Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 245 deep love

When it comes to planting trees, Gu Qingzhou has a ghost in his heart. He is afraid that the more he says, the more wrong he will be. He simply will not ask again.

The secretary is careless.

He is best at hunting.

He and Gu Qingzhou have known each other for more than one year. He said he would not touch her, and he did it. He is a very good hunter, because he is calm and patient with what he wants.

He is lustful, but he is not in a hurry.

His attitude, and his expression, can't prove anything.

Gu Qingzhou was afraid of him from the beginning and lost to him from the most basic place.

Even if he fights with wisdom and courage again, Gu Qingzhou has no foundation to win him.

This is Si Xingfu. How many men in the conspiracy roll over? Are they just a little intelligent like Gu Qingzhou?

"I have an appointment with ah Jing tomorrow." "Go back first," Gu said

Si Xingfu picked her up and said, "after my meal, do you want to run?"

He threw Gu Qingzhou back into the sofa.

Come and smell the fragrance on her body. Gu Qingzhou is a little itchy. Subconsciously, he wants to hide. They fight for a long time.

"Don't go back!" "I'm tired all day today. What can I do? I'm going out tomorrow. It may take another half month to see you. "

Gu Qingzhou thought that he would keep him, and had already said hello to Aunt two. It's ok if he doesn't go back.

He forced Gu Qingzhou to lie at home in order to take charge of Xingfu.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't tell the truth casually. When she can't explain it, she would rather be silent. But she could only lie to cover up the matter of Si Xingfu.

It makes her uncomfortable.

She can't think deeply. She will hate him if she thinks deeply.

In the evening, Gu went to sleep and checked his wound. Today, he planed the pit all day, but the wound did not crack.

As a result, his wound has grown well, and his heavy work has no effect.

"I knew from a very young age that my wound recovered faster than others. It was born with the capital from God, so I dared to make trouble when I was young." Si Xingfu road.

No wonder he is so bold.

His madness is also innate.

Gu Qingzhou said, "you have taken all the advantages. God treats you so well."

He was born well, born well, and gifted.

"If you are by my side, I will admit that God treats me well." Si Xingfu said with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou goes to hide.

Si Xingfu hugged her from behind, and put his hand on her abdomen, which was warm and warm to her.

She was too tired and full to eat. She was lying in warm bedding, and she took care of the boat and slept soundly.

Si Xingfu turns off the light, hugs her in the dark, and almost embeds her in his own body, and merges into one.

That night, Si Xingfu had a dream that Gu Qingzhou was wearing a white embroidered cheongsam, holding the child and standing on the just steps.

The wind moved her long hair, and the sun gave off a faint shade of ink. She has a quiet smile and a gentle manner.

The boy in her hand is made of pink, carved and jade. She is wearing a plaid suit. Inside, there are suspenders, a small brown bow tie, long eyelashes, and beautiful eyes. It looks like taking care of a light boat.

Si Xingfu walked forward, but saw the child let go of Gu Qingzhou's hand, shouted "Abba", bypassed Si Xingfu and rushed to another man's arms.

Si Xingfu looks back and sees Si mu.

He awoke with a start.

Wake up, find empty in the bosom, Si Xingfu do not know which dream in the end, a time face white.

Where's Gu Qingzhou?

He only felt the blood clotting all over his body, and the fear spread all over his heart: what about his woman?

Is her existence just his dream?

Si Xingfu was half asleep and half awake. The whole man was in a strange situation. He turned on the lamp at the head of the bed.

Then he heard the sound.

The sound of water in the tank.

Gu Qingzhou came out of the bathroom and was wiping his wet hands. Seeing Si Xingfu sitting on the bed, staring at her, Gu Qingzhou was shocked.

"What's the matter?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Si Xingfu jumped up and hugged her in his arms.

He hugged him so tightly that Gu could not breathe. She beat him: "you want to murder me?"

He couldn't help laughing.

She's still his!

He really hugged her. She was his woman. She never dreamed.

Si Xingfu wanted to lose her feeling, but he never realized that she was full of his whole life. If she were removed, he would be uprooted and dead.

"Canoe, I will hide you." "You are mine, I will not let anyone know you, so no one will hurt you."

Gu Qingzhou is probably hard to resonate: "do not sleep in the middle of the night, you are crazy?"

Gu Qingzhou didn't know what was wrong with him.

She pushed him away, fell asleep, a moment of effort to re-enter the dream.

Hearing her soft and even breath, Si Xingfu couldn't sleep any more.

He held her in his arms and did not move all night.

In the morning, Gu Qingzhou asked him, "what happened to you last night?"

"Had a nightmare."

When Gu Qingzhou saw that he was not looking right, he gloated, "are you afraid?"

"Afraid!" Si Xingfu looks at her cautiously with his eyes, rarely serious. "I'm afraid!"

Gu Qingzhou didn't know why. He thought he was so strange today. He was too embarrassed to go on with his funny words.

After breakfast, Si Xingfu went to the station and drove Gu Qingzhou to the bookstore.

Gu Qingzhou took a rickshaw to the coffee shop he had arranged with Huo Fengjing.

Huo has arrived.

"You came so early." Gu Qingzhou road.

Huo said, "it's OK anyway. It's boring at home. It's just coming out."

As soon as they sat down, they saw a car parked in front of the cafe.

Huo Shoujing suddenly said to Gu Qingzhou, "lower your head."

Gu Qingzhou did not understand, or buried his head deep, and asked, "what's the matter?"

Huo didn't answer.

After a while, Gu heard the footsteps of the boat, and someone came to them happily: "boat, ah Jing!"

Yan Yiyuan, the brother of Yan Luoshui.

Gu finally understood why Huo asked her to bow her head.

"What a coincidence!" Yan Yiyuan is not polite. He sits on the chair next to Gu Qingzhou and stares at Huo Fujing. "I just passed by and feel a bit like ah Jing."

Yan Yiyuan is very enthusiastic.

He also had some time to pursue Huo Rongjing.

Huo Fong Jing hate can't beat him to death with a slap. He also cares about Yan Luoshui. I'm sorry to be cruel.

Yan Luoshui took him to the casino to frighten him. A man happened to leave the casino and was chopped off with his left hand.

Huo Fujing thinks Yan Yiyuan is going to be scared to death, but he doesn't want Yan Yiyuan to hug Huo Fujing from behind. He covers her eyes with both hands: "ah Jing, don't look!"

His voice was shaking, his hands were shaking, even cold.

Scared like that, I still want to protect Huo Fujing.

Huo Fengjing looks down on her. From then on, she was a little sticky in her heart. She didn't refuse Yan Yiyuan as before.

Later, Huo shunned him as much as possible, but still sent letters and gifts to him frequently.

Yan Yiyuan looks unruly and a dandy, but he writes excellent characters, which are graceful and unrestrained, just like a dragon.

Huo would think: "the character is like a person. He has such a good character. Where are people? At least the spirit is good. "

"Five elder brothers, what are you doing?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"Going to the racecourse, my classmate made an appointment to bet on horses today. Canoe, ah Jing, are you going too? I'll book a box. " Yan Yiyuan said excitedly.

"We're not free." Huo won's cold road.

"Then what are you going to do?" Yan Yiyuan did not give up, almost asked in a low voice, "take me with you."

Gu Qingzhou rounded the court and said with a smile, "you're not going to bet on horses?"

"My gang of friends offer seven or eight times a month. There's no delay in going less." Yan Yiyuan is determined to follow them.

I can't get rid of it.

Huo Fengjing and Gu Qingzhou are going to make cheongsam. Yan Yiyuan immediately volunteered to know which tailor's shop is the best.

"The shop of Luo Wuniang is the best for making cheongsam. She can embroider on both sides. Now she has become a unique skill. " Yan Yiyuan said.

So, he followed all the way. He took Gu Qingzhou and Huo Fengjing to the tailor shop of luowuniang.

As soon as entering the door, Gu Qingzhou saw a man smoking in the sofa near the window.

This tailor's shop is dozens of times the price, so it has a spacious pavement, surrounded by a whole row of sofa chairs, as well as dim sum tea, which is very luxurious.

Gu Qingzhou sees Sima.

Simu's face was deep, his face expressionless, and he was sitting on the sofa puffing.

"Second brother?" Yan Yiyuan also saw him and greeted him warmly.

Simmer looks around.

He glanced at Gu Qingzhou without any trace, nodded slightly and didn't intend to come over to say a word. He was still expressionless and kept his posture.

Yan Yiyuan came to him.

Gu Qingzhou and Huo Shujing go in and select the cloth.

"This dark green material is best embroidered with white camellia. It's easy to shine. It's only with your body style that you can wear it." The boy is taking the material and comparing it with a fashionable girl.

The girl slightly sideways Yi, Gu Qingjia sees her face.

"Just this one." Wei Qingjia smiles, his jaw is delicate and slightly raised. He looks like a cloud of brocade, which is amazing.

Gu Qingjia is the most beautiful woman she has ever met.

Of course, Madame and qiongzhi are also very beautiful. They are only the best time when they are old and young, not as prosperous as Wei Qingjia.

Gu Qingzhou and her mistake, the past material selection.

A Jing chooses a style. When a maid measures her size, Gu Qingzhou stands in front of the shelf and chooses. She hears the footsteps.

Someone came up.

Looking back, she saw Wei Qingjia.

Gu Qingzhou thought she was going to go, but Wei Qingjia stopped in front of her.

"Are you Miss Gu?" Wei Qingjia has a soft smile and a beautiful voice. He asks Gu about the boat.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

"Hello, Miss Wei." Gu Qingzhou road.

"Hello, Miss Gu." Wei Qingjia's delicate white jade hand shook hands with Gu Qingzhou.

The first time they greeted each other, it was quite harmonious.

"Miss Gu, I have something to ask you." Wei Qingjia opens the door to see the mountain path.

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