Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 246 ex girlfriend's provocation

In the tailor's shop, the new silk doesn't smell good.

Wei Qingjia stood in front of Gu Qingzhou. She was beautiful and dignified, with a kind and gentle look. No matter men or women face her, she can't have a bad feeling.

Beautiful people are always liked.

"Miss Gu, I heard Ziyuan say that you are good at medicine. Is that true?" Wei Qingjia's beautiful eyes showed some respect.

"A little bit." Gu Qingzhou then asked her, "who is Ziyuan?"

Among the people Gu knew, no one called it that way.

Wei Qingjia chuckled: "don't you know the words of the Secretary, Shaoshuai, Ziyuan?" She puckered out.

It turns out that it's the word of simu.

The words of fiancee need to be reminded by other women.

Gu Qingzhou looks at Wei Qingjia.

Her eyes are bright and clear, like a clear spring. When the eye breeze passes by, the Hongqing spring has a little ripple, which makes Wei Qingjia stunned.

Quite a bit of a flash.

This sharp point makes people cold on the back.

When we look at it again, Gu Qingzhou is already a simple and gentle appearance. Wei Qingjia doubts that she just has that edge. Is it her own illusion?

"... Miss Gu, I want to ask you for something. It's for a doctor. Can you have coffee tomorrow, let's talk about it in detail? " Asked Wei Qingjia.

Wei Qingjia's modesty and gentleness seem to have no attack power and are approachable.

If she didn't deliberately show off the words of Sima in front of Sima's fiancee, and attack Gu Qingzhou invisibly, Gu Qingzhou would also think that she is good.


GU Qingzhou squints his eyes. It turns out that the first lady is not a good one. Can she become famous without any intention?

There are more beautiful and talented women.

No one is a simple little white flower, can be famous for a while.

"Who is ill?" Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, completely motionless.

How about Wei Qingjia? It has nothing to do with Gu Qingzhou. She doesn't care much about Wei Qingjia's inner life.

Compared with Wei Qingjia's perfect smile, Gu Qingjia's smile is simpler and more naive.

"Well, can you talk about it tomorrow?" Wei Qingjia wanted to stop talking.

What she said about her illness is a bit obscure.

Gu Qingzhou didn't want to contact her very much, so he made difficulties: "it's OK to talk about it in detail tomorrow, but I have something to say first. My treatment is very expensive. According to the calculation of small yellow croaker, there are more than two small yellow croakers in a sick family. "

Wei Qingjia thought: a case of more than two small yellow croaker, is really priceless!

Two little yellow croakers, enough to live in the church hospital for one or two years.

However, if you look back, you can't do that.

If they are ill, are they willing to spend more money to cure them early or go to the church hospital for one or two years?

Naturally, I want to be cured earlier.

"It's easy to tell." Wei Qingjia said with a smile, "when will you be free?"

"Let's finish school tomorrow." Gu chuckled.

The two women are talking softly like the spring breeze.

Sima comes here unconsciously.

His eyes on Gu Qingzhou's face are cold and alienated, like when we first met.

At that time, Gu Qingzhou sold his news to Mrs. Si, which made him caught and go home.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't care.

Wei Qingjia said, "I want to talk to Miss Gu about something. Young commander, I have chosen it. Would you like to have a look again? "

When she spoke to Gu Qingzhou, she called Sima "Ziyuan". When she came to Sima, she called him "Shaoshuai" with a sense of distance.

It's most attractive to be far or near.

Gu Qingzhou smiles and thinks that simazhen is pitiful. He will be pinched to death by this woman. There are no bones left.

I don't know what happened to Wei Qingyun's death.

Maybe Sima and Wei Qingjia are good, and they hook up with their sister, like enjoying the happiness of the same people; maybe there is another secret, but it happened.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't know Sima, and she doesn't want to know much.

"How many did you buy?" Simu's voice is low, soft and a little dull.

"Two." Wei Qingjia said, "spring clothes don't need to be made too much. They will change into summer clothes soon."

"Buy some more, always change." Sima said, "it's rare for luowuniang to be free. Give her all your cheongsam to embroider."

"No need." Wei Qingjia was modest and thrifty. "Although I have some alimony, I have to rely on myself. If I can save, I will save."

"I'll pay." Si Mu Dao.

Wei Qingjia smiled slightly and said, "this is not good. I don't like men spending money for me."

Don't take advantage of small advantages, so beautiful but self-supporting, is a man will look at, even addicted to her.

Wei Qingjia is really a model of women.

If you want to fish with a long line, you should learn from her style.

Gu chuckled and didn't interrupt.

Wei Qingjia said, "wait for me, young commander. I'll measure the size, and then we can go."

"See you tomorrow, Miss Gu?" Wei Qingjia nodded to Gu Qingzhou again. He was polite and considerate, not proud of his beauty.

"Good." Gu Qingzhou road.

Wei Qingjia went first.

Gu Qingzhou thinks that Sima is going too, so she smiles at Sima and continues to choose her cloth as a farewell.

The shadow behind us is always there.

Gu couldn't help looking back and found that Sima was standing behind her, her eyes were dim and silent.

Gu Qingzhou was horrified by him and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Isn't there a lot of homework on weekends?" He said, his voice was very cold, like the water in the deep pool, neither half undulating nor cold.

"Oh, it's done." Gu Qingzhou lied casually and casually.

Don't you understand?

She didn't want to see him. She was very clear and straightforward. Gu Qingzhou didn't know why he had to ask.

Take a breath.

"Goodbye, young commander." Gu Qingzhou thought that he was going to leave and turned to continue to select materials.

After looking at some of them, Yu Guang found that Sima was still there.

He looked at her in silence, not at ease with the boat.

She thought, forget it. I'll go if the mountain doesn't turn.

She went out, but Sima suddenly stood forward, blocking her way.

Gu Qingzhou frowned: "why?"

Simmer looked down at her.

His eyes were cold, and he seemed to want to express something, but Gu couldn't understand. In a word, he was a little angry.

After thinking about it, Gu Qingzhou suddenly understood why he was angry: "do you think I'm following you on a date with Miss Wei?"

Simu's eyes are tight.

"You think more. This is the place Yan wushao chose. I didn't know there was this tailor's shop. Besides, I'm not a spy. You're dating Miss Wei. It's none of my business. " Gu explained, "just now, Miss Wei came to talk to me first, not on purpose."

Sima's eyes are even colder.

He was more angry, and his face was livid.

Gu looked at him and said, "would you like to borrow it? If you want to embarrass me here, you are embarrassed. Miss Wei is more embarrassed, isn't it? "

After that, she pushed her way.

When her body passed through the gap, Sima suddenly moved, and Gu ran into his arms.

He hugged her.

Gu Qingzhou's face also changed. She hates it. It seems that hugging her is only the privilege of the manager.

She stepped heavily on smoothie.

In the gap between the two, Gu Qingzhou has already squeezed out.

She came out of the tailor's shop and stood under the eaves, taking a deep breath.

In the air, there is the fragrance of peach core and the light cold, which makes Gu Qingzhou's pent up anger slowly dissipate.

She promised to accompany ah Jing today. Gu Qingzhou didn't want to be angry, which swept ah Jing's interest.

Simmer follows.

Gu Qingzhou is on alert and moves to the side.

Simuli was not far away from her and did not keep close.

"I'm sorry, but I've just been abrupt." Slim apologized to her.

He's very gentlemanly a lot of the time.

It's just that I'm in a bad mood and I'm out of shape today.

Since receiving the jade pendant sent by her, knowing that she won't see him at the weekend, he had a breath in his heart, which made him depressed.

He didn't speak much, no one knew he was unhappy, but he smoked more than usual.

Here I met her again. She said that she did her homework well at the weekend, but went out to play with her friends. Sima was kind of annoyed by being teased and cheated.

These annoyances made him dizzy.

Sima is not such a shallow person, blocking her way and embracing her, not much like his style, he also knows that he is flirtatious menglang.

"Well, I accept your apology." Gu Qingzhou said indifferently, refusing him for thousands of miles.

Sima's heart sank and sank, like falling into a deep ancient well, without sunshine, cold and humid.

He no longer spoke, nor did he care for the boat.

The two men stood for a moment until Wei Qingjia came out and said with a smile, "young commander, are you here? Do you want to go now? "

"Let's go." Si Mu Dao.

He and Wei Qingjia went down the steps. In the distance, the military government's car stopped. He opened the door and asked Wei Qingjia to get on.

Sima is always polite in this respect. I remember that when he first sent her home, he opened the door for her.

When Wei Qingjia sat down, he closed the door and saw Gu Qingzhou standing there. He was stunned.

Gu Qingzhou immediately turned around and left the shop.

Simu's hand, tightly clenched up, white knuckles.

When Sima's car left, Huo Shujing looked at the light boat's face. Seeing that she was in a good mood, she said nothing.

On the contrary, Yan Yiyuan, who did not know the inside story, took care of the light boat with kindness and consideration.

"... what is the division's family? Wei Qingjia, no matter how beautiful and famous she is, is divorced. It is impossible for the governor and his wife to agree that she should marry her second brother. At best, she is an aunt.

Canoe, except our family, whose family has no aunt? There are too few men like my father. My aunt is not terrible at all. She is easy to deal with. Besides, with my aunt, you don't have to serve my second brother. How happy are we to eat, drink and have fun all day? " Yan Yiyuan said.

Fortunately, Gu Qingzhou didn't love love love. Otherwise, his comfort would have to be to take care of the boat.

The idea of men and women is quite different.

Gu Qingzhou was amused by what he said.

Yan Yiyuan naturally listened to the light boat, and he also had a sense of achievement.

Looking back, I saw Huo Fong Jing had some thoughts, and Yan Yiyuan immediately understood: "ah Jing, don't worry, I will never marry my aunt! My father doesn't marry my aunt. All the men in our Yan family are single-minded! "

"What's the matter with me?" Huo Huan turns around quietly and fretfully, but there is an irrepressible smile on the corner of his lips.

She's fast. No one's looking

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