Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 244 young commander's intention

Gu Qingzhou stayed for a long time in the other hall of Si Xingfu, and he let her go. When the latest

leaves, Mulan falls into Gu Qingzhou's arms, licks her face hard, licks Gu Qingzhou's saliva, and Gu Qingzhou laughs, not happy.

In case of death, she was angry. She was not looking at her.

When Dushan also came, Si Xingfu immediately pulled it away.

Don't mention men. Even if the male wolf is close to Gu Qingzhou, he will be jealous.

Gu Qingzhou couldn't laugh.

"I really want to take Mulan back." Gu Qingzhou road.

Since Mulan saved her once, for Gu Qingzhou, it is no longer a pure wolf, but one of Gu Qingzhou's closest partners.

She wants to see it anytime, anywhere.

"Your family won't be suspicious?" The Secretary asked.

"It's OK. They will think it's a big dog. I'll say it's from my adoptive mother." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Then you can take it back," he said with a smile

When he really wanted to take it away, Mulan refused to go again. He whimpered, depended on the head and neck of Dushan mountain, and refused to leave when he died. Dushan mountain followed suit.

Gu Qingzhou felt that he had torn them apart, and he was very sad.

"Come on, don't take it apart. They have a good relationship." Gu Qingzhou road.

Sikang chuckled and put his arm around her waist: "the boat is sentimental recently."

Gu Qingzhou pushes him away.

At noon on Friday, Yan Luoshui said that her fiance picked her up to Nanjing at the weekend. She asked Gu Qingzhou and Huo Fengjing what they wanted as gifts, which were heard by the students around them.

The last birthday party of Li Hua drew many people's feelings closer.

"Well, one by one, I'll bring it to you." Yan Luoshui smiled and took out a pen to write down the gifts that the students wanted and brought them from Nanjing.

Yan Luoshui is surrounded by the students. Gu Qingzhou and Huo Fengjing stand on the corridor, lying on the railing and chatting.

"... what are you doing at the weekend?" Huo asked her, bored, "my brother always said that I should not sleep at home at weekends, go out more, I promised him to go shopping this weekend."

"I'll be with you on Sunday. I'm not available on Saturday." Gu Qingzhou road.

Huo understood that she was going to accompany the manager on Saturday: "then we will make an appointment on Sunday."


When Gu Qingzhou got home, he asked the servant to give the jade plate to Sima, but he didn't go.

She thought that simmer might not want to see her.

It rained in spring on Saturday.

The continuous drizzle floats, the garden is a bunch of flowers, the petals are full of crystal raindrops, teetering.

Gu Qingzhou changes clothes and goes out.

"Go to Yan's house." She said, "maybe back on Sunday afternoon. Luoshui has gone to Nanjing. My adoptive mother is at home alone. I will accompany her. "

Second aunt said: "yes. The master said that you should pay more attention to these social activities and ask us how Mrs. Yan is doing. "

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She breathed a light sigh of relief.

Gu Qingzhou went to the door of the bank, and Si Xingfu had been waiting for a long time.

Spring rain is soaking in the road, the road surface is covered with gray water light, the willows beside the road are green, and the new and tender long and short willows are swaying in the wind.

Gu came with an umbrella. She has apricot cheongsam, only a long tassel shawl outside. The tassels roam around her, like ripples of water.

She came slowly, and Si Xingfu felt step by step on his heart.

His canoe is so beautiful.

It's still small now. In another year or two, maybe it's a gorgeous beauty!

Si Xingfu thinks that in the future, he will not lose the beauty of the boat to Wei Qingjia. Maybe it will be his boat that will replace Wei Qingjia and become the first lady in Yuecheng.

At that time, how many men will miss her?

Si Xingfu holds the steering wheel tightly, and really wants to hide her at home. No one is allowed to peep.

But canoe is noble. She is not the goods of Si Xingfu. She should have her own life. It is impossible to hide. She can only watch her closely.

On the car, Gu Qingzhou brushed the wet clothes and said: "what to do? It's raining today. It's cold again. "

Si Xingfu holds her hand and it's cool as expected.

He took off his cloak and put it on his shoulder: "if he doesn't do anything, he wants to talk to you more."

His cloak was thick and warm. It fell on Gu Qingzhou's shoulder. The heat wrapped her. She raised her face and smiled.

Si Xingfu holds her face and kisses her lips.

He took Gu Qingzhou to his other house.

The roads on both sides of the pavilion have been excavated, and a lot of seedlings of sycamore trees have been planted.

"Do you want to plant trees?" Gu asked

"Well." "I want to plant two rows of sycamore trees here. Twenty years later, the path will be shaded by trees. The children walk by and know that it was planted by their parents. "

Take a breath from the boat.


Si Xingfu really thinks far.

Gu Qingzhou found that the mentality of Si Xingfu had changed, and he began to plan his life.

He used to think that one day he would die, so every day is the last day.

But recently, he began to think about children, family, even for a long time.

However, he never relented and said not to marry her.

It's the only thing that hasn't changed.

Gu Qingzhou's heart is like soaking in cold water, cold and heavy.

"We always have to leave something for the children to remember the years." Si Xingfu said with a smile.

He steadied the car and went upstairs to get her a raincoat and boots.

The raincoat was very big and dragged to the ankle of the canoe. This is a military raincoat. The smallest model of the light boat is bigger.

Si Xingfu buttoned her buttons and tied her hat. Gu's hair fell into his raincoat, showing only a jade like face.

Her face is delicate and her eyes are radiant.

Out of the door, the rain seems to be heavy, wet Gu's cheek.

"Hold on, I'll bury the earth." Si Xingfu road.

"Can you do it?" Gu Qingzhou worries, "is your wound OK?"

"Don't ask a man if he can, just try." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou is slightly stunned, and continues to think that his good intentions are regarded as a donkey's liver and lung, half dead with anger.

She didn't care about him any more and jumped into the pit to hold on to the saplings.

Si Xingfu buries the soil and comes in. He is careful not to go up to her. Gu Qingzhou steps on the soil a little, and only after a while can he plant a good tree.

After planting, she looked at the Chinese parasol tree with buds, and she had a sense of achievement: This is the tree they planted.

He planted two of them and gave them to Gu Qingzhou: "you'll bury the earth."

When Gu Qingzhou was in the pit, the pit was half her depth. It was his turn to take charge of Xingfu, but the pit only touched his thigh, so he could go in and out at will.

"It's heavy!" Gu Qingzhou didn't expect that the spade that Si Xingfu easily picked up was so heavy.

"Don't be lazy!" Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou buries the earth and subconsciously pours it on him.

Si Xingfu pinched her face angrily: "you want to bury me alive? I buried the unconscionable things alive. Who will cook for you? "

Take care of the boat and spit out your tongue.

She got a smudge on her face.

In the end, she was so tired and sweaty that she planted the tree.

Si Xingqi took out a rope and gave it to her: "you tie the rope to this tree, and later boast with your son, it's you who planted it."

Gu Qingzhou chuckles: "I planted it. Why is it a boast?"

The dirt on her face is still there, a little cute and dirty at the same time.

Si xingxu wanted to wipe her, and found that his hands were full of earth, so he bent down and licked her face.

Lick her face saliva, and his tongue tip fell on his cheek, crisp and numb, Gu Qingzhou can't dodge, despised and abandoned: "ah!"

As soon as she slipped, she fell into another pit.

Si Xingfu hurriedly came in and fished for her. He asked, "does it hurt to fall?"

Gu Qingzhou says it's OK.

Si Xingfu's heart moved and kissed her in the pit.

Gu Qingzhou pushes him and wipes his face. He takes over the mud on his sleeve and covers his face.

Like a big cat.

It's the cat of Si Xingfu!

"You're not safe planting a tree!" Gu Qingzhou kicked him angrily.

The two of them were busy from morning till dusk. They planted the twenty-eight sycamore trees and extended them from other pavilions. The whole road was full of sycamore trees.

In the future, will it be destroyed by gunfire or trees?

Gu Qingzhou didn't know, not even Si Xingfu.

What the world will be like, what they will be like, they can't guess, just happy at the moment.

They didn't have lunch and planted all the trees.

In the evening, the rain is more heavy and there is no need to water.

Gu took off his muddy raincoat and was too tired to get up. He sat on the carpet.

"How can I sit on the ground?" The Secretary asked.

"I'm afraid of damaging the sofa because I'm dirty." Gu said.

She is soft, and her voice is soft and soft. She has no strength.

"What's the matter?" Si Xingfu sits beside her.

"Tired." Gu Qingzhou said, "arms are weak."

"You just don't want to plant trees. I used to take you to shoot guns, but I haven't seen you cry all day. "

Gu likes to shoot.

Shooting makes her feel excited, so she doesn't feel tired.

Even though the next day the whole arm was sore.

"You wait, I'll put the bath water, you take a bath, and I'll cook?" The manager kissed her on the cheek.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

When the hot water is put away, Si Xingqi carries Gu Qingzhou upstairs.

Gu Qingzhou lies in the warm water, stretching all over, and people have spirit.

This day can not say the tired, but in a good mood.

Si Xingfu is full of energy. This little job is very easy for him and has no effect at all.

He cooked several kinds of dishes, fish and meat.

Gu took a nap in the bathtub, slipped into the water and choked.

She got up, dressed and went downstairs.

"... how do you suddenly think of planting trees?" Gu Qingzhou stood in front of the window, waiting to eat. He saw a cluster of sycamore trees outside and asked Si Xingqi.

"The tree is firm, growing upward, not moving." Without looking back, he said lightly, "for decades, hundreds of years, it stands up, works hard, is strong, and has luxuriant branches and leaves."

Gu Qingzhou is stunned.

She felt that Si xingxu was testing her and even beating her.

He knew she wanted to go?

He wants to tell her that if a person wants to be better, he doesn't have to leave. If he works hard in the same place, he can become a talent. Is that the most fundamental intention of Si Xingqi?

Gu Qingzhou is a little flustered. She holds her breath.

She should have said something, but it was all in her heart. She said nothing

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