I'll try!" Si Xing chuckles.

Gu Qingzhou did not speak at once.

After a long time of coaxing, she said, "not as much as possible, but definitely!"

"Good, sure!" "Together, we live until your hair is white and your teeth are loose. I also cook for you."

Gu Qingzhou relies on him, his eyes are dim and confused.

The third day, Yan Xinnong came to see Si Xingfu, and Yan Luoshui came with him.

"Qingzhou, you haven't come home for several days. Your family is suspicious. Yesterday your sister went to our house and said your father asked you to go back." Yanluo watercourse, "however, mom Mu has already called and said that you and I have gone to Nanjing and will go back in a few days."

Gu Qingzhou nodded and said, "thank you for covering me."

When it comes to this, Yan Luoshui is a little cautious.

"I see." Gu Qingzhou road.

Before Yan Luoshui left, Huo Yue came to visit Huo Jingjing.

It happened that everyone met.

A few girls speak, Huo Yue is in upstairs and Si Xingfu secret talk.

They talked for a long time, probably about the aftermath.

After they left, Gu Qingzhou brought hot water and came to wipe his face and hands.

"If you see so many people, you will have a fever in case of infection." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu enjoyed it very much. She allowed her to wring a towel and wipe it on his face and neck.

For a while, he began to play, and said to Gu Qingzhou, "wipe my body!"

Gu Qingzhou's face was suddenly uncomfortable.

"Why, you haven't seen it?" The Secretary asked.

Gu Qingzhou felt that he was not ashamed but proud. He immediately pulled down his face and said, "I will go home when you eat and take medicine, wash your face and wash your hands."

Then she turned and left.

"Canoe!" Si Xingfu was in a hurry and shouted behind him, "stop! Are you going to revolt? "

Hearing the sound of Gu Qingzhou coming downstairs, Si Xingfu was a little anxious and hurried to catch up.

The doctor said he couldn't get out of bed in recent days.

Just a few steps away, he saw Gu Qingzhou, who had gone back and forth, and he was very happy. He affected the wound on his body and hurt his heart.

Gu Qingzhou was frightened. He helped him to his bed, rang the bell and called for the adjutant to come up. He asked the adjutant to call for a military doctor.

"I'll see if the wound is cracked." Gu Qingzhou lifts his clothes.

She was allowed to watch by Si Xingfu.

The wound was very painful, but there was no crack or bleeding. Gu took a little breath of relief.

Si Xingfu teased her: "light boat, do I look good?"

Gu Qingzhou stares at him.

When the military doctor arrived, he took the opportunity to change the medicine for the Department and asked them what they were doing.

There was no tear in the wound, and Gu's heart finally returned.

"It's time to wipe myself. I haven't had a bath for several days, and I'm sorry, young commander." Hu Jun said, "well, Miss Gu goes to get hot water. I'll help young commander wipe it."

There was a chill in Si Xingfu.

"Laohu, don't disgust me. I'm still in pain! I'd rather die hard than let you wipe it! " Si Xingfu dislikes it and says it directly.

Hu Jun shook his head.

Really, Si Xingfu was in the military camp since he was a child. What kind of mess has he never had?

He asked Gu Qingzhou to wipe his body, which was their little interest.

Hu Junyi understood later.

Late in the evening, Si Xingfu was busy trying to wipe him, saying that he was itching.

"I'll call doctor Hu." He is not used to taking care of light boats.

Si Xingfu disagrees: "it's just you!"

"Then you are not allowed to make trouble." Gu said.

She brought hot water, wiped it a little bit, and then changed into a clean suit.

In the whole process, Si Xingfu was obedient and did not make any noise.

Busy, Gu Qingzhou said to go to sleep, Si Xingfu let her sleep beside her.

"I'm afraid I'll touch your wound." Gu said.

Si Xingfu said: "it's not so expensive! Come here, you lie next to me, and I'm more secure in my heart. "

Gu Qingzhou carefully depends on him to sleep.

Her two wolves did not know when to go upstairs, one after another lying on the edge of the bed.

Gu can touch them with his hand.

"Si Xingfu, in just a few months, they have become wolves." "I think they can encircle an adult lion," Gu said

"Go hunting in Suzhou in a few days and take them to see the world." Si Xingfu road.

Gu doesn't agree with him: "the wolf is wild in the end. In case of killing, what should he do after he bites?"

Two people said for a long time wolf, Mulan lies on the side of the bed, wants to jump to the bed.

Gu Qingzhou takes a corner to sleep with Mulan.

Later, Gu fell asleep and had many dreams.

At dawn, Gu Qingzhou was confused.

Suddenly, Gu heard a wolf howl.

She was slightly surprised to find Mulan arching her, and Gu opened her eyes to the light boat, which was already the dawn.

A car was parked in the yard.

"How was he hurt?" This is the voice of the superintendent.

The adjutant wants to stop.

"Where are you, asshole? Is it an adjutant of the military government or an adjutant of his department? " The governor was furious.

The adjutant dare not stop.

Gu Qingzhou was scared to death and immediately hid in the cupboard.

The governor was very fast. When he rushed upstairs, the governor just woke up.

The injured Si Xingfu had a much worse reaction.

His father stood up and looked at him in surprise. Si Xingfu suddenly remembered that there was another man on the bed. Maybe he was shocked.

stretched out a mold and touched a wolf's fur. Mulan was lying in the place where the light boat had slept.

The chief inspector was surprised and said, "son, are you ok? Well, you raise two wolves and put one in bed? "

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