It's the weekend again.

Si Xingfu went out this time, but he didn't return for more than half a month. The account that Gu Qingzhou and Si Mu met in the middle of the night may be kept for later calculation.

Gu Qingzhou tightens his heart.

"He's going to be pissed off this time." Think of the light boat.

Do not be jealous of Si Xingfu. He has a strong desire to dominate.

In the middle of the night, Sima goes to Gu Qingzhou's house and pulls him to the sea bank. He must know that.

Although he will punish Gu Qingzhou, he will be very angry. Gu Qingzhou is worried about the spare time, which gives birth to some schadenfreude.

"I must be crazy. I can't find him happy all day." She thought.

Si Xingfu is not happy. Can she?

On the first day of March, Gu Shao set off on time at 1:00 p.m. on the cruise of France.

Gu Guizhang prepared all the formalities for him, handed over five large yellow croaker gold bars to the bank safe in England, and then transferred them to France, where Gu Shao could get them.

It costs a lot of commission, but it's much lower than the exchange rate.

Gu Guizhang is a good deal.

Gu Guizhang listened to Gu's suggestion.

Gu Shaonian has no worries. No matter what happens to his family, he will not be involved. Gu Qingzhou is very happy.

"Brother, here you are!" Gu takes out a sachet embroidered with white camellia and hands it to Gu Shao. The white tea embroidery work of sachet is excellent. It is full of spirit and cold. It is inlaid with gold wire.

Gu Shao takes over, first marvels at the delicacy of the sachet, then feels heavy, and asks, "what is it?"

Open a look, unexpectedly is a yellow big yellow croaker gold bar.

"You... Where did you get so much money?" Gu Shao was shocked. He wanted to return the sachet to Gu Qingzhou. "I can't. You can take it away. Where did you get the money? "

Gu Qingzhou doesn't take it, and gently wraps Gu Shao's hand: "brother, the money your father gave you is just enough for your four-year tuition and living expenses. But you are far away from home. What if something happens and you don't have money? "

"I can study hard to earn scholarships and do some odd jobs." Gu shaodao, "Zhouzhou, I can take good care of myself. I heard from the teachers that the scholarship for senior brother is very rich."

Gu Qingzhou insists on giving it to him and persuades him to accept it: "in the future, if you return it to me not later, you can take it as something I lent you. Anyway, I can't use it for the time being."

She held his hand all the time, hard, but soft.

Gu Shao's heart is full of tides, and finally he feels sad to leave.

He was reluctant to give up a lot of people. His father, Zhouzhou, elder sister and Yingying, even the dead Qin Zheng.

Even though Qin Zheng has been pretending to him for more than ten years, Gu Shaoyou has raised his kindness.

The last thing I want is to take care of the boat.

The two brothers and sisters sat in silence, and Gu Shao didn't go back to sleep until midnight.

On the morning of the first day of the new year, it began to rain.

At ten o'clock, all the family members ate lunch and sent Gu Shao to the wharf.

Drizzle misty, added the spring cold, the cold under the green sleeve more and more intimate.

Rain silk is weaving obliquely and densely, wet the clothes, like sketching the gorgeous brocade picture, light as ice yarn, covering the sadness of parting.

The wharf is bustling with people and the sound of sirens is long.

"When you get to Paris, telegraph home." Gu Guizhang was reluctant to give up his son and said goodbye, "when you go out, be careful when you make friends, and don't fall in the trap of others. Don't drink too much. "

Gu shaodao is respectful and meek.

Aunt two also came forward and said a few farewell words.

Gu Xiang and Gu Ying are reluctant to take care of Shao, especially Gu Ying, who is young, can't help crying.

"Take care of yourself at home." Gu Shao says to Gu Ying that his eyes are sore.

The passengers swarmed into the gate, surrounded by farewell people, full of people.

"All right, get on the boat." Gu Guizhang urged, "don't miss the trip."

Gu shaodao is: "Abba, I'm gone. Take care of yourself!"

A man of medium height, holding a black umbrella, crowded into the front of the family, his smile calm and gentle.

Everyone was slightly surprised.

They don't know this person.

When they thought it was Gu Guizhang's friend, the man said to Gu Qingzhou, "Miss Gu, I just looked at you from afar. Where are you going? "

It's the Third Master of the Chen family.

This is Chen Jiayuan's ship going to Europe.

Gu Guizhang looked at this man with extraordinary bearing. He thought to himself, who is it? How do you know Gu Qingzhou?

Gu's connections are deeper than Gu's imagination. Gu's heart is a little proud: Gu's daughter is his most successful masterpiece.

"It's not me. It's my brother who's going out of France." Gu Qingzhou smiled and then explained, "this is the Third Master of Chen family. This ship belongs to Chen family only."

Gu Guizhang took a breath of cool air.

The Chen family of the ship, they have the background of the British people, even the Qing Gang and the military government have to give their family some face, and the Chen family is famous for being difficult to get to know each other?

This daughter is more powerful than she thought!

Gu Guizhang was proud.

"... this is my dad." Gu Qingzhou also introduces Gu Guizhang.

Gu Guizhang's attitude was decent. He shook hands with Chen San.

In the distance, the cruise ship at the gate is whistling. This is the second whistle, which means that the ship will leave in 15 minutes.

The flute was very long and lasted a minute.

The voice will be drowned and everyone will be silent.

When the sound of the flute passed, Mr. Chen said, "Mr. Gu, do you want to send Mr. Gu? This cruise ship will stop for half an hour after passing through Hangzhou. You can come down again and go back by boat. It's only a day or two. "

Gu Shao is very moved. He looks at Gu Guizhang.

Gu Guizhang has no time. He can't delay his work in the Yamen for a day.

"Abba, I think about ashow!" Gu Xiang stands on the horse road, his eyes are red.

Gu Guizhang didn't like her very much. He immediately said in a solemn voice, "what do you send? It's not bad enough! How can you come back, a girl? "

"It doesn't matter. If Miss Gu wants to go, she will come back in our boat. When our boat arrives in Hangzhou, it will return that day." Said the third master.

However, Gu Shao held Gu Qingzhou's hand: "Zhouzhou, please send it to me. Let's talk. Abba, please let Zhouzhou see me off and come back on the boat of master Chen's house. Zhouzhou is OK. "

His eyes were filled with sadness of parting.

It happens that today is also a weekend.

When Gu Guizhang saw that Chen's family also wanted to sell human feelings to Gu Qingzhou, Gu Shao was willing to take care of the boat and send it to him. Gu Guizhang said, "take care of the boat and send it to your brother for us."

Gu Xiang said, "Abba, ashao is my brother. Why should I send him by boat?"

The third master looked back and saw Gu Xiang.

At this moment, with examination and blame, it seems that the eldest lady is ill bred, and Gu Guizhang is red faced and embarrassed.

Gu Xiang is so uneducated!

"No nonsense!" Gu Guizhang lowered his voice and his eyes fell on Gu Xiang's face.

Gu Xiang is frightened and does not speak with tears. She went to see Gu Shao, but found that Gu Shao's eyes were all on Gu Qingzhou.

There are fewer and fewer people watching the gate. Even the crew have boarded the ship. When it's time to start, Gu Guizhang waved: "let's go."

Gu Shao carried the box in one hand, and Gu Qingzhou in the other hand. He went up the gangway with a faint smile on his face. There was no previous loss and sadness.

Gu Guizhang also breathed a sigh of relief.

A happy journey is better than anything.

Rain has not stopped, misty and treacherous, spread in the heaven and earth before, lingering.

Gu Shao goes into the cabin to put his luggage. Gu Xiaozhou huddles on the deck and waves goodbye to the people on the shore.

Then Gu Shao came out. The ship was far away from the sea. The figure on the wharf was only the vague shadow, which could not be seen clearly.

"Abba, they're back." Gu Qingzhou refers to the crowd, not Gu Guizhang and others.

Gu Shao smiles and doesn't mind.

The cruise ship broke through the waves, the snow waves rolled and danced around the ship.

"I didn't expect you to give me a ride." Gu Shao is happy. Like a happy child, he accidentally gets a gift he wants most.

The sorrow of leaving home was swept away.

Cruises, especially those on long journeys, are not so boring.

Gu Shao is wearing a sky blue overcoat, his back is trimmed and his sideburns are neatly arranged. Although he is not tall enough, he is gentle and beautiful, which is easy to be liked.

It rained harder and harder, and they went back to the cabin to eat in the restaurant.

At this time, lunch is served in the restaurant.

When the cruise ship just started, there were fresh vegetables on board. The quality of the food was good.

There was a voice nearby, asking where to go.

"How many cabins do you live in?" Asked a lady tentatively first.

The number of holds, we know whether it is first class or such, or Datong shop.

Gu Qingzhou looked at her suspiciously, but didn't answer immediately. The lady said first: "the first-class cabin is in short supply this time. We bought it through several relationships. How about you?"

It's still trying to see if they live in first class.

"We bought it early, very early." Gu said.

This means that they are also first class.

This lady is enthusiastic and wants to find a companion, but she is unwilling to contact with the second-class cabin. After finding out, she says with a smile, "we are the fifth cabin. What's your number?"

It happened to be next door.

Gu Qingzhou said, they are No. 6 cabin.

"We are going to Paris. Where are you going?" A middle-aged lady, with two young children, is kind-hearted and can speak well.

The girl she brought was about 17 or 18 years old, about the same age as Gu Shao.

"My brother is also in Paris." Gu chuckled, "I'm in Hangzhou, just to see him off."

"Hangzhou?" The lady was surprised.

Of course, we can't get off in Hangzhou. The only thing is that the crew need to supplement the baggage from Hangzhou. Gu Qingzhou has got the permission from Mr. Chen San. We can get off through the crew passage, but other passengers can't.

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

She didn't answer, and the lady was smooth. Instead of asking questions, she said, "you are also in Paris. It's wonderful. We have to take care of each other for several months."

The girl next to me, glancing at Gu Shao, blushed and lowered her head.

Gu Shao's Kung Fu is accompanied by others.

This lady is very skilful. According to the information, she learned that there are three families in the first class who go to Paris, and she immediately became a small Gang.

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