Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 249 I want to marry you

When Sima went upstairs, Gu Qingzhou heard footsteps.

The sound of leather shoes is very heavy, and the steps are very fast. Gu Shao and Gu Guizhang are not so fast. Gu Qingzhou was scared to be silly at that time.

She thought it was Si Xingfu.

Come up directly from downstairs, is the manager crazy?

Gu Qingzhou raised a heart to his throat.

When the knock rang, she cleared her throat, suppressed her anxiety and asked calmly, "who is that?"

Outside the door was the voice of simmer: "it's me."

Gu Qingzhou is surprised. What's the matter? She was a little shocked and opened the door.

Sima stands outside the door. Gu Qingzhou stares at him. He also stares at Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou's eyebrows were a little chilly: "scold me for not having a good time. Do you want to find a place for your girlfriend?" She blocked the door and didn't intend to let simmer in.

She is full of vigilance against him.

"No." Sima said in a low voice, "can you say a few words?"

Gu didn't want to invite him into his room.

The boudoir is a private place for patronizing canoes, which is accessible only to her close members of the opposite sex.

Simo doesn't count.

Gu Qingzhou came out of the room and closed the door: "go out and talk."

Sima has no objection. Just talk about it. I'd like to talk about it anywhere.

When they went downstairs, all the family members stared intensely. They seemed to want to dissect them and find out what happened to them.

Gu Guizhang was overjoyed.

Just now, Sima was called "Abba". The marriage was decided completely.

Among others, the most obvious expression is Gu Xiang, who glares at Gu Qingzhou with jealousy on his face.


Gu Xiang thought that the Secretary's family was going to give up. Why did he fall in love with Gu Qingzhou and call "Abba" willingly?

Several aunts are happy to take care of the boat.

They depend on Gu Qingzhou, which is more reliable than Gu Guizhang. They all hope that Gu Qingzhou can have a strong backing and a stronger relationship with the military government.

"Going?" Gu Guizhang, with a flattering and excited look, came forward to ask the Secretary for admiration.

When simu wanted to answer, Gu took the lead.

"No, let's go out and say something. I'll be back in a minute." Gu Qingzhou said, "Abba, go to bed earlier."

"Don't worry, it's still early." Gu Guizhang said that he wished he could give his daughter to Sima in vain.

Simmer also found out, but he didn't have much expression.

Gu Qingzhou said, "I see, Abba."

After that, she went out with simmer.

The street where Gu's residence is located is also bustling. There are many residents nearby.

Under the lights, the wind blowing light dust lightly, orange lights like gauze curtain, shrouded in the vast night.

Simmer's car stopped at the side of the road.

Gu Qingzhou stood still and turned to ask Sima, "what do you want to say?"

The weather is clear, and the night wind is warm and warm, with the intoxicating peach core fragrance.

Simo leaned on the door, pulled out his cigar and cut it open.

He wants to smoke every time he is nervous or lost.

He struck a match, ten fingers, a small fire, his fingers long white, bone clear.

After spitting out the smoke, Sima said slowly: "I'm out of shape today..."

GU Qingzhou was silent, waiting for him to finish.

He's more than blundering?

In the view of Gu Qingzhou, Sima is too much today, although she doesn't care much.

After a pause, Sima continued: "we have an appointment at the weekend, and you are ahead of us. When the tailor's shop meets you, your attitude is arrogant. When you eat today, your words are too harsh, and I have a fire in my heart, so I'm sorry for the attack on you."

Gu Qingzhou looks down at his toes.

What he said, she didn't listen.

It's all her fault!

It's true that she broke the contract, but where is arrogance?

Gu Qingzhou sneers.

In love, men are really blind. Wei Qingjia shows off their old love in front of his fiancee. Does he care or doesn't recognize it?

Why is it all the fault of taking care of the light boat instead?

Gu Qingjia feels that Sima is very proud when he tells the past. He didn't worry about the feelings of Gu Qingjia, but he defended Wei Qingjia everywhere.

Therefore, Gu Qingzhou's counterattack is an active attack to Sima.

He loves Wei Qingjia. He defends her. It has nothing to do with Gu Qingjia.

"I'm sorry, canoe." Smoky again.

"I forgive you." Gu Qingzhou Road, the feather eyelashes are slightly raised, the eyes are quiet under the orange light, like the sea of moonlight, "this matter, so far, OK?"

Sima nodded, "thank you very much."

Gu chuckled.

At the beginning of the night, the wind is warm and chilly after a long time.

The vines on the walls of Gu's residence are covered with green leaves. The wind blows green waves, and they stretch like ghosts at night.

Gu Qingzhou gathered her skirt and soaked her sleeves with coolness like water. She said, "I'll go back if the explanation is clear."

She turned to go.

But simu called to her, "light boat."

Gu Qingzhou stops.

"I don't want to think about quitting." "I'm not going to drop out," said slim

Gu Qingzhou stood there, as if he had been knocked by someone. For a long time, his head was buzzing. He couldn't believe staring at Sima: "what do you say?"

"I said, I'm not going to quit. I'll marry you." Sima told her clearly.

Gu Qingzhou was so surprised that he was still confused. She spoke recklessly in front of Si Xingfu. Now she is in a state of ignorance. She didn't organize her speech well and blurted out: "are you sick?"

Si muweileng.

Gu Qingzhou's voice couldn't stop: "when you date Wei Qingjia, you say you want to marry me, and you also say you will be loyal to your marriage. How can you enjoy the happiness of the same people now? You're filthy. "

His face sank.

His breathing is a little heavy.

Gu Qingzhou's words are hard to hear.

After a gust of wind, the night wind raised the long green hair of Gu's boat like seaweed. She used her hand to hold down her hair, and people gradually woke up.

She didn't continue to abuse Sima, and she had a lot of sense.

Gu Qingzhou grabbed his hair and thought something was wrong, so he got closer and said, "what do you think?"

But simu said nothing.

When he is not happy, he will be silent. He will smoke the cigar on his lips, swallow all the smoke into his stomach, and then push it out slowly.

The smoke almost choked Gu's boat.

"You like me?" Gu Qingzhou looked into his eyes and asked earnestly.

Sima's mouth was slightly cocked, and he had a cold smile. He raised his eyes and looked back at her: "what do you like?"

Gu Qingzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then why don't you want to leave?" Gu asked again.

"No reason." After the last sip, Sima stepped the cigar on the ground and stamped it out with force. "It's not a request, it's a notice. I don't agree to leave. If you want to leave, please consult with my parents. "

After all, he got into the car.

Gu Qingzhou tightens the door and doesn't let him close it. "You make it clear!"

Simmer went to break her hand.

Her hands are soft and cold, like the touch of her acupuncture.

Simu was meant to break it off, but he was holding it tightly.

He grasped it very hard, and then he took Gu Qingzhou into the car.

Gu Qingzhou fell into his arms.

As she struggled to get up, smoothie closed the door behind her.

He drove very smoothly. When Gu got up, the car had started and left the gate of Gu mansion.

"Hello!" Gu Qingzhou is furious and wants to grab his steering wheel.

"Careful, don't you want to die with me?" said simu coldly

When Gu Qingzhou grabbed the steering wheel, the car drifted and almost hit the road teeth.

She took back her hand.

Gu doesn't want to die, let alone die with Sima.

"Drive back!" Gu Qingzhou's face was livid, and his voice was cold. "It's late, please drive back!"

Simmer ignored.

His car drives very fast, crossing the city and the lane. In a flash, Gu Qingzhou doesn't know the way.

She knows that words can't win. Simu is in a bad mood today. He won't send her back.

When Gu Qingzhou went downstairs, she didn't take her handbag and half a cent in her pocket. She couldn't go back by car.

The car is very fast. If Gu Qingzhou jumps, he must break his arm.

Not worth it!

As she measured the situation, her heart grew colder, but no one moved or spoke.

The car reached the seawall.

All around the seawall are gambling huts. This time is bustling and noisy.

The sea wind is very strong, and it's fishy and wet.

Smoothie stopped the car and took a deep breath.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't speak. She was so angry that she wouldn't say a word to him. She was silent.

Later, Si Mu got off to smoke and Gu Qingzhou sat in the car.

He took three cigarettes in a row, and then his mood stabilized. He got on the bus and took Gu Qingzhou to Gu mansion.

He didn't explain.

He didn't say what he did when he suddenly pulled Gu Qingzhou to the seawall. He didn't say why he loved Wei Qingjia so much, but he didn't agree to withdraw.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

Simmer did not answer.

At the Gu mansion, Gu Qingzhou hurriedly went upstairs to go home.

When Sima's car reached the corner, Gu mansion could not see him, but he could see the ridge of the roof, he stopped the car.

He started smoking again.

Do you know what you're doing?

Of course, smoothie knows!

He just doesn't want to be known, that's all.

After smoking two cigars, he threw them out of the car, didn't go back to the governor's office, and drove to the camp overnight.

Then for a long time, Sima did not return to the city.

He's running away.

What he escapes from, he is also very clear in the heart, only he does not say. Don't tell anyone, this is simmer. He is used to holding everything in his heart.

It's the habit of the past five years.

At that time, he couldn't say anything. Now I can speak, but I have no mood to talk, and I am used to silence.

Gu Qingzhou didn't know about it.

After she went home, she took a bath and recovered.

It's simu who wants to withdraw from his family. It's him who doesn't want to withdraw from his family. He's really an irresponsible man.

Gu Qingzhou is not in a hurry about it. He can get back anyway. She had a plan of her own. If it wasn't mentioned by simmer, she didn't want to leave now.

Since Sima turns back, Gu Qingzhou still returns to the original plan. She doesn't lose anything.

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