Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 253 the thief ship of Si Xingfu

The atmosphere on the boat was very good.

Some people are sad to leave, most of them are excited by the journey.

The little restaurant is very lively.

"Brother, you have company." Some people form cliques. Gu Qingzhou is very happy. He feels that Gu Shao has a dependence on him all the way.

At the beginning of the ship's departure, we had not experienced a few months of cruel baptism at sea. We were healthy and fresh. Everyone was in high spirits.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Qingzhou and Gu Shao chatted in the cabin, and Mrs. Shi called them to dance.

Gu Shao doesn't want to go.

"Gu Shao, you can't do this. If you don't exercise much, you can't afford to travel for months." Mrs. Shi seems to be quite experienced. In fact, she is also on her first trip.

Her husband taught in France, and the couple lived apart all year round. This time, she brought her children and completely reunited with the couple.

"Elder brother, if you travel alone, if you feel uncomfortable halfway, no one will take care of you. You should make some friends." Gu Qingzhou Road, she also suggested that Gu Shao go dancing.

However, Gu Shao just wants to chat with Gu Qingzhou quietly.

They will be separated soon.

Gu Shao frowns.

Gu Qingzhou took Gu Shao to the dance hall.

The ballroom was ablaze with lights, and the boat was stable as if on flat ground.

Many people dance.

Mrs. Shi said to Gu Shao, "Gu Shao, please ask the eldest lady of our family to dance. Don't be shy for boys."

She knew that Gu Shao was going to study in France. Her family should be good. The boy was beautiful and decent. She wanted to match him with her daughter.

"I want to dance with my sister first," Gu said politely Gu Shao also understood Mrs. Shi's match, and he was disgusted.

After that, he angrily pulled Gu Qingzhou to the dance floor.

Gu Shao is always clean, with light fragrance, warm and dry palm, soft and delicate, like a girl's hand.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "Mrs. Shi is not happy."

"She's too familiar for me." Gu Shao whispers.

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

After two dances, Gu was a little dizzy.

I don't feel comfortable just sitting and jumping around.

She may be seasick, so she said to Gu Shao, "elder brother, I'll go to the bathroom and ask Miss Shi to dance. I think Mrs. Shi is a good person. You have to take care of her in the future. "

Gu Shao is reluctant.

Gu Qingzhou went to the bathroom and could not vomit.

She looked at the sea outside the glass window of the bathroom, the waves rolling, boundless, and her heart was inexplicably afraid.

How can she run in the future?

Gu Qingzhou should carefully consider taking the waterway.

She was lying on the dresser, unable to vomit, tumbling in her stomach for a moment.

After vomiting for a while, Gu Qingzhou suppressed nausea and went out of the bathroom.

Gu Qingzhou came out of the bathroom, just walked to the door, and was suddenly held down.

She was shocked, and then she smelled the familiar smell -- the freshness of men, mixed with the fragrance of cigars, which was like a thread, branded by her superiors.

She raised her eyes to see the face of Si Xingfu, even more surprised.

"You... How could you be on the boat?" Gu Qingzhou was really surprised and exclaimed.

Si Xingfu pressed her down and gently rubbed her lips: "little boat, you have done a bad thing to see me scared like this?"

Gu Qingzhou was surprised.

Ask clearly!

He must know what she did.

"... I saw you at the dock." "I want to see if you're going to elope with someone, so come up to find you," said Si

Before in the dining room, Gu Qingzhou always felt a hot look at her.

When she looked past, there was nothing.

It turns out to be si Xingfu!

"Light boat, is it fun on board?" Si Xingfu looks at her with a smile. He is sure that she is not eloping with Gu Shao, but seeing him off. Her attitude is not bad.

"What's the fun?" In front of him, Gu Qingzhou unconsciously sold miserably. "I am a little seasick. If I sit for three or four months, I must die of illness!"

She thought it was a tragic sale, but she felt that his little woman was coquetting with him and was in a happy mood. She kissed her on the lips again: "the boat was shaking, and you went dancing. Can you faint?"

He also booked the cabin. It's the first-class cabin. It's luxurious and spacious. He took Gu Qingzhou there

He gave Gu Qingzhou a western medicine: "if you take it, you won't get seasick."

Gu Qingzhou hesitated: "are you going to poison me and then throw me into the sea to destroy my body?"

Si Xingfu is slightly angry, throwing the medicine into his mouth, breaking off her jaw and sending it to her throat with the tip of his tongue.

Gu Qingzhou wants to spit out. Si Xingli gives her a mouthful of water, and the pill flows into her stomach.

"Kill you?" Si Xingfu stares at her, "even if I kill you, I won't throw you into the sea. How can I throw you away again?"

"Disgusting!" Gu Qingzhou hits him with something.

His hand was buckled by Si Xingfu, and his body was lightly covered. He pressed Gu Qingzhou on the table. The Begonia flowers on the table cloth were forged by the snow, which set off Gu Qingzhou's face.

Gu Qingzhou's black hair falls among the Begonia flowers. Instead of taking away the beauty of Gu Qingzhou, the flowers are embellished with her charm.

The eyes of Qing Zhan are moving, and Gu Qingzhou is enchanting. His throat is tight.

She is always in a moment, when her eyes move, it's so beautiful that people want to commit a crime. It seems that if she doesn't abuse her severely, she'll be sorry for her blooming fury.

Si Xingqi has seen many beauties. Some of them are holy and don't touch the dust. It seems that they all desecrate the beauty with a little force, but taking care of the light boat is not among them.

The older Gu Qingzhou grows up, the more strange and charming she is. Like a goblin, she seems to have some stains on her body, making people want to commit crimes and sink.

"My brother is still in the ballroom!" Gu immediately clenched his arm. "Si Xingfu, don't go crazy."

"Well, say hello and we'll be off." The manager pulled her up.

If he doesn't get up again, he's afraid he can't control it.

It's not that sixingfu's self-control is getting worse, but that his boat is getting more and more attractive.

"Ah?" Gu was surprised. "How can I get off the boat?"

"I have my own way," he said with a smile

Gu Shao is in a hurry waiting in the ballroom.

Instead of asking Miss Shi to dance, he was anxious to see the boat back.

This is on board. It shouldn't be a big deal. Gu Shao is afraid that Gu Qingzhou won't get used to the food on board, and he's too embarrassed to knock on the door.

He also suspected that Gu didn't go for long at all, but he was too worried and mistook time for a slow one.

When Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu came in, Gu Shao suddenly stood up and his face changed.

"Elder brother, I just met young commander." Gu explained.

Gu Shao lowered his head, did not speak, and did not say hello to Si Xingfu.

"Well, when we're done, let's get out of the boat." The Secretary hugged the waist of the boat.

Gu Qingzhou ducked in a hurry.

This is Yuecheng's boat. There must be people on board. What if you recognize them?

She went around.

"Get off the ship?" Gu Shao was surprised. "Isn't it Hangzhou?"

"What's the difference between Hangzhou and now?" "I won't be with you all the time anyway," said Si Xingfu

Gu Shao's lips are white.

"Si Xingfu!" Gu Qingzhou gnawed his teeth.

Si Xingfu's face also sank slowly: "am I wrong?"

Gu Shao and Gu Qingzhou are not related by blood. Si Xingfu knows that. The two brothers and sisters are deeply in love, and Si Xingfu is willing to maintain them, but he has a degree, after which he can't stand it.

Gu Qingzhou can send Gu Shao, but it can't go on forever.

What's the matter? Are you going to rest on the boat tonight?

"Let's go!" Si Xingfu took up the hand of Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou shakes off.

He didn't shake it, but was hugged in his arms by Shi Xingfu. His voice was harsh: "the boat is obedient. Don't force me to drive this boat back to Yuecheng. You know how I will deal with you."

Gu Qingzhou was so angry that tears rolled down.

She didn't want Gu Shao to see her crying, so she didn't turn around and was taken out of the ballroom by the company's carrier.

Gu Shao catches up: "Zhouzhou?"

As his voice drifted away, Gu Qingzhou saw that the deputy of Si Xingfu was blocking Gu Shao at the door of the ballroom, and he was not allowed to catch up with him.

Gu Qingzhou cries with rage.

"Bandits, bandits!" She scolded Si Xingfu and wept.

Si Xingfu bowed his head and kissed her on the cheek: "is it because I am angry and cry, or is it because of the soft shrimp?"

"Bastard!" Gu Qingzhou felt that he had insulted Gu Shao, and he was about to hit him.

Si Xingfu caught her hand and said with a low smile: "if someone scolds me as a soft footed shrimp, you certainly don't want to contradict. Why are you so excited when you come to Gu Shao?"

Gu Qingzhou's excitement is tantamount to acknowledging Gu Shao's weakness.

It is because of this that the words of Si Xingfu are regarded as insults to Gu Shao.

Be stabbed in the pain, because the pain and weakness are real.

"You bully the weak, you stink!" Gu Qingzhou spat at him, "let go!"

"Bullying the weak?" Si Xingfu is funny. "Gu Qingzhou, if you don't look at him, he doesn't even have the qualification to be despised by me. Before you think about his self-esteem, think about what you've done! "

"I didn't!" Gu Qingzhou's tears came out again.

It's not sad, it's not weak, it's angry, it's helpless.

In the back cabin of the crew, there is a small door to put down the boat.

The boat stopped, put down the boat, and Si Xingfu went down first. Then the adjutant tied the rope for Gu Qingzhou and put him down.

The boat is very small. There is no ship passing through the vast ocean.

The rain has stopped, but the sky is gray and chilly.

The adjutants also lowered two boats, with a total of six adjutants following.

He rowed his own boat.

"If it's a big wave, we'll both be buried under the sea." Gu Qingzhou shivered and tightly pulled his coat together.

But he did not answer, but looked up.

He beckoned to look back at the boat.

Gu turns around and sees Gu Shao standing on the deck waving to her.

"Goodbye, brother." Gu Qingzhou also waved goodbye.

The speed of the cruise is very fast, and it's getting farther and farther. Gu Qingzhou only sees the sky blue figure on the deck, standing still all the time, but he doesn't know that Gu Shao has already shed tears on his face.

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