Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 234 absent-minded dinner

Gu Qingzhou goes to pick up He Wei.

He Wei is a tutor. Go to the light boat once and transfer to the tram twice.

He Wei came out at three in the afternoon.

In February, the spring is chilly. Under the plane trees, the sun shines on the green branches, leaving mottled light circle on her.

Warm, her smile is soft.

When He Wei saw her, his tears immediately rolled down. He rushed to hold Gu Qingzhou and burst into tears.

After receiving the letter, He Wei never cried. She was afraid her parents would be sad and tried to bear it. It's just that she couldn't figure it out. Why did she quit?

It's impossible to talk about losing love. He Wei is suffering and confused, as if her proud efforts have been denied.

"Elder sister, I can't remember his appearance now. When I first met him, I made an engagement. I thought that women were going to marry, and my parents were satisfied. I don't like it clearly. How can it be so hard for him to leave my family? " He Wei said.

"If someone negates you, they will be very sad." Gu Qingzhou said, "you are knowledgeable and beautiful. You will meet a good man in the future."

He Weiqiang is holding on, holding back badly. After crying in front of Gu Qingzhou once, he feels better.

"Only if fate doesn't come." He Wei Dao.

"I'll treat you to dinner and then to the cinema, will you?" Gu Qingzhou said, "let's have fun and nothing bad will happen."

He Wei nodded.

It's still early. After eating a little, they went to the cinema.

What I saw was a farce. He smiled happily. After coming out, he kept discussing with Gu Qingzhou, saying that the movie could be so funny.

"The first time I saw a funny play, the man was so like a monkey, so flexible." He smiled and said, there is no loss in his voice.

Gu chuckled, "I think it's fun, too. Next time you're free, we'll make another appointment."


They were both hungry when they came out of the cinema.

Gu Qingzhou takes He Wei to eat French food, the restaurant she used to have with Si Xingfu.

The rickshaw stopped at the door of the French restaurant. Gu Qingzhou and He Wei got off the bus and saw the faint light from the glass door.

The soft melody of the piano came out in the morning, like shaman flying in the sky over the restaurant.

"It's expensive here!" He Wei looked at the restaurant. The door was full of cars. The waiter was a blonde foreigner. She was frightened. She took care of the sleeve of the boat. "Elder sister, let's eat in another place. It's not about business. We are not worth the money!"

"It's OK, sister has money." Gu chuckled.

Other don't say, just last time blackmail division madam that money, all enough to take care of light boat to eat half a lifetime.

He Wei smiled: "sister, when you say you have money, you are beautiful and unrestrained! Women just have to rely on themselves. No matter how others dislike me, I can't give up my family education. I try to make money without shame! "

There are many reasons, that is to say, do not understand, need a moment of insight.

At this moment, He Wei understood what she wanted. Compared with a man's marriage, she is more willing to stick to the previous plan and become a career woman!

"You understand!" Gu chuckled.

She went into the restaurant with He Wei.

There are no crystal chandeliers in the dining room, only two small candles on each table. The orange light is cold and beautiful, which sets off a beautiful or noble face.

Gu Qingzhou and He Wei sat down and ordered food.

Before the dish was served, Gu Qingzhou saw Sima.

In this French restaurant, the space between the seats is very small. Every time I come here to take care of the boat and Si Xingfu, Si Xingfu will take all the seats.

Because of the small distance, Gu Qingzhou saw Sima, and Sima saw her, and he was stunned.

Sima is surrounded by a young girl. She was dressed in a deep purple Kraft dress, with a draping skirt and a graceful figure.

Like Gu Qingzhou, she has long black and bright hair, not curly, loose shoulders, round and thin shoulders, and fair skin.

Gu recognized her. She is Wei Qingjia!

Compared with the newspaper, she is more beautiful, smiling elegantly, a smile is enough to drive away the prosperity of the world.

Gu Qingzhou's feather lashes are lowered, pretending not to know.

Si Mu Leng next, then walked over: "light boat, tiny, you two eat?"

He Wei was surprised: "amu, can you talk?"

Her startled response was not small and her voice was a little high. Wei Qingjia, who was sitting back to back with He Wei, noticed that she turned around.

Her eyes collided with Gu Qingzhou, who smiled first.

"What I want to eat is on my account." Mr. smoot.

Gu Qingzhou runs on him: "you have money?"

The ransom money hasn't been given yet.

Sima touched his nose: "there is still money for dinner."

"Thank you very much, but I'll invite you to join us today, and another day." Gu Qingzhou doesn't take advantage of him.

Simmer said nothing more.

When the two tables were near, they could not hear what they said. But when he looked up, he could see Gu Qingzhou.

Under the candlelight, Gu Qingzhou's face was not childish, but rather pretty. The eye breeze passes, the charming flow, the bearing does not lose other women at all, just can't compare with Wei Qingjia.

“…… Unfortunately, my knowledge is not good, or I would like to find a tutor. " Gu Qingzhou said, "to be a tutor is also a skill."

She is comforting He Wei.

At the second half of the sentence, simu thought she was going to be a tutor.

"When she was so good, why did she have to be a tutor?" Sima thought, "if you go to a small clinic, you can't make money."

He thought again, "is she short of money to this point?"

Mind dark turn, what Wei Qingjia said to him, he did not hear, until Wei Qingjia shouted: "Marshal?"

"What?" said slim

Wei Qingjia is funny: "you didn't listen to me at all, did you?"

Just then, Gu Qingzhou did not know what to say and laughed. It's not a big laugh, but she looks pretty and lovely.

Sima was a little distracted.

When he saw Gu Qingzhou, he would think of her cool fingertips and press them on his body, feeling cool, soft and delicate.

He and Wei Qingjia had a quiet dinner. In his spare time, he could see Gu Qingjia, hear her voice, and say something to her.

After dinner, he sent Wei Qingjia out and offered to send her home. Wei refused.

"Young Shuai, when you grow up, you are no longer that child. You should know that I will never forget my sister's death. If you don't mind, we can still be friends. If you don't want to be friends, don't forget it later! " Wei Qingjia's smile, and then the words from her mouth, are beautiful.

"I know it's my fault that Qingyun died. Jiajia, thank you for making me a friend. " Si Mu Dao.

Wei Qingjia was stunned.

Inexplicably, her face is more ugly. Sima doesn't know what he said wrong.

Wei Qingjia went down the steps and, without waiting for Sima to say anything, got on his car and slammed the door.

Simmer did not move.

Wei Qingjia's car hasn't gone far. From the rear-view mirror, she saw that Sima had turned around and went to look at the restaurant. It seems that she waited for someone to come out!

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