The chief inspector probably thought that the chief executive had some strange habits. He was injured and slept with wolves. Moreover, the absurdity of the past year has declined sharply. Did his eccentricity turn to animals?

This is serious.

The superintendent was worried when he left.

The injury of Si Xingfu was not very serious, but he made a move outside and said he was going to die. The supervisor of Si ran through Cheng Zhihong in the southwest and knew about it. He was worried about it.

He came back from the station overnight.

Their father's relationship was not harmonious, which was true. Si Xingfu had a lot of opinions on Si dujun, but he still loved his son when the water went down.

"Ah, you should get married, too." The chief inspector said, "even if you don't get married, you should put some aunts around. You see, you raise two wolves... "

after the inspector general sighed and left, he was so angry that he wanted to throw Mulan down.

Mulan is a wolf. I didn't know that sixingfu was angry. Sixingfu vented his anger on Gu Qingzhou who let Mulan go to bed.

"How many times have I said that I can only sleep one mother in bed! If you let it climb up again, I will kill it! " Si Xingfu said angrily.

Gu Qingzhou is also angry.

If it wasn't for Mulan, the adjutant couldn't stop the superintendent at all, and Gu Qingzhou would be run into by the superintendent.

It doesn't matter if he runs into Gu Xingfu. He asks Gu to be his aunt. What can Gu do?

Mulan saves Gu Qingzhou's life.

Gu Qingzhou feels that she can't go on like this. She must escape from the prison of Si Xingfu.

"I'm going home. I can't follow you like this!" Gu Qingzhou said angrily.

"Well, you go back first, and I'll go back later. I can't go over the wall this time. I'll go straight in. Canoe, I think your father knows you've hooked up with me. Even if he's an aunt, he'll happily give you to me! " He gnawed his teeth and incised his teeth.

Gu Qingzhou is half dead.

In these days, they get along well with each other. Si Xingfu doesn't see Cheng's family again, so he promises not to marry Cheng Yu. In his dream, he talks about the braised beef she wants to eat. It's a bit loose to take care of the boat.

She thought that she could bear it, until she was almost caught by the superintendent and Gu Qingzhou hid in the wardrobe, she was surprised that she could not do it.

She can't talk to the manager!

"You bastard!" Gu Qingzhou is furious.

Si Xingfu grabs her hand and kisses her palm gently. He first calms down and coaxes her to say, "canoe, I mean, when did I really hurt you?"

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

"I like Mulan." Gu Qingzhou said in a low voice, "you don't like her. Next time I'll take her to Gu mansion."

Mulan and Dushan were taken to Yan's house by Gu Qingzhou at first. Later, Gu Qingzhou was uneasy and sent to Si Xingfu. They have been raised up to now.

There are adjutants who are specially in charge of the diet of Mulan and Dushan. They are very attentive to them. Every meal is beef. Therefore, they grow very fast and have the body shape of adult wolves.

Si Xingfu immediately became soft and said, "OK, I'm not going to catch Mulan, OK? You are good in the light boat. My injury is not good yet. "

If you can't walk, you will stay with him.

On the first day of February, when school began, Gu went to school.

She went to school during the day and came back after school to take care of Si Xingfu.

On the fifth day of the new year, Si Xingfu was able to get off the ground. He took a car to the station.

The doctor said he was too adventurous to stop.

At the same time, he went to see the Cheng family.

The Cheng family believed in this matter. After all, it was arranged by Si Xingfu himself, who helped the hero save the beauty.

"... ah Hui, we went to Nanjing on the 10th day of the lunar new year. The military conference of the governor was over. We went south again from Nanjing. Why don't you send us? " Mrs. Cheng said to the secretary.

Cheng Yu blushes.

They take more than 20 Pro guards with them, but they want to be sent by Si Xingfu. Doesn't it mean that Cheng Zhihong wants to see Si Xingfu, and disguise himself as a blind date?

Cheng Yu understood that, naturally, Si Xingfu understood better.

He spent so much time and got shot twice. He almost killed himself. Is it to marry an idiot like woman?

He had a sneer in his heart.

After a pause, the Secretary said: "madam, I'm sorry that I can't see you off. I can't afford to take a car or a horse. Besides, there are a lot of things in the camp. I know the world is not peaceful. I'll send some adjutants to take you and the young ladies to Nanjing. What do you think? "


Cheng Yu looks pale.

Mrs. Cheng was a little surprised. She thought that Si Xingfu would know the weight of this.

Only Mrs. Cheng's eldest son, Cheng Meng, said, "Mom, brother Hang Kai is still in a bad condition. How can I take the train?"

Mrs. Cheng thinks the train is quite stable and won't involve the wound at all.

However, to let one of his patients go to Nanjing really affected his wound healing.

Mrs. Cheng speculated about the intention of Si Xingfu. She didn't want to go to Nanjing. She probably refused to marry Cheng Yu. Of course, it could be really just the wound.

"Is the injury to Si Xingfu more serious than we seem?" Mrs Cheng thinks so.

Otherwise, she couldn't find the reason why she refused.

Is Cheng Yu not beautiful enough, or is the background of the Cheng family not strong enough? It doesn't seem to be.

The only explanation is that Si Xingfu's injury is very serious. Miss Cheng feels much more comfortable.

"Si Xingfu is very kind to Cheng family." Mrs Cheng thought.

At the end of the week, Gu went back to his home.

The aunts at home looked at her strangely, and they finally doubted where she was going.

Gu also explained, "I went to Nanjing."

Others were skeptical because they had never heard of her, but they could not find any flaws.

Gu Guizhang believed, and even said, "women should see more of the world."

On Monday at school, Gu Qingzhou saw Wan min. In just a few days, Wan min seems to have experienced a serious illness with a very bad complexion.

However, no one noticed Wan min. they were talking about another gossip.

Gu Qingzhou and her classmates, Li Hua, took the newspaper to show them: "look, Wei Qingjia is back."

The first lady, Wei Qingjia's return, has been brewing and fermenting in Yuecheng for a long time, and the Lord finally arrives.

The front page of the tabloid is Wei Qingjia's picture. In the foreground, between the black and white pictures, she has a shallow smile and a gorgeous face. She was dressed in a long mink coat, graceful and graceful, with thick bangs, a small and delicate face and graceful demeanor.

She must be more beautiful in the future.

"This is Wei Qingjia?" Gu Qingzhou looks a little absorbed.

"Yes!" Li Hua looks envious. "She is so beautiful and talented! God must be eccentric, take out 10% of the advantages of each of us ordinary people, pile them up for another person, and create a proud son of heaven for everyone to admire! "

Gu Qingzhou chuckles: "you are so resentful!"

"Isn't it? We study English hard, but we can't learn it. She goes out for a few years at will and speaks several languages fluently. You say it's annoying! " Li Huadao.

Yanluo watercourse: "in terms of language, after writing, if you go on a tour and specialize in learning language, you will, too."

"She's so beautiful!" Li Hua mutters.

Everyone laughed.

At night, after school, Gu Qingzhou went to see Si Xingfu. When it comes to school gossip, he talked about Wei Qingjia.

"She's finally back." Gu Qingzhou said, "do you think she used to like you and will like you again?"

"It's natural, I'm so charming!" Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou rolled his eyes.

Si Xingfu has been able to go out. He also went to the military government meeting today.

One thing he didn't tell Gu Qingzhou was that the superintendent asked his wife to show her around and put a beautiful aunt beside him. He refused.

On that day, I saw a wolf lying on his bed, and he was extremely informal. The superintendent was worried about his health.

"Si Xingfu, what kind of woman did you like before?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

Is Wei Qingjia so beautiful that he is not moved?

"I can sleep." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou's angry face turned red and spat at him: "just like animals! Can't you be a little human? "

Si Xingfu was confused: "that is to say, you like some kind of food, not because it's delicious? Like some kind of material, not because it looks good? Like is just the prelude to the purpose, I like the woman I can sleep in, how can it be inhuman? "

Gu Qingzhou is speechless.

Si Xingfu approached her again and said in a low and ambiguous voice, "I like you now, canoe."

Gu Qingzhou has a chill.

The next day, Si Xingfu went to the camp. The military doctor said no, and he would not listen. Gu Qingzhou could not persuade him.

When Cheng's family went to Nanjing, sixingfu became close friends with Cheng's eldest son, Cheng dujun, and Miss Cheng, who had a good feeling for him, fell in love with him wholeheartedly.

The whole scheme was a great success for him.

Gu said nothing about it.

At the weekend, Gu Qingzhou went to visit mu Sanniang and He Wei, only to find that He Wei's face was not right, and the whole person was thin.

Gu Qingzhou was slightly surprised.

"What's wrong with Ah Wei?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Mu Sanniang sighs.

"I'm fine." He Wei has no energy. "Elder sister, I have a tutor today. Let's go first."

After he Wei left, mu Sanniang told Gu Qingzhou that the man who had engaged with him had written a letter to him Wei.

"I've written to you to leave." Mu Sanniang was sad and annoyed again. "It's just like quitting. They want to change their minds. We're not the unreasonable people, we have to give up. But that one, he wrote that it was because he was a tutor and made a public appearance. Their family wanted to face... "

As soon as Gu Qingzhou heard this, he was furious.

It's just a tutor. It's not public at all.

"What kind of big family do they have? Don't women walk out two doors?" Gu Qingzhou said angrily, "besides, how can it be disgraceful to make money on your own hands and feet?"

"Women in the mainland, even those who subsidize household use, do needlework to sell, or starch to wash. In a word, they can't escape from the house. They don't know what tutoring is. They're afraid to treat them as singers and dancers... "

Gu Qingzhou doesn't think so.

The man has read books. How can he not know what a tutor is?

I feel like I'm looking for something to quit.

But why?

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