Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 255 the kiss of Gu Qingzhou

After the couple left, Gu Qingzhou didn't look well.

"What's the matter?" The Secretary asked her.

Sometimes men are really hateful. I don't know if they are dull or play dumb.

"Don't say I'm your wife!" Gu warned him.

Her warning, with three points of temptation, seven points of resistance. She doesn't need to think about it, because hope eventually leads to disappointment.

She can't afford any more disappointment.

She even hoped that Si Xingfu would ask, "why not?"

But he didn't.

Sikang Chui smiled and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. "You're too particular."

She protested. He didn't insist. The so-called "madam" was just a joke.

His answer confirmed it.

Gu Qingzhou knows in his heart that he is still a little lost. Fortunately, I didn't expect much from the beginning, and this disappointment gradually dissipated.

What else can she count on?

This little misunderstanding didn't affect their mood. Gu Qingzhou also left it.

She already knew the result.

Such a result is not surprising at all. Si Xingfu kept telling her from the day he met her.

"My brother must be very sad. He didn't say goodbye." The only thing Gu couldn't bear was this.

Si Xingfu is a bandit.

Don't say that Gu Shao has no blood relationship with her. Even if the male wolf rushes to Dushan, Si Xingfu will be jealous.

"You went with him?" Si Xingfu said coldly and hugged her vigorously. "Come out to play with me, do you want other men? Gu Qingzhou, do you have itchy skin? "

Gu Qingzhou pushes him away.

When running forward, he grabbed his arm and dragged it out and fell into his arms.

She stared at him.

Si Xingfu is very clear. It's endless.

Gu Qingzhou never softens.

In front of her, only when she is more restrained, can she be obedient. She is a guy who eats soft but not hard.

Si Xingfu doesn't want to ruin today. He suppresses his jealousy and hugs her gently: "boat, spend a day with me. If I die one day, you don't have a good memory. It's all in a mess... "

he hasn't finished, and Gu Qingzhou's hand has tightly covered his lips.

Her hands are soft, with a light fragrance, soft and delicate.

Si Xingfu was in a good mood immediately. The jealousy disappeared without trace. He kissed her gently on the palm: "you have a conscience!"

She was reluctant to let him die.

He danced with Gu Qingzhou, turning her up several times, and Gu Qingzhou couldn't help laughing. Under the light of the lantern, her eyebrows and eyes are bright, like the charming and bright eyes from the black clothes and hair.

The two of them are crazy.

The other people in the ballroom are crazy. Everyone is very happy.

He opened a bottle of wine and brandy, and unconsciously drank them all.

At seven o'clock in the evening, there were more and more people in the ballroom, but they were tired of playing and went back to the cabin.

Gu doesn't take off his shoes either. First, the cat goes to bed and chooses the most appropriate place to lie down.

Si Xingfu snuggled up to her.

Instead of kissing her as hard as usual, he lay on his side and pressed his face against hers.

Two people dance and drink, their faces are hot. Pasted together, it seems more and more hot.

Gu Qingzhou can smell the wine on him.

"Canoe?" Si Xingfu gently grasped her hand and murmured.

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

She closed her eyes a little and waited for him to rush over and kiss her as usual, and even do something else.

For a long time, he didn't move.

Gu Qingzhou side Yi sees his eyes shining at her, as if he wants to remember her appearance firmly, which makes Gu Qingzhou's heart seep.

She was dumbfounded and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Canoe, kiss me." Si Xingfu's voice was low, mute and mellow, like that glass of brandy, with the fragrance of temptation, intoxicating.

Since they met, they were all kissing her and forcing her to resist.

She never responded.

Once upon a time she would cry when she kissed; then she would frown when she kissed, and now she kisses her with a habitual patience, as if she had given the task.

Just then, she closed her eyes and waited, but her lips held back slightly. She was very aggrieved.

She didn't kiss him.

"You're making a fool of yourself again." Take care of the side of the boat and point your slim back at him.

Si Xingfu's hand, gently rub along her back vertebra.

When sliding to the tailbone, waves of torrents surged. Gu immediately turned over and pressed down. He was not allowed to move.

"Canoe, kiss me." Si Xingfu coaxes her and draws it slowly.

He is not impatient, like a small fire stewing her, stewing very sentimental.

Gu Qingzhou looks into his eyes. In his deep eyes, she is reflected.

She in his reflection is better than that in the mirror. Maybe in his eyes, she is so beautiful.

Si Xingfu is a man who doesn't give up until he reaches his goal.

Gu Qingzhou pesters with him and finally loses the battle, unless she cries and makes a lot of noise. Today, she is very happy and doesn't want to cry. She plans to obey him.

"Just for a moment, no more requests." Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu's eyes are slightly bent.

He may be drunk. When he squints and smiles, he is so handsome that he looks a hundred times better than his usual ferocious appearance.

"I'm full of wine, so are you." Gu Qingzhou said, "I'll gargle."

Si Xingfu said yes.

He was obedient and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

After that, Gu Qingzhou took a cup of honey water, rinsed his mouth and gave it to him.

The secretary put up the clothes and washed the baby twice. Honey water is a little thick, so it is very sweet, with the fragrance of sweet clover.

He sat half in bed and raised his face to look after the boat.

Gu Qingzhou hesitated and came to him, holding up his face.

Her lips slowly fell down, full and soft, slightly cool, and pasted on him; then, he felt her breath, very sweet, is the sweetness of honey water.

She promised him, so she kissed him morally, not perfunctorily, not lightly. She learned the way sixingpei used to look, and slowly pushed the soft tip of her tongue over her.

Si xinghuan hugged her waist and jumped with his heart. He wanted to hold her back, but he forbear.

He didn't destroy the beauty of the moment.

The kiss lasted for a minute, and when it was released, both of them turned a little red.

Si Xingfu hugged her and pressed her head on her: "thank you very much, canoe!"

He asked, she did, both in a good mood.

Two people lie on the bed, Si Xingfu holds her in her arms, and speaks to her softly.

He is in a rare good mood today.

Later, it was he who first fell asleep in a daze, with strong and strong arms, and held the boat firmly.

At night, the wind blows and the cruise ship is bumpy. Gu Qingzhou wakes up at three o'clock.

She was so thirsty that she wanted to get up and drink water.

When she moved, she woke up.

"Thirsty." Gu Qingzhou road.

After about five minutes, a waiter pushed the dining car.

There is a pot of warm hot water and a large glass of juice in the dining car. In addition, there are coffee, cake, fried egg, milk and porridge, two delicate and refreshing dishes.

Gu Qingzhou's stomach is hot and dry. She poured a cool juice and sat on the chair in front of the window to drink it slowly. Her legs are on the chair, pretty and lovely.

Si Xingfu was a little annoyed, so he took a shower.

"I can't sleep." When the secretary came out, Gu Qingzhou raised his eyes and said to him, "I slept too early last night, and now I can't sleep."

"Put on your clothes and go to the deck to blow." Si Xingfu road.

The sky was still dark, and the sea in the distance was boundless. The waves danced around the side of the boat. After taking care of the boat, he changed his clothes and wore the strong wind cloak of Si Xingfu.

When the cool wind blows, the whole person is refreshed.

Si Xingfu depends on smoking on the railings in her downwind.

"I'm used to it. There's nothing to be bumped about." Gu Qingzhou said to Si Xingfu, "I will do nothing in the future. I really want to travel around the world by boat. To Singapore, to America, to Europe. Every time I go to a place, I will stop for a few years... "

Si Xingfu spits out the clouds and says:" when the South and north of the Yangtze River are unified and our land is not surrounded strongly, I will take you to play, wherever you want. "

Take care of the boat.

The sea breeze stirred her green silk.

She swung her hair, and Qingsi slipped gently over sixianfu's face, with a light rose fragrance.

"Si Xingfu, do you think it's your responsibility to unify China?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"Of course, otherwise why did God give me such a bad life?" "He gave me everything I wanted most: I was smarter than others, and more ruthless than them. The wound healed faster than human beings. I have you!"

The more you have, the more responsibility you have.

Si Xingfu felt that he was the only one to end the Warlord's turmoil and separatism, and he had the responsibility to maintain unity.

We need to realize such an ideal. The road ahead is rough.

Gu Qingzhou sighed and thought, "I can't help him."

The cruise ship arrived in Hangzhou and stopped for four hours.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu went shopping, ate a good restaurant and went to the West Lake.

When the ship was about to leave, Si Xingfu sent Gu Qingzhou on board and said to her, "this cruise ship doesn't pass Yuecheng, but they will put you down when they enter the port."

Gu Qingzhou is slightly shocked: "how about you?"

"I was planning to go to Hangzhou. It's a little bit trivial, military. Don't ask. Take a boat home, and the adjutant will take care of you. " Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou was slightly surprised.

She didn't think of that.

She reached out and hugged Sixiang.

Si Xingfu touched her head and said with a smile, "I'm reluctant to part with you."

"No." She whispered, "be safe."

Si Xingfu raised her chin and kissed her a few times before getting off the ship.

Gu took the boat alone and didn't go to play. He spent the whole day sleeping. He didn't arrive at the wharf until 3 a.m. the next day.

There was a car ready at the wharf, and the adjutant sent Gu Qingzhou to Gu mansion.

The servant opened the door. The second aunt, who was very sleepy, went downstairs.

"I'm worried." Second aunt too see Gu Qingzhou, caress the heart, "you finally come back."

"I'm fine. I said it would take two days." Gu Qingzhou smiles and prepares to go upstairs.

Second aunt too way: "I also worry about being afraid, you walk these two days, the family is very uneasy.". Fortunately, you have come back safely, Amitabha. "

"What's the matter at home?" Gu Qingzhou steps upstairs, standing at the winding place of the stairs, and asks aunt Eryi.

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