Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 248 young commander lost his temper

Wei Qingjia said that her father was ill, but she was reluctant to say more because she was afraid of his health.

There is no doubt that her father went to church hospital and treated for half a month. The effect was not good and the condition became more and more serious.

However, for his own serious illness, mayor Wei is a cover up, as if very embarrassed.

When Wei Qingjia came back from divorce, her father was very angry and didn't love her as much as before. Wei Qingjia wanted to make contributions in front of her father and regain his father's support.

In this way, Wei Qingjia can stand firm in Yuecheng.

She used to be so stupid that she married far to Peiping and ended up in a mess.

This time back to Yuecheng, Wei Qingjia is full of ambition and has a clear goal.

Everything was in her plan: smoothie, smoothie's fiancee, even her own father.

Wei Qingjia will play a huge game. When she finally catches the net, only she wins.

"Is it too painful to sleep all night? It's an emergency. " Gu Qingzhou said, "where does it hurt?"

"Left waist side. I don't know why. He won't show it to me and his aunt won't tell me in detail. " Wei Qingjia said.

The patient himself is very resistant, so he may hear some gossip when he goes to the door.

She's in a bit of a quandary.

After that, Gu remembers the great doctor's sincerity that master asked her to recite. Even if she can't accept money without asking for it, she can't refuse to see a doctor.

This is her medical ethics.

Only by being merciful can we have medical ethics.

If there were other things, Wei Qingjia ran her like this, Gu Qingzhou would have left long ago. She couldn't leave when she was sick and asked for her.

Gu Qingzhou never felt that she was kind, nor would she repay her good for her bad. She just insisted on the bottom line of her medical practice that she could be cured in case of illness, no matter how harsh her words and deeds were, she would be cured.

This is the rule of doctors and the moral character of doctors.

Gu Qingzhou wants to be a qualified Chinese medicine, to argue with lonely Chinese medicine, to add luster to master's face, so she remembers medical ethics.

"I haven't seen the patient yet. I don't know if I can cure him." Gu Qingzhou said, "if it is convenient for Miss Wei, I will arrange a consultation, so that I can know how to use the medicine."

This is to agree to see a doctor.

Wei Qingjia's smile lit up: "Miss Gu, thank you for your help."

Gu Qingzhou smiles and takes a sip of wine.

When Wei Qingjia saw that she had agreed, she could also get closer to her. She said with a smile, "you are younger than me. You can call me elder sister."

Girls are matched by sisters, and wives and concubines are also allowed.

All concubines should call the main room "sister".

After Wei Qingjia came back, she contacted Sima many times. She didn't know what she was going to do.

Gu doesn't know what kind of consideration Wei Qingjia asked her to call her sister. She didn't want to be taken advantage of by Wei Qingjia, so she pretended to smile and didn't speak.

"... Miss Wei, I have a swimming class tomorrow afternoon. Mister let me pass. I don't have to go. If you can arrange the time, I can ask for leave. You can send someone to meet me at the school gate at two o'clock in the afternoon. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Wei Qingjia nodded, "OK, I'll arrange as much as I can."

The steak was served.

Sima took Wei Qingjia's plate and carefully cut it for her. It's very gentlemanly.

Then, he buried himself in cutting his own, ignoring the light boat and talking with it.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't care.

Everyone was silent.

Wei Qingjia asked for a topic and said, "I graduated from Santa Maria, too. There is a locust tree at the back door, which blocks the courtyard wall. Is it cut down now?"

"No, it's still there." Gu said.

Wei Qingjia slightly recalled: "at that time, Ziyuan sent me snacks at noon. They all climbed in through that tree, and then climbed out after eating."

There was a quiet and elegant smile on her face, as if immersed in the past.

Sima's hand holding the glass made a slight meal.

"I thought you forgot." Said Si mu.

"How can I forget?" Wei Qingjia exclaimed, "I was only seventeen or eighteen at that time, which was the best age."

Then, she suddenly thought of Gu Qingzhou and explained, "Miss Gu doesn't know yet. I used to be a good friend with Shaoshuai..."

please, why doesn't Gu Qingzhou know? All Yuecheng knows that Sima has pursued Wei Qingjia, OK!

Wei Qingjia's explanation made Gu Qingzhou think that she had ulterior motives.

Gu Qingzhou is not easy to get into trouble. She said suddenly: "Oh, that's right. I don't know if you don't say it!"

Her voice dragged a little longer.

Sima frowned: "don't sneer!"

In fact, Gu Qingjia's taunts are not so obvious. Wei Qingjia stabbed Gu Qingzhou again and again. This is the girl's mind.

Wei Qingjia had something to say. Sima pretended not to know. When he arrived at Gu Qingjia, he would not let it go.

It's embarrassing for everyone to be enlightened by Sima.

Wei Qingjia is also embarrassed.

Sima alone and Gu Qingzhou couldn't get by. Gu Qingzhou smiled and she didn't care.

She didn't care about Sima, so his attack did little harm to Gu.

Gu Qingzhou spits out his tongue and continues to eat her steak.

But smoothie poured in a glass of wine, and he put it heavily on the table.

Then he continued to pour.

Gu Qingzhou turns a deaf ear and allows Sima to lose her temper. In her voice, she gently says to Wei Qingjia, "last time we agreed, I went to see a doctor. It's two small yellow croakers. Have you forgotten Miss Wei?"

How many times have you deliberately found fault with me? If you don't let me bleed you, I'll lose too much.

Gu Qingjia can't afford to take advantage of his money because he can't cure his illness.

Wei Qingjia had something to say, and Sima lost his temper. This was their business. Gu Qingjia didn't pick on things on purpose.

If she wants to pick something, she can completely break through the fact that when Sima was together with Wei Qingjia, Wei Qingjia pursued Si Xingfu.

But Gu Qingzhou didn't. She felt that there should be a bottom line in life as well as in medicine.

Wei Qingjia didn't answer, but Sima asked coldly, "do you love money so much?"

"Of course!" Gu Qingzhou looks grumpy. "A gentleman loves money and has a way to get it. My skill is worth so much money, don't you know

Sima turned and looked at her hard.

His eyes are gloomy.

Gu doesn't know where he offended him.

Because she had to ask for money to quit?

"Is all the money you want right?" "Are you sure you don't want to sit on the floor and ask for the price?" simmer said coldly

When Wei Qingjia saw that they were going to quarrel, she moved her eyes a little and quickly gathered them away. She said to Sima, "Ziyuan, it's right to ask for money. Don't worry. I have money on me."

"Miss Wei, if you have money, you can borrow a little from Shaoshuai!" Gu Qingzhou said coldly, "I don't think he has any money. If things don't go well, I'll get angry with him!"

Then she stood up and left.

When Gu Qingzhou left, he pushed the chair heavily and made a loud noise.

Wei Qingjia thought, "this girl has such a big temper!"

Wei Qingjia, such a noble, talented and charming person, dare not be so bold in front of Sima, but he is so ignorant of Qingzhou.

It seems that Gu Qingzhou is naive. She doesn't know the benefits of power or how important the preferences of powerful people are to her!

Wei Qingjia and Si Mu both thought that Gu Qingzhou had gone to the bathroom.

But after waiting for a long time to see her come out, I asked the waiter to know that Gu Qingzhou had gone directly.

Wei Qingjia was surprised: "how did she go like this? It's very impolite... "

after that, she stopped immediately and could not criticize Gu Qingzhou, at least not in front of Sima.

Sima poured a glass of wine and said, "if I were, I would go too!"

Then he got up and left.

Wei Qingjia froze, and then his face changed: what does this mean?

Is he blaming himself or Wei Qingjia?

Wei Qingjia thought about what he said, and the sentence was appropriate, but Sima was angry.

Who is smoot blaming?

When he went to check out, Wei Qingjia came up with him.

Smoot's car took her home.

In the carriage, Wei Qingjia asked Sima, "did I say something wrong and offend Miss Gu?"

"No, it's my fault." "I don't have the style today," said simmer

Wei Qingjia also saw that Sima was quite aimed at Gu Qingzhou.

Simasu is mature and steady. He seems to be angry with Gu Qingzhou today.

If Sima really hates her, she will be ignored. Therefore, he looks annoyed. It seems that he doesn't hate Gu Qingjia so much. Wei Qingjia is a bit confused.

Five years later, when Sima grew up, he was no longer the child Wei Qingjia could control. Wei Qingjia was more careful in front of him.

Wei Qingjia was sent to the mayor's house, but Sima didn't go in.

He said goodbye to Wei Qingjia.

"You go by rickshaw." Sima gave the driver a few yuan to get off the bus. Sima wanted to drive himself.

Because of Wei Qingyun's death, Sima dare not drive with Wei Qingjia any more.

In fact, he likes driving by himself.

The driver said, "young commander, I'd better drive. You seem to be drunk."

"No harm, I'm not drunk." "Only a few sips of wine," said simmer

The driver found that Sima had clear eyes and fluent tongue.

I was in the car just now. When Sima and Wei Qingjia were talking, they were slightly drunk. It turned out that he was pretending to be drunk.

Sima drives his car to the Gu mansion.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening. When Sima came to knock on the door, all the family members were still talking in the living room, ready to go upstairs to sleep.

Everyone was surprised when he suddenly stepped on the door.

"Abba, is the boat back?" Sima asked Gu Guizhang.

Gu Guizhang was shocked.

The custom of Yuecheng is to change your mouth when you make a marriage appointment. This is true, but simu has never called it.

This is the first time.

The rest of the family were stunned.

Sima has been to Gu's house several times. Because he can't speak, he is very indifferent every time. The Deputy answers for him.

For the first time, he called Gu Guizhang "Abba". Gu Guizhang was so excited that he was going to faint.

"Back, back." Gu Guizhang said incoherently, "have you eaten, young commander?"

"The canoe is upstairs?" Si Mu asked back, not to answer Gu Guizhang's question.

"Yes, yes." Gu Guizhang completely lost his appearance and replied in a mess.

"Which room is it?" Si Muyou asked.

Gu Guizhang said: "the second room on the left, the handle on the door is half broken, that one!"

Sima nodded and said, "Abba, I have a word with the boat."

Then he turned and went up to the third floor.

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